Saturday, June 17, 2017

Lightfinger Future Frontiers Donk Dreamz Jam - June 6th 2017

Published on Jun 17, 2017 Lightfinger

"Here is a jam showcasing two patches from my new Future Frontiers Patch Collection for Novation Circuit. The collection contains 46 new patches suitable for many musical styles.

The patches are available for purchase at

Purchase now and receive my Future Retro Sample Set Collection as a free bonus! I am using my Planet X Sample Set in this video.

This jam were recorded directly to a Focusrite Saffire PRO 24 DSP and has no additional processing.

All of my Launch Control XL templates can be downloaded for free from my website here:"

toolbox vid1 - Buchla Music Easel Through a Scope

Published on Jun 16, 2017 Brian Comnes

CASIO VZ-8M rare digital synth expander module

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I believe this is the first image of one on the site. You can find a small handful of previous posts featuring the Casio VZ-8M here.

Kawai K3 Synthesizer

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Minimoog Service & Operation Manual

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"1) Schematics and Circuit Diagrams: Twenty 11"x17" schematic diagrams on ten double sided fold out sheets dated 1970 - 1973 with these titles:

* MINI D OSCILLATOR P.C. BRD. ASSY. SCHEMATIC (Date: 4-10-72, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI BOARD No.3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ( Date: 7–5-73, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg New York.) There are 4 circuit diag. on this page: “DUAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR”, “MODULATION AMP MIX”, “NOISE GENERATOR”, “HEADPHONE AMP”.

* MINI-MOOG BOARD 1 COMPONENT LOCATION (Date: 7-73, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI-MOOG BOARD 2 COMPONENT LOCATION (Date: 7-73, Moog Music Inc.,Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI-MOOG BOARD 3 COMPONENT LOCATION (Date: 7-73, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI-MOOG BOARD 4 COMPONENT LOCATION (Date: 7-73, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI BOARD No.2 CONTOUR GEN. & KEYBOARD CIRCUIT SCHEM. DIAG. (Date: 7-73 Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

* MINI “D” FILTER BOARD ASSY. SCHEMATIC BOARD 4 (Date: 7-73, Moog Music Inc., Williamsburg, New York)

OBERHEIM OB-SX 6-Voice Vintage Analog Synth

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Red Sound Darkstar XP2 SN 00768

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"This is a quirky and raw sounding unit, which is part of their appeal."

Kind of like a rougher sounding Juno-106 imo.

Korg MEX-8000 Memory Expander SN 002051

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"compatible with the DW 6000, DW 8000, EX 8000, Poly 800 mkII, EX 800, and the DVP 1.

Basically, it has 4 banks of storage, with each bank capable of holding 64 additional patches for any of these synths, and can be used with several at once (for example bank A can store sounds for the Poly 800, and Bank B could hold patches for the EX 8000, etc.)."

1980s KORG POLY-800 SN 037678 w/ Original Box

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Korg Wavestation Demos by Woody Piano Shack

Published on Jun 17, 2017 Woody Piano Shack


1. Korg WAVESTATION demo PT1 | Pickup, introduction and sounds

"Join me on a journey to discover the Korg Wavestation EX, starting on a summer evening with a pickup of this legendary 1990 synthesizer. We'll discuss the history, features and specifications and listen to some preset sound patches that show how the synthesizer does really nice lush pads and evolving mbient textures."

2. Korg WAVESTATION demo PT2 | ROM1 preset sounds

"In this Korg Wavestation EX demo we will explore the fabulous ambient pads and other incredible sounds in the ROM1 preset bank."

3. Korg WAVESTATION demo PT3 | Sunset soundscapes

"The Korg Wavestation EX goes outdoors under the sunset skies for a demo of the preset sounds from the RAM1 sound bank. We'll demonstrate many of the evolving pads and rhythmic sequences that are typical of the wave sequencing and vector synthesis technologies employed by this Wavestation synth from 1990."

4. Korg WAVESTATION demo PT4 | Crescent moon

"Let's take the Korg Wavestation EX out under the clear skies on a summer evening to demo the preset sounds from the RAM2 sound bank. We'll demonstrate many of the evolving pads and rhythmic sequences that are typical of the wave sequencing and vector synthesis technologies employed by the Wavestation synth from 1990."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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