Monday, December 24, 2007

Waldorf Pulse+Doepfer MAQ 16/3+A-107 Filter+Dalek

YouTube via DavideModu.
"Waldorf Pulse+Doepfer MAQ 16/3+A-107 Filter+Dalek"

Roland D-50 demonstration

YouTube via VintSynth.
"One of ther most beautiful synthesizers of the late eighties can still impress."


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo via Stefan Trippler: blosync2.mp3

The Mill

via Chris Muir:

"A granular file player. Great for warping XMas music, enabling you to enjoy songs in a new way. This current version does some calculations based on a 44.1K sample rate, so if you use other sample rates things will be a little wacky.

There are two versions here, a Max patch and a stand-alone Mac OS X application. If you are on a Mac and you don't have Max, you can run the application. If you're on Windows and don't have Max, you can run the patch version, if you install the Max Runtime for Windows."


Roland System 100

via Aliens Project

Thorsten live in Frankfurt 2007

click here for a couple more shots on the excellent Tangerine Dream site, The Archive Plus.

its some kind of delicious mess.

flickr by BlacKSacrificE

full size

click here for mouse overs of the gear.

HC KSS Synth Demos

Swissdoc sent me a link to the HC KSS Synth Demos thread on Harmony Central. The thread contains a massive list of synth demos started by clustorchord back on 10/11/2004. Do check it out.

Yamaha QY70 Oooooooh!

YouTube via zamisers7k.
"Not my first synth, but my first baby. knobless I might add."

ARP 2500 modular sequence

YouTube via polyvoks.

"the fantastic king ARP 2500 playing with 2 vco's / 2 filters / 1 vca / 3 env & the sequencer"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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