Monday, October 12, 2020

Mystic Circuits Panels Are Purple Now & Using Ana for Note Sequences

Mystic Circuits

"Here is a little announcement about something we have had in the works for awhile now. All of our modules will have Purple and Silver PCB Panels going forward with limited runs of black panels every once in awhile. Let us know what you think, we hope you like the new panels as much as we do."

Using Ana for Note Sequences
Mystic Circuits

"Today we have another instructional video on how to get the most out of Ana with this episode focusing on how to use Ana to process note sequences. Unlike normal logic processing modules Ana also works with variable voltages which allows us to do all sorts of fun non-linear processes to instantly transform a melody with the twist of a knob. When it comes to note sequences Ana is capable of a lot of handy tricks either processing a single sequence or combining multiple sequences and always providing multiple outputs for quickly manipulating polyphonic note information."

MEGAfm samplepack for OP-1, OP-Z, Digitakt, Ableton, Samplers

True Cuckoo

"Hello, here's a unique sample pack made with the Megadrive synthesiser, MEGA fm by Twisted Electrons. Over 300 samples of around 30 cuckoo patches that I made in the process. There's alien stuff, percussive stuff, kick drums, sharp metalling sound, and fluffy flutes.

Purchase the pack here:"

Toy, or pure joy? Modal SKULPT Synthesiser - Sound Demo (No Talking)


"Skulpt is a powerful desktop performance synthesiser featuring a unique 32-oscillator virtual analogue sound engine. It's really easy to handle lets you create exciting sound textures from super-soft to ultra-brutal.

But, is it a toy or pure joy? You decide!"

The forgotten 1950s vacuum tube synthesizer is back - Hohner Electronium modded


"The Hohner Electronium, a German 1950s vaccuum tube synth in accordion form, came to me end of 2019 and worked for all of one day. It took me some to time to find a reliable tech that could fix it and also mod it. Now it boasts a send/return, so we can hear the direct sound of this gorgeous 1950s synth and add FX. And add FX I did."

Softube Model 72 vs Minimoog vs Synapse Legend: A Review and demo of Softube Model 72

Starsky Carr

"Hurray... another copyright claim on a filter sweep!! during an in depth walkthrough and review of Softube's excellent Model 72 Minimoog soft synth, FX and Modular System.

0:00 intro
1:28 overview
6:56 oscillators
14:55 Filters
19:13 FM
25:35 overdrive
30:00 final thoughts"

07- The Arturia PolyBrute- Ladder Filter Part A


"Here is the first part of a two-part video that portrays the sound and functionality of the Ladder Filter present on the Arturia PolyBrute."

AutomaticGainsay Arturia PolyBrute posts

07 10 20 Serge Frequency Shifter and voices [01]


"Késako player & reverb playing a sample, sent to Serge Frequency shifter."

Gestures on Sidraw

Meng Qi

"Sidraw is an experimental electronic instrument, based on Ciat-Lonbarde Sidrazzi circuit board, and my interface experiments.

There is a way to design electronic musical interface, which is not to consider sound parameters, but to think from the angle of circuit interference, I call it 'Circuit Expression'.

It can be seen on various experimental electronic musical instruments. From the Crackle Box by Michel Waisvisz back in 1970s, to the new Landscape Stereo Field and Martin Howse Dark Interpreter. UK synth designer Tom Bugs also had been utilizing them in the Weevil series of work. I've commissioned a special version of Chirper from Tom Bugs, which may have pushed the release of Board Chirper model a year later.
This method has a lot to do with circuit instability, touch and feedback. by touching selected circuit nodes, new connections are made, circuits behaviors are affected.

On sound output, it may result in a complex change on a combination of sound parameters (loudness, pitch, timber), and expressive reactions can be found.

I've found expressive behaviors from touching specific parts in Sidrazzi circuit, thus Sidraw is born.


Sidraw 是一台实验电子乐器。

它基于 Ciat-Lonbarde Sidrazzi 电路板,还有我在演奏界面上的一些实验成果。

有一种设计演奏界面的思路,并不考虑通过演奏来改变声音参数(例如通过滤波的参数改变谐波能量, 或者通过控制增益改变响度),而是考虑电路的干扰。我把这种做法叫做“电路表达”。

这种思路在历史上有不少实验乐器进行了实践。从上世纪七十年代 Michel Waisvisz 的 Crackle Box,到新的 Landscape Stereo Field 和 Martin Howse Dark Interpreter。英国合成器设计师 Tom Bugs 也曾经在 Weevil 系列中使用了这种思路。我本人曾经从他那订制过一台特殊版本的 Chirper,带有触摸点。这件事可能也推动了一年后 Board Chirper 的诞生。

“电路表达”利用了电路的不稳定性、触摸和回授。通过触摸一些电路节点,新的连接产生,改变电路 的反应。在声音上,这通常会导致声音参数的一些复杂变化。也可能会找到富有表现力的反应。

而 Sidraw 之所以诞生,就是因为我找到了一些 Sidrazzi 电路的良好反应。


The Sidraw made its first appearance back in December of 2019.

Eurorack modular synth VCF-74 VCO-81 D-ENV NSTH

Vintage Synthlab

"Eurorack modular synth demo including all-analog modules: VCO-81 (oscillators); VCF-74/mk2 (filters for synths, kick noise, snare noise); N-STH (uncorrelated W/P noise sources); D-ENV (Env Gen., w/ delay)."

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Night-time Lockdown Hangs with the Novation Summit (and a little wine...)

Mike Pensini

"Testing the updated live-streaming setup with a little sound-design/noodling on the Summit x"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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