Friday, September 04, 2009

미투에서 이런 거에 반응할 ..

flickr by analoguepinballplayer

This might be the first Korean on the site.

Moog Little Phatty
Roland Jupiter-6

4ms Noise Swash Modules

via the Big City Music blog

Big City Music

Joe Zawinul profile - 1985

YouTube via EstelDillon
"Keyboard genius and jazz giant Joe Zawinul in rehearsal and conversation one afternoon after Weather Report is put on hold for Joe's solo tour.
Photographed and edited by Estel Dillon. Produced by Steven Reiner."

kraftwerk - midnight special (us tv 1975)

YouTube via rasslsk. via Phil. Also see this version. Autobahn.
"This Kraftwerk video and a lot more of them on"

circuit bent mini keyboard

YouTube via noystoise
"mini keyboard heavily modified to make synthesizer sounds. frequency divider triggers an envelope generator that modulates the vcf with resonance at 1/256? of the vco. the vco is divided in 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and mixed to the vcf. 1/32,1/64, 1/128 of the vco also modulates the frequency of the vco(pitch) and generates some pretty random voices. more info at thanks for watching."

circuit bent keyboard

"circuit bent keyboard designed off the nutorious hing hon ek001. for more details go to"

circuit bent rainbow synth

"two and a half oct square wave keyboard with two sub voices, resonant filter with attack release and gate time, four step sequencer that can be triggered via LFO or divided frequencies of the main VCO, and the A-R generator can also be triggered in those two ways. check out for more details"
more vids here

Yewell Electronic Systems Midi-CV Update

Some info added to this post.


Specs added to the bottom of this post.

JEN Synthetone SX1000 Analogue Monophonic Synthesizer

via this auction
"it does what it says on the labels, and has one control for each function. There is no multi functioning about it. It comes from an age preceding MIDI and polyphony. One oscillator, one note, one nation under a groove thang. Hey! Three knob caps become unstuck and lost over the years (i know how they feel), but apart from that it is functioning perfectly. Wicked little beast. Sweet hip hop top lines and fat bottom ends, the way we like 'em. You know what I'm sayin. All part of the ongoing studio clear out, so take a look at my other stuff if you like the weird and wonderful."

Baldwin SM-100 sound module/synth

via this auction

Kind of looks like an E-Mu Proteus.

Ludwig Phase II guitar synthesizer - A vintage FX pedal

via this auction
"The Phase II, made in limited numbers during 1970-71, is a vintage FX guitar unit. It includes a fuzz, a tremolo (Animation), and a voltage-controlled filtering section (Formant Trajectories-Parallel, Counter, and Vowel switches). The circuit uses only discreet components. A control panel contains seven switches (light/change color) and four sliders which alter several effects, including fuzz, voltage-controlled filters and gating, combined in a box that unfolds to reveal a rocker pedal and four footswitches. There is nothing out there in today's market that duplicates the animation and filtering possibilities. With some practice, many unusual and unique sounds are possible. Some of the effects (including the famous "Yoy, yoy" sound) can be heard on tracks by Primus "Pork Soda", Pearl Jam "Binaural", Sonic Youth "The Diamond Sea", "Washing Machine" and Beck's "Cold Brains" intro.

- Fuzz (includes voice fuzz)
- Animation - FFM, Fuzz RPT or both and Fast/slow start (switches),
Alter Intensity and Rate with three sliders.
- Voltage-Controlled Filtering - "Format Trajectories": Parallel, Counter, Vowel .
- Foot Pedal with Primary and Stereo outputs (Bypass Balance control), Lo/Hi Z inputs
(Lo Z Balance control) plus four foot switches: Stereo, Bypass, Animation, Fuzz f

Product Information:
- Ludwig Phase II Synthesizer
- Model #9000 -- Serial # 1529
- Supply Voltage: 120/240 VAC, 50/60 cycles, 15 watts

Only a few Ludwig Phase II units are still in existence."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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