Saturday, November 20, 2010

sparkfun electronics UMC32 USB-MIDI Controller

available via sparkfun

"Description: The UMC32 is an OEM/DIY product that allows electronic musicians, multimedia artists, experimenters, and users with little or no electronics experience the ability to create custom user interfaces to control any software application that supports the MIDI protocol. The UMC32 provides the essential core (micro controller, power supply, USB functionality) to allow the user to easily implement their choice of control elements (example: switches, pots and or faders). In short, the UMC32 will allow you to build your own USB-MIDI controller.

No programming is necessary. Onboard DIP switches allow simple configuration of MIDI note or controller data.


* Easy to implement with little or no electronics experience.
* 32 analog and/or digital inputs provides MIDI note or continuous controller data to your host application.
* USB bus powered. A single USB cable handles power and data.
* Upgradeable firmware via Windows XP / Vista bootloader utility.
* True plug-and-play (USB-MIDI class compliant drivers are provided by the operating system)
* 64 I/O’s can be achieved by linking two UMC32’s together using the UMC-Linker board (sold separately).
* Multiple units can co-exist on the USB bus.
* Compatible with Mac OS X 10.5.x(Leopard), Mac OS X 10.4.x(Tiger), Windows Vista / XP / 2000.

Dimensions: 1.6" x 2.7""

LinnDrum Orgy pt. 1 - Harlem Nights

YouTube via harlemnightsmusic | November 20, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

Can't tell if that's Richard Simmons...

"On some requests, for use in your own productions, these beats can be downloaded in HQ and stripped versions at:

They are included in the "198x" downloads on this page, with other Oberheim DMX, CR78 and TR808 loops, each representing the styles in a year in the 80s


Dream Age Part 10-Alnitak

YouTube via Kobolnova | November 20, 2010

"And finally the last part of this sequel,maybe not the best part,but i did my very best to make this a good piece of music,and remember i play AL the parts LIVE:You see what you hear and you hear what you see,and now i can move on to other music and projects,next upload wil be "Permian" and a brand new sequel:" Dream World",i want to thank everybody for watching my videos,comments and ratings,this 10th is trully the LAST part!
Please enjoy,like i did creating this music! :)"

Fantasticly endangered

flickr By bolandrotor

Clavia Nord Lead 3?

Gorillabox (12U Double Briefcase) with TipTop Audio Power

via TRASH_AUDIO where you'll find one more pic. They had the following to say about it:

"Alright, this shit looks awesome! It’ll cost you a pretty penny but if you got the dough there is no better option out there yet."

Building the Atari Punk Console

Building the Atari Punk Console from Sparkle Labs on Vimeo.

This one actually via Gizmodo - cool to see some Synth DIY make it there.

Preparing for Omega Sound Fix

via CatSynth

Thought this was a cool pick with the iPad and iMS20 along with the other gear.

Korg VC-10 Vocoder

via this auction

Univox SR-55

via this auction

"Univox Electronic Automatic Rhythm Instrument. There is no model number shown on the unit, however, from internet searches it appears to be a Univox SR-55 Super Rhythmer/Korg Mini Pops 3. The serial number of the unit is 730674 and it was made in Japan. Unit is in excellent condition except for the four plastic plugs on the top of the unit. These plugs are used to cover holes that were made to top mount the unit to an electronic organ... The unit is capable of 54 Rhythms - Foxtrot/Swing (36 variations), 4 Rock variations, Ballad, Western, 2 Bossanovas, Tango, Habanera, Rumba, Beguine, Mambo, Cha-Cha, Samba, Baion, and 2 Waltzes. Supplied with the unit is the instruction manual and a foot switch."

Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) WASP Synthesizer

via this auction

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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