MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Oscillator Sink

Showing posts sorted by date for query Oscillator Sink. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Oscillator Sink. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Elektron Digitone Ambient Minijam - Little Divisor/Playful Primes

Published on Apr 13, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"Following on from a previous jam where I was experimenting with using sequences with prime number lengths, I wanted to try something a little more up-tempo using similar ideas, but using smaller sequences so that the overlapping, shifting feeling was more prominent. I was hoping to get something a little Steve Reich-esque using this technique and I at least ended up in the right ball-park.

I also built my sequences with a number of pre-prepared "lock trigs" (the green ones that don't trigger a note to play), which I could switch into note trigs during the performance to alter the patterns in pre-determined ways and bring in new rhythms and harmonies (this is a technique I use on the Arturia sequencers a lot as well)."

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Elektron Digitone Ambient Minijam - Peace in the Primes (#2HAC)

Published on Apr 9, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"This is my contribution to the most recent 2 Hour Album Challenge release run by Ben Burnes.

The theme for the challenge this time was 'Zen', and I took the opportunity to experiment with the idea of using overlapping sequences with prime number lengths so see how they would overlap and interact.

You can find this track, along with over 30 others on the 'Zen' album here: - it's free to download, but if you want to make a donation, all proceeds are donated to a local cat shelter.

The Two Hour Album Challenge (2HAC) is a community-driven challenge to collectively start and complete an album of music in two hours.

At the start of the challenge, a theme is chosen randomly. Each participant then independently (or collaboratively) writes a song with that theme in mind using a strict time limit of two hours.

This album is free to download, proceeds from album purchases will go to the Angel of Hope animal rescue:

More information can be found here:"

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Elektron Digitakt - Full Set (Techno/Electro)

Published on Apr 6, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"If you enjoyed this set you can download it here:

It's priced as 'Pay-What-You-Want' so grab it for free with my blessing, but if you want to chuck a few quid my way, it helps support the channel!

I love the Elektron Digitakt, so for the last few weeks, when I have a spare minute I've been putting together patterns with the intention of recording a live set - well here it is!

All sounds coming straight from the Digitakt's main outs (with some light mastering processing applied to the final product), recorded live in a single take."


How I Made My Digitakt Set

Monday, April 01, 2019

Arturia Minibrute 2 / 2S - Let's Build...

Published on Apr 1, 2019 Oscillator Sink

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Arturia Minibrute 2S - One Box Techno Jam - Patch Walk-Through

For those interested, a walkthrough for Oscillator Sink's Arturia Minibrute 2S - One Box Techno Jam has been added here.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Arturia Minibrute 2S - One Box Techno Jam

Published on Mar 23, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"I was recording some tutorial videos for the Arturia Minibrute 2S today (and they're coming soon!), but while I was experimenting with ideas for a tutorial things got... a little out of hand!

This jam is one take, all sounds coming from the Minibrute 2S going through a Digitech Polara reverb. As you can see - the patching is fairly extensive and I'm making use of some of the extra modes on tracks 3 and 4 of the sequencer, but it turned out to be a great patch to make some live, improvised techno with!

Anyone who follows the channel knows that I'm a big fan of "one-box" challenges - well the Minibrute 2S passes with flying colours! I'll come back to trying to patch up something similar another time.

If you're interested in how the patch is set up - let me know in the comments and I'll see if I can squeeze a video in before I tear the patch down.

Transparency Notice: The MicroBrute 2S was kindly provided to me by Arturia."


Arturia Minibrute 2S - One Box Techno Jam - Patch Walk-Through

Published on Mar 27, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"A few days ago I posted a one-box jam on the Arturia Minibrute 2S which combined, drums, bass and drones in one patch. I asked if people wanted a walk-through of the patch - they did, so here we are!

In this video we look at making the drum sounds, how we can route them so that we're not beholden to the main amp for envelopes and take a look at two of the alternative uses for sequencer tracks 3 and 4."

Friday, March 22, 2019

Free Korg Monologue Patch Pack: Drum and Percussion Loops

Published on Mar 22, 2019 Oscillator Sink

Korg Monologue Drums and Percussion Loops Patch Pack - Demo of All 30 Patches

"I'm excited to announce a new patch pack for the Korg Monologue that is being released in association with Korg.

This patch pack is maybe a little different to most others for the Monologue. It's actually more of a “loop pack” - 30 drum and percussion loops for the Korg Monologue.

I know what you're thinking: “the Monologue isn't a drum machine”. But thanks to the Monologue’s exceptional sequencer, it absolutely can be, and using a monosynth as a drum machine can yield exciting, unique percussive loops and textures that you'd just never arrive at with conventional drum machines.

Although you can select one of these patches and play the keyboard, the real fun comes when you start the sequencer. Each patch is designed to be a standalone loop which you can use out of the box, but I've tried to leave plenty in each patch to explore. The mod lever is set to offer instant tweaking gratification, but playing with the other parameters can reveal all sorts of new expressions; also try enabling and disabling the sequencer steps, tweaking the motion sequence and changing the notes in the sequence. Please note that because some of the patches rely on tempo-synced LFOs, you may need to restart the sequence after changing patches,

These loops also sound great with additional processing - try adding compression, saturation, delay, reverb etc. in your DAW or on your mixing desk to enhance and augment the loops.

I hope that in addition to being fun loops to use in your own music, whether you use them as they come, or you tweak them to perfection, this pack demonstrates how you can create your own unique percussion loops on the Monologue.

Download the patches from Korg here:"

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Elektron Digitakt: Monster Mono-synth?!

Published on Mar 9, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"The Elektron Digitakt is a wonderful sampler, sequencer, groovebox... thing! But what if I told you that it's also a monster mono-synth? The rantings of a mad-man? Well maybe! But when you consider that each of its eight sampler tracks can be set up to act as a highly configurable oscillator by looping short, single-cycle wave-forms, the prospect of an 8 oscillator mono-synth starts to sound somewhat appealing!

In this video I take a look at setting up the Digitakt to act like a mono-synth and walk through building an 8-oscillator mono-synth patch from scratch."

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Elektron Digitakt Minijam - 2018-03-03

Published on Mar 3, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"I totally hadn't noticed the date (happy 3/03 day everyone!), otherwise obviously I'd have done some on-the-nose (and probably not very good) acid. Instead we've got some dark and moody vibes based around down-tuned kalimba loops on the Elektron Digitakt.

I'm making a lot of use of conditional triggers paired with retrigs set at different beat divisions to get a polyrhythm feel in some places along with different track lengths for some polymeter action too.

I'm also making use of reverb. A lot of reverb. So much reverb. Reverb. Reeerrrvvvvverrrrrrbbbbbbbbb...."

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Gear Day - Elektron Digitakt

Published on Feb 17, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"Of course it happened, I could only hold out so long: I picked up a Digitakt, and it's love at first sight!

Here are my first 3 patterns from the first 3 days of ownership. All stock samples, raw out of the Digitakt, all effects coming from the Digitakt."

Sunday, January 20, 2019

#jamuary2019 Day 20 - Korg Minilogue and Monologue

Published on Jan 20, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"Today I decided to expand on yesterday's setup by way of adding the Minilogue's plucky younger cousin the Monologue to the party.

The Monologue is being used as a drum synth (I think I use it more for 'drums' than for anything else these days!) and the Minilogue is providing a pulsating pad. As with most of this years jamuary jams, the Zoom MS-CDR70 is on delay and reverb duty (and acting as a makeshift mixer)."

Saturday, January 19, 2019

#jamuary2019 Day 19 - Korg Minilogue

Published on Jan 19, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"After a few days off thanks to a combination of work and illness, I'm easing myself back in with the Minilogue. A fairly simple patch (with a little bit of cross mod shininess); an arpeggiated chord progression; delay and reverb provided by the Zoom MS-CDR70; and some obligatory knob tweaking. Just what I needed to get up and running again."

Friday, January 04, 2019

#jamuary2019 Day 4 - Elektron Digitone

Published on Jan 4, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"I had a real hankering for some Digitone action this evening, so I went ahead and got me some! The jam is 4 patterns (one for each section), but each pattern is only one bar long - they might seem longer because of a lot of conditional trigs. I worked that way because in my head I thought it'd be quicker - Jury is still out on that theory!"

Volca jam for Jamuary 2019: day 3 (Abel)

Published on Jan 4, 2019 Slenterende Beer

"'Jamuary' is a yearly event where people upload short music jams every day throughout the month of January. This submission is for January 3rd, by Abel.

We're huge Tycho fans, and this jam is clearly inspired by their music.

Korg Volca Sample + Korg Monotron Delay
Korg Volca Keys + Zoom MS-50G
Korg Volca FM + Source Audio Ventris
Korg Volca Bass + Chase Bliss Audio Thermae + GFI System Specular Reverb V2
Arturia Beatstep Pro
Arturia Keystep
Miditech MIDI Thru/Filter
Mixer: Behringer XENYX UFX1204
Power: Strymon Zuma

Video recorded with iPhone 7. Audio recorded with UFX1204 in "standalone" mode, recording directly to USB HDD.
If you have questions about how everything (Volcas, effects, controllers) is connected (power, audio, MIDI), check out this video:
The Volca FM patch is by Oscillator Sink:

You can stream our music from Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play and other streaming services, or download our music from Bandcamp:"

Thursday, January 03, 2019

#jamuary2019 Day 3 - Teenage Engineering PO-33 KO

Published on Jan 3, 2019 Oscillator Sink

"Well, I already managed to miss a day of Jamuary, but again, a few minutes spare to send some time with the PO-33 always is time well spent. I walked around the house tapping bottles and shaking baby toys to replenish some of the sample banks - I'll definitely be trying that kind of thing again because the results were kinda fun!"

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Elektron Digitone Minijam - 2018-12-16

Published on Dec 16, 2018 Oscillator Sink

"A bit of a different jam today - early on when putting together the track it started to feel a bit like a video game soundtrack, so I started to lean into that a bit...or a lot. So here's the "Forest Town" level from an imaginary RPG!"

Saturday, December 15, 2018

New Gear Day! Korg Minilogue Platinum Grey

Published on Dec 15, 2018 Oscillator Sink

"It's was always going to happen - I got a Miniloguel but I did get the swaggest version - the limited edition Platinum Grey.

Let me know in the comments if you want to see anything in particular covered in upcoming videos - patch building, comparisons, tips and tricks etc. I've already got a bit of a list but I'm happy to hear requests!

It's very different to the DeepMind, so complements it nicely in my setup - but more on that in another video.

Here's a few patches I've built since it arrived. I'm addicted to the lofi, gritty, noisy delay at the moment - I'll dial it back later, but for now I'm just swamping everything in it!"

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Teenage Engineering PO-33 KO: Three MOAR Little Beats

Published on Nov 25, 2018 Oscillator Sink

"Sometimes you've got to grab the opportunity to jam when you can! The PO-33 is great for jamming on the sofa in-between changing nappies and sleeping. Here are 3 more little beats I've been playing around with."

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction, also on Reverb

"It is an analog monosynthe module that puts MIDI in minimoog and put it in 4 U rack size. The width of the sound making has been greatly expanded compared to the original minimoog such as oscillator sink, sweeper, etc, which is equipped with modulation dedicated LFO which can be blended with oscillator 3. Because we can control cutoff and volume of filter by velocity and after touch, expressive power is up. There are scratches in some places. There is a curvature of the rack ear in the upper left and the lower right. accessories Copy Japanese manual"

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Elektron Digitone Ambient Minijam - 2018-11-11

Published on Nov 11, 2018 Oscillator Sink

"Finishing jams (or anything!) with a newborn in the house is tricky - but I've realised that what I need is to give myself restrictions - gear, time, complexity, etc. - that has really helped, and it feels great to finish a jam! It's a bit of a chilled, ambient, sleepy, Sunday jam; I hope you enjoy it!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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