Saturday, January 01, 2011

Roland SH-201 Supersaw Sounds

YouTube via benanderson88 | January 01, 2011 |

"Two sounds made with an SH-201 synthesizer I got yesterday from a chap on eBay.
The first is a Trance lead. OSC1 carries a Supersaw waveform, OSC2 carries a Saw waveform one octave below.
The second sound is Filter Sweep Strings. OSC1 carries a Supersaw waveform, OSC2 uses a Noise waveform to give it that little extra 'hiss' in its sound.

This is pretty much all I'll be using the SH-201 for, that and some feedback oscillators sounds if I feel the need. My other synths better it in almost every possible way - Its hard to compete with Vintage Analogue and 80s Digital. ;-)"

Korg DS-10 Everyday Electronics Occult Project

YouTube via retrotechnical | January 01, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
Sinclair ZX81
"What if Sir Clive had made microsynths instead....."

Love song for the Wretch Machine

via zerosum

"Here is my love song for the Wretch Machine [link]

It is played from a keyboard using a synhouse midi jack that used to be available when the Wretch Machine first came out, but is not longer available.

It starts out with the waveshaper bypassed. when it gets really loud, that is me engaging the waveshaper.

There is a brief pause at the beginning where I stop playing, I had to get a chair to stand on because I couldn't reach the keyboard comfortably."

January Acid Pattern

Frozen Over - January Acid from Coldfuture by Coldfuture

via dyLAB:
"Happy New Year

A new year & a new acid pattern.

The January's Acid Pattern is from Coldfuture

Frozen Over - January Acid from Coldfuture by Coldfuture

You can grab the pattern data from here. The pattern can then be programmed into your tb303 or x0x box to create a new track. The pattern could be programmed into your vst such as ABL or Phoscoyn to create a new track. Transcribe the pattern to midi and send it to your favourite synth to create a new track. Grab the audio file and rework the audio into a new track.

Then post your finished track or jam into the acid pattern group

You can grab this empty pattern sheet from here

happy acid making



via this auction
Video at the auction and bottom of this post.
"Electronica EM - 25 is a synthesizer-strings that has 3 timbre sections: stringed - contrabasses, violoncellos, violins, organ-registers ("16'","8'","4'","2'"), wind-trombones, trumpets.

Stringed and organ sections:
polyphonic attack and release of sound with duration control
switching decay mode

Wind instruments section:
generator of curved with controls: ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN.
modulator with controls: RATE, DELAY, VIBRATO
controlled filter with controls: ENVELOPE, MODULATOR, CUTOFF, ACCENT
filter run mode -mono or polyphonic

There is also a possibility to split the keyboard to 2 section (with setting up different timbres of sounding)

— Number of octaves in a keyboard, 4 1/12
— In audible range, 9 1/12
— Number of programmed timbres, 12
—Power consumption max, 30V*A
— Dimensions, 890x355x102 mm (35'x14'x4')
— Weight with soft case and pedal, 17 kg (approx. 37.47 Pounds)
— Also contains 1.126 gramms GOLD materials, 6.143 SILVER materials"

Korg SR-120 Vintage Rythm Machine

via this auction

Korg MS-20

via this auction


via this auction

Macbeth X-Series: Oscillator

flickr By Analogue Haven

"The next Eurorack module from Macbeth Studio Systems will be the Oscillator. More than just one half of the Dual Oscillator, this single module retains the full and rich sound of the original but offers a wide range Osc Sweep knob as opposed to the octave switch while still using the luxury multi-turn fine tuning pot. It also has a switch to put it into LFO mode as well as two seperate sub oscillator outputs- in addition to all the standard waveform outputs.

We expect the X-Series Oscillator in early January for a price around $699. The size is 21 HP. For those who already have a Dual Oscillator, it makes a perfect third oscillator/modulator for that classic "Minimoog voice".


Don't miss Ken MacBeth's New Years video.

WMD: Gamma Wave Source (Eurorack)

flickr By Analogue Haven

"Now available from WMD is the Gamma Wave Source for Eurorack. It is a dual output oscillator with wavetables and a unique "effects" section generated via 8-bit mathematics. The module is in-stock and costs $299. Our website will be updated this weekend with more details.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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