Monday, January 16, 2012

Galaxy X Trailer

"After three years of development Galaxy Instruments proudly presents GALAXY X, an exciting new virtual instrument with an extremely powerful and creative kind of sound design: FX convolution.
If you are interested, visit our website for information. Or 'like' Galaxy Instruments on Facebook to stay up to date with our products and take part in upcoming events and giveaways."

Analogue Solutions - The Leipzig-s Song.wmv

YouTube Uploaded by jakobsweb on Jan 16, 2012

"After I'd uploaded my first vid about the Analogue Solutions Leipzig-s I've had quite a few inquiries and comments from fellow analogue synths lovers and it seems many are interested in this synthesizer. And right so. It's got loads of character and kind of a unique edge to its sound you won't find anywhere else. Just for the fun of it I started to make a song using only the sounds of the Leipzig-s - drums, percussions, basses, leads, fx ... all of it."

103 Buchla 222e Controlled Feedback Patch

YouTube Uploaded by 7thDanSound on Jan 16, 2012

"I wanted to test some feedback but keeping it fully on all the time wasn't so fun so I patched in the 222e to control it a little. I'm really starting to like the 222e!"

OP-1 Tutorial: Making a Track

YouTube Uploaded by djthomaswhite on Jan 16, 2012

"With NAMM 2012 coming I wanted to take inventory of the current OP-1 capabilities and to address some of the questions I have been getting from sharing my OP-1 videos here on YouTube. I take the "start from scratch" approach and show how to make a basic track loop. I make house music so you can expect some deep house vibes. It's a long video (30 mins) so here is a summary of what is included:

- Erasing all 4 tape tracks
- Making a drum sequence in Pattern sequencer
- Setting up loop sections
- Navigating loop sections
- Recording sequences to tape (in time)
- Chord memory techniques
- Recording live keys to tape
- Overdubbing to tape
- Recording to different tracks
- Sampling to the Synth sampler
- Playing with sampled sounds

The OP-1 is a very capable tool for production. It is not a toy... it just looks like one to many people. Others see the simplistic interface as a refined means to an end. Whatever your stance may be, the OP-1 and the money I spent was worth it to me, by far. I am rejuvenated and want to to be creative again. It's kind of like my early set up with a Roland R8 drum machine, Roland JV-35 keyboard (borrowed) and Alesis MMT-8 Sequencer put down to DAT recorder (only a stereo pair of tracks! Oh my). Necessity can be inspiring! Limits to memory, space on tape, tracks are a test to me... a test I need to pass. This makes me think of really out og the box ways to get things done. I don't just pull a preset solution out of a 2 terabyte hard drive somewhere. I hope you find the tutorial interesting and that it may inform you on how to use your new OP-1, or that you now need to buy one, or that you are now sure it's not for you (perfectly okay too). Thanks for stopping by to check out another one of my videos.

Don't forget to check the unofficial (but best) OP-1 Forum for samples, user support and the latest TE rumors. Ohpeewon dot com

NOTE: This video is a tutorial and has a lot of talking. It's a balance of explanation and actions, and is not really meant for adapt OP-1 users. And, "yes", to the nitpickers I know I say "familiar" as "fur-miliar" LOL. My grandma says "warsh" instead of wash" so I guess it runs in the family. Sue me. It was 2:30am and the aged 18 year Scottish grain spirits were mellowing me out. SlĂ inte mhath! • [ slanj'-uh va' ] - ("Good Health" in English)"

NAMM: Rob Papen Blade Teaser

RP Blade Tease (first few presets)

YouTube Uploaded by robpapen on Jan 16, 2012

"Rob Papen Blade
First few presets ahead of the NAMM show 2012.
Visual is the XY display field"

Rob Papen will be in Booth# 6729 Hall A. I added him to the NAMM Synth Booth List.

Neon Indian - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

YouTube Uploaded by kexpradio on Jan 10, 2012

Synth spotting with Neon Indian.

"Neon Indian performs live in the KEXP studio. Recorded 10/6/11.

Polish Girl
Hex Girlfriend
6669 (I Don't Know If You Know)
Mind, Drips

Host: DJ El Toro
Engineer: Kevin Suggs
Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Scott Holpainen & Kyle Johnson
Editing: Christopher Meister"

EMS Pitch to Voltage Converter

via this auction

"This is a “Pitch to Voltage Converter” created by EMS Synth out of the UK. Pretty cool… this was pre-midi, you could set up to have certain pitches (i.e. tones of a guitar string) affect to CV used to trigger synth sounds..."

Everyone Can Play Music #12: iMS-20 - Part 6

YouTube Uploaded by Discchord on Jan 16, 2012

"This lesson builds on our previous patch, adding the LFO/MG controlled by an Envelope.

iMS-20 is available on iTunes: (If you use my link, I get a cut and this has helped me buy better recording gear. Thanks!)
I am available on Twitter:!/discchord"

iPads on eBay

All parts here.

DDB or not DDB that is the question

YouTube Uploaded by phono1337 on Jan 16, 2012

DrumDokta DIY

NAMM: Eowave Koma - Demo

Eowave Koma - Demo by Modularsquare
"The Eowave Koma is an analogue synthesizer with a sequencer and memory.
You can do crazy things when you play it live with his internal sequencer. Check this out. Beware ! Some sounds are very loud !
- Pure raw Koma sounds, no FX used in this demo.
- No keyboard / DAW used in this demo
- Recorded live without editing
More info here :
(Performed by Cyril Colom)"

Remember to see The NAMM Synth Booth List for locations of presenters at NAMM this year.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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