Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sherman QMF and Tenori-on / Nortec

YouTube via bostich1
"Ramon Bostich working with Sherman QMF Quad Modular Filter, Tenori-on and Banda & Nortena sounds."

Yamaha CS80 Manuals

The full CS80 Service Manual in color has been added to the Yamaha CS-80 Manuals site.

Paia oddity (the 3790 EEG)

You can find an mp3 demo here.

Remember the 3790 from this post?

Here's some more info via Lee:

"Attached is a photo of the device with its new case, scan of the ad in the 1978 Paia catalogue and a mp3 (2 mins.)of its sound.

I bought it in 1978 from the Paia catalogue and have had enjoyed its soothing tones ever since.

The Stereo Chord EGG (Encephalo-Gratification Generator) is really cool. It generates a swirling, relaxing pattern of C chords, F chords, and G chords. The individual notes drift in and out, and the chords change very smoothly.

It's supposed to create low frequency beat frequencies around three or four hertz that will subconsciously entrain your brain waves to a delta state.

It only has one control pot, all the way to the left is more panning less filter, all the way to the right is more filter less panning. The MP3 is at the mid setting.

I sometimes have it on very low playing through my stereo. Once somebody asked me "Is there something wrong with your refrigerator?"

Back in 1999 I called PAIA to get the value of a resistor that I thought was burned out and John Simonton answered the phone. He said " You actually still have one of these!" When I said yes he laughed out loud for several seconds. Link to the manual


the squarewave parade DOWNGRADE videos
videos include:
the DOWNGRADE - saw source
the DOWNGRADE - percussion source
the DOWNGRADE - expression pedal sweeps
the DOWNGRADE - percussion source two
the DOWNGRADE - stand alone
If the videos don't appear for you check them out here.

Ookpik Ebbe+Flut patching demos

via Ookpik:
"I don't know if you're interested, but I've got a couple of short/sweet audio clips of Airbase clean and through the Ebbe and Flut. The wet version is a pretty good example of what you can do with the EuF's patches, at the core of it the patch involves both filters FMing each other, with filter 1 at a very low frequency and high resonance. Env1 controls the LFO rate, and is itself triggered by the output of the distortion circuit. The LFO is set to modulate the envelope times in Env2. It's up at my myspace: Or direct at"

OLPC Sound Sample Archive

This one sent my way via Jacob. You can find more info on OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) here.

"Dear Colleagues, Students and Friends,

THANKS SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SOUNDS!!!!! (a few more things are still coming online

- but the OLPC Release is official....

Please share this news, press release and links with your students, your friends, your colleagues, your mailing lists and your newsgroups....


The Berklee College of Music, Berklee Music Synthesis Alumni, The International Csound Community, Open Path Music and Avid Technology have opened up their sound libraries to the children of the world - and YOU!!!

This 8.5 GB collection is donated under the Creative Commons Attribution License which means you can freely create, compose, mix, remix, share, distribute and redistribute these samples and use them for any purpose as long as you clearly attribute the source.

At last... free - thanks to all those who contributed.

Spread the word. Share the sounds.....


Here are the links:

Here's the *Official* OLPC Press Release:

While you are checking out the links and downloading the samples, you might want to check out all the cool CsoundXO stuff that has been happening on the OLPC XO laptop:

Over these past two months the CsoundXO Developers - especially John ffitch, Victor Lazzarini, Andres Cabrera, Jacob Joaquin, Cesare Marilungo, and Greg Thompson have really pushed out some new and important tools and activities for the XO. Links to some of these are below.

A most important result of this development initiative is the fact that John and Victor got the CsoundXO subset of Csound5 to be FULLY SYNCHRONIZED and TOTALLY COMPATIBLE with the current release of Public Csound (and automated the process so that they will ALWAYS be in sync!) and Andres has a CsoundXO manual that is fully synchronized as well!!!!!

+ Links to the Csound Activities, the new RPM!, the developer tools

(by Victor), and the toots.

+ Victor Lazzarini's AMAZING new GUI TOOLKIT for Csound Activity

Development on the XO

+ Victor has developed a wonderful small collection of tutorial

activities with sliders and buttons controlling CsoundXO

- waves - a simple additive synth

- synth - a subtractive synth with USB keyboard control

- playfiles - an 8 track remixer with record capability

- GMplayer - an iterface and instrument for loading and playing any GM file with Csound - using the Avid/M-Audio donated Sample Set

+ Jacob Joaquin's new Activities developed with Victor's Toolkit and

his blog and tutorials about the process.

* coming soon (within the next two weeks) by Greg Thompson

- CsoundEditor/Launcher - with virtual MIDI piano keyboard and CsoundXO manual integrations

+ including ALL the Boulanger Tutorials - TOOTS, Csound Book Chapter

1, Mastering Csound, Scanned Synthesis

+ including thousands of instruments and models from The Csound

Catalog plus dozens of compositions and MIDI instruments,

- CsoundRemixer - for jamming with the OLPCsound Sample Archive (and adding Csound FX instruments)

- GMPlayAlong - for playing general MIDI files with Csound and visualizing the tracks on the ascii keyboard, virtual piano keyboard and pianoroll

- PlayAlong Keyboard - for playing Csound Instruments from a USB and/or Virtual Keyboard: GMplayer, Sampler, SynthExplorer (all sorts of synths)

* coming soon (within the next two weeks) by Cesare Marilungo

- Image2Sound - for the sonification of pictures and drawings from the Journal and other OLPC Activities using his new image opcode collection. - some thoughts on Csound for press and others

Here are the links to the XO Bundled Sound Activities (including especially the Csound Masterpiece by Jean Piché and Company

- TamTam Mini, TamTam Jam, TamTam Edit, and the SynthLab) - all Csound - AMAZING - INTUITIVE - POWERFUL - and for Children! (Some Csound) (Some Csound) (Making the Csound connection now) (capturing audio for Csound and Photos for Image2Csound conversion - thanks to Cesare Marilungo's new Opcodes!) (paint program which with Image2Csound and Cesare's opcodes - can now be transformed to audio.)"

Alesis A6 Andromeda

click here for the flickr set by Jyoti Mishra.

Pink Floyd - On The Run attempt on Alesis Ion synthesizer

video upload by adzy31

"Me playing a version of Pink Floyd's "On The Run". This one I did without the original track playing in the background. it's just one take, i didn't have time to add all the random talking and footstep noises and panning bass sounds and backwards guitar played with a mic stand etc etc... but maybe that'll happen at some point.

it could do with a bit more variation in the sequenced sound but i'll just have to keep experimenting with all the magical features of this synth.

btw for anyone who is interested it is fairly possible to use this synth's tracking generator as a crude step sequencer, hence this video - instructions can be found in the alesis ion/micron Yahoo group, message number 15215. I used a patch from 'uralmoto2001' (to whom i'm very grateful :)) which I found in the files section of the group, with a few edits, as the basis for this video."

Screaming into Moogerfoogers

YouTube via RothHandle
"Title more or less says it all.
This film was shot at Roth Händle studios in Stockholm, Sweden. The studio is owned and run by swedish musician and producer Mattias Olsson. The studio houses a remarkable collection of odd instruments, both new and old. For booking and more info on the studio please visit www.roth-hä"

Treating the Korg KR-55 through Moogerfoogers

"Today I started working on anew track for the Mellotron Documentary soundtrack I am working on and decided to use a rhythm from the Korg KR-55."

The ARP 2600: 2012 Filter Part 2

YouTube via AutomaticGainsay. See part 1 and more here.
"Here is the second part of a two part series outlining and demonstrating the sound and functionality of the ARP 2012 filter on the ARP 2600.
Thank you for watching!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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