Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sesame Street: Operatic Orange

YouTube via SesameStreet. sent my way via jake
"For more videos and games check out our new website at

In this video an orange sings Habanera from Carmen.

Sesame Street is a production of Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational organization which also produces Pinky Dinky Doo, The Electric Company, and other programs for children around the world."

'Jaguar' Super Low Pass VCF - Blank PCB + SSM2044 IC

via this auction

"Fresh from Somatic Circuits is the ' Jaguar Super Low Pass VCF ' an ultra high quality filter for the 'Luna Modular Scientific Synthesizer System'."

via loscha

Update via Mijoe in the comments: "For more information about the Jaguar VCF
go to"

Machinedrum & Korg MS10 acid techno

YouTube via darenager
"More MD and MS10 action, also a bit of Space Echo. A fun jam :)"

Kieth Emerson @ Nearfest 2006

flickr by kscherer11
(click for more)

Remember, Keith Emerson will be playing at Waves of Inspiration: The Legacy of Moog Museum Exhibit. Info and links in this previous post.

Fairlight CMI Series 30A - (Thirtieth Anniversary) Limited Edition


A new Fairlight? Be sure to see this post.

Close Encounter at Devil's Tower with a synth!

YouTube via hamsterdunce. Anyone ID the synth?
"More music at!

After almost 30 years of fantasizing, I finally got to talk to aliens at Devil's Tower in Wyoming. This re-enactment of the famous scene with an ARP 2500 takes place right in front of the tower. The keyboard & special effects aren't *quite* as good, and the camera operator couldn't quite contain her laughter, but it was fun anyway."

MAM SQ16, SCI TOM, DSI Evolver, Frostwave Funkaduck and Moogerfooger

via brian c
"that SQ16 is a great interactive live performance machine but it's a real bear to program - 13 drum tracks, three synth bass tracks - the other shot is with a TOM going into a Frostwave Funk-a-Duck and into a Moog delay - pretty spacey combination and the Evo desktop rounds out the bill ....I'm really thinking of adding my MAM Warp 9 filter because one of the sq16 tracks could be used to fire the filter envelopes"

be sure to click the images.

Welcome to Monome

Welcome to Monome from sam_square on Vimeo.

"What is a monome? Monomes are fun to watch, but what is actually going on?"

NIN 10 Ghosts II monome remix

YouTube via flyawaytigers
"Just a little remix action on my monome."

Faster Faster - Monome video test

YouTube via johnisfaster. It picks up.
"I was just trying out my wife's camera cause I discovered the other day it can do video. so I sat down and made this track in about 20 minutes and recorded it. It's pretty rough but it was fun. Hopefully in the future I'll utilize the 202 you see sitting there in a video.

and yes, I'm proud of myself for not using the built in camera audio ;)"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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