Monday, October 29, 2007

At the Drive-In: 198d

YouTube via k13lur. Sent my way via Larry. Anyone know what keys they are using?
"Live on Channel V"

And for those with a sense of humor, also via Larry: :)
At The Drive In - We Drink Ritalin

YouTube via optimustine. If anyone knows the track and synths used in this vid feel free to comment.
"for positive at the drive in fans only."

Workspace and Environment: Aaron Spectre

Another workspace post is up on trash_audio for those interested. I spotted a Novation Nova and x0xb0x. I always wanted a Nova. I'm curious how much the later K-Stations could cover the Nova and Supernova. From samples I've heard and some play time with the the K-Stations, they seem brighter to me.


flickr by dreikelvin

Looks like the new Stylophone is shipping. I sent dreikelvin an email asking about the mp3 support. Hopefully we will hear back, so be sure to check back. Update on this below.

"Just got my Stylophone(ordered it at:"

click here for the full size image.

Update: I heard back from dreikelvin:
"Actually, it is not that spectacular as it sounded in the product description. There is an input-jack for an external audio source (like an mp3-player) which can be used for passing-through an audio signal and mix it with the stylophone sounds. no samples are generated, pitched or saved in memory." Dubrek

toad & fronstwave fat controller

Image of a toad that wandered in from the typhoon in yokohama the other night, sent my way via Gregg of Darkflame.

Gregg's modular noodlings have been featured on Matrixsynth here and he is friends with Hataken.

I think this marks the first Toad post. :)

click the image for the full size shot.

Plan B Model M11 Demo


The patch for this sample is pictured. Nothing but Plan B.

Morton Subotnick - The Wild Bull (1968, US, electronic)

"This Piece was named after a Sumerian poem (c 1700 BC). Morton Subotnick always used the Buchla synthesizer as his electronic instrument. Don Buchla was the west coast counterpart of the east coast Bob Moog. His synthesizers didn't have real keyboards, they were made for producing electronic sounds, not melodies."

via Wiel's Time Capsule where you can find a stream and more of the album.

Update via Wavedeform in the comments: "The CD of this is still in print. Mort's site has ordering information."

New England Synth Museum

David Camlin

"The late David Wilson, curator of the New England Synthesizer Museum, discusses his collection of analogue synthesizers."

"In the quiet town of Nashua, New Hampshire lies the New England Synthesizer Museum. Curator Dave Wilson collects and repairs sythesizers and has worked various duties including proofreading and development for some of the world's most renowned synth makers. The museum is open to the public, contact him at for appointments. Synth donations are accepted." The Eye - New England Synth Museum
Note the first ARP 2500 previously posted here.

Novation Supernova 2 Synthesizer in Hi-Fi

YouTube via shaft9000. Sent my way via Mr. Array.
"These are patches I programmed myself, with the exception of the "Oh of Pleasure" arp which is a preset. All are played in single program mode w/ only the SN2's on-board effects, recorded direct with no EQ or compression into Sonar. The audio is then converted to mono for YouTube streaming. I figured most people would like to see and hear how well the SN2 emulates the synths it was designed to sound like : Jupiter & Juno, OB-Xa, MKS-80&70, Synthex etc Please do excuse the occasional bum note as I barrel my way through bits of Van Halen's "Jump", Tangerine Dream's "Beach Theme", Ray Lynch's "The Oh of Pleasure" and assorted improvisations. Apologies are in order for the writers and performers of said music; please forgive this crude satire.
All videos posted by Shaft9000 on YouTube are for demonstration purposes only. I have no affiliation with Novation or any other synthesizer manufacturer."

Curcuit bent toy guitar

YouTube via larsby.
"A toy guitar I and my son bent for the circuit bend challenge hosted by getlofi and create digital music."

EMS Synthi AKS

images via this auction
"The Synthi AKS has three oscillators, a patchbay grid, a small touchpad keyboard , a 256 step on-board monophonic digital sequencer and a 30-note touchplate keyboard(activated by the 50 Hz-hum in our fingers), and housed in a plastic briefcase for portability. There's a Noise Generator, 2 Input Amplifiers, 1 Ring Modulator, 1 Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter (VCF), 1 Trapezoid Envelope Generator, Joy-Stick Controller, Voltage Controlled Spring Reverb unit and 2 Stereo Output Amplifiers."

Update: Warnings are in that this is a scam. Be careful.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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