Tuesday, September 04, 2012

MacBeth X-Series micromac-R with Touch Plate

via Ken MacBeth on Facebook

Be sure to see: Underworld 2073 by MacBeth Synthesizers

Atomo Synth

via Atomo Synth on Facebook

"Heading to Australia!!
— with Rhythm Active."

Strings for Kontact

"Strings is a collection of sampled string instruments processed through the incredible features of iZotope Iris to get a wide range of new sounds. This soundset includes synths, pads, soundscapes, drones and various effects derived from strings samples. The instruments sampled were a Tenayo AutoHarp, a Romanian Toy Harp, a Baton Rouge Soprano Ukulele, a Chinese Violin and a Squier Bass. The modulation wheel is assigned to different parameters in each patch. You can also access the original samples to make your own presets."

via Carlo Castellano on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

David Porter - The Man Behind Breaking Bad's Music & His Synths

via Wired

"Dave Porter: My goal right from the beginning of Breaking Bad was to create a soundtrack that captured the unique world of the series. I decided to avoid traditional Western orchestral instruments, but most anything else has been fair game. I employ a lot of ethnic instruments, found sounds and recordings, vintage and modern synthesizers, and a fair bit of electric guitar. All of these sounds get recorded into Pro Tools and then usually processed by plug-in programs or external processors to morph them into something new."

Roland Jupiter-6, NED Synclavier, Oberheim Matrix-12, Access Virus B

This one in via suit & tie guy

Waldorf Blofeld & E-mu XBoard with Custom Silver Knobs

flickr By marcin plutta
(click for more)

via Marcin Pluta on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

New ALKEX Florindo Render

via Ted Petsas in the comments of this post

Sky Electronic Cthulu I & II Synth Modules

via Mattheus Chediak on Facebook

No additional info other than "Made in Thailand".

Note the patch points are just drawings, so these units do not appear to be functional.

040711 - pulled the wrong patch cable

040711 - pulled the wrong patch cable from brownshoesonly on Vimeo.

via Nick Ciontea on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Speak&Spell Bass synth

YouTube Published on Sep 4, 2012 by opsysbug

"Speak&Spell Bass synth built by Casperelectronics."

MOOG Source SN 3685 with VCA/VCF Mod

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated. via this auction

"This listing is for a Moog Source vintage analog synthesizer. The unit is fully functional and in good cosmetic condition. The only issue is that a few of the high keys trigger the wrong notes, easy to work around and likely a simple fix for a knowledgeable technician. This unit has a RARE VCA/VCF output modification."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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