Saturday, February 23, 2013

Manda Synth Cat and the World's Smallest Synthesizer

These in via Marie Haddad

"Manda the kitty decided to help me write a song today. Somebody needs to get this cat a mic!"

Anyone ID the tiny synth?

Akai Remix-16 Sampler 18 MB RAM, SCSI & Iomega 250 Zip Drive

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via the seller / listing:

"This is not our run of the mill Remix 16 ------

-Original owner-
Fully loaded with everything you see in the photos.
Iomega zip250 drive, power supply ,SCSI cable and 100 MB Blank zip disk.

The condition is used but very good... It has seen better days but it is built like a tank and like a tank shows its battle scars and can withstand the rigors of punishment. It has been tested and operates as it should. All controls ,knobs, sliders,input /output , MIDI and SCSI connectors are operable. I am sorry there are no factory disks included... However, There are only 4 factory disks and they are not needed to use the Remix 16..

Sample Compatibility: Can load samples from Akai S900, S1000, S1100, S2800, S3000, S3200, S2000, S01 samplers... This machine can be used by all genres of artists not just DJs. Its a Sampler. I used it in experimental electronic music with effects as a MIDI sequencer, looper and resampler and it served me very well. This thing is the Bomb and its built like one 2."

Confetti Bomber - New Waldorf Rocket Demo

Published on Feb 23, 2013 Richard Schmitt·10 videos

"A short demotrack produced with a prototype of the Waldorf Rocket
Multitracked and mixed in Cubase 5, some delay added on a few tracks."

Follow-up to this post.

SMS A4: Sunday Morning Snow with the Analog Four "Snowflakes"

Published on Jan 20, 2013 freelanderride·12 videos

"SMS A4: Sunday Morning Snow with the Analog Four: "Snowflakes"

Very cold outside, storm, freezing and snow... so I make a short song with the same rhythm off the falling snowflakes...

You only hear the great A4 with a little piece off the Tempest. (DSI)

Enjoy !"

Elektron on eBay

Elektron Analog Four goes ANALOG FUNKY
Published on Feb 11, 2013

"Only two voices from the A4 with a little Tempest plays a funky song (with some arp)
At 2.05 you hear the second voice. (careful with your ears (and speakers) the A4 is producing a extremely sound)"


KORG MS2000 Custom Sounds Video

Published on Feb 22, 2013 JackOasys·40 videos

"23 febbraio 2013 - Suoni programmati sul Korg MS2000 per il prossimo album della band

Custom sounds programmed on MS2000 for the next CD of my prog-rock band

Le cose che più apprezzo e sfrutto in questo sintetizzatore:
1) controlli in tempo reale delle principali fonti di modulazione del suono
2) il controllo in tempo reale del delay (purtroppo solo quello)
3) il controllo delle modulazioni attraverso tre parametri programmabili sul sequencer
4) l'estrema facilità di apprendimento e uso dello strumento
5) la configurazione dei program, fino a 16 per banco, immediatamente disponibili in live"


KORG MS2000 custom sounds (part 2)

Published on Feb 24, 2013

"25 febbraio 2013 - Suoni programmati su KORG MS2000 (Parte 2)"


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"The new and improved video synthesizer produces colorful oscilloscope style patterns on a television or projector. It reacts to audio input and works particularly well with simple bassy tones.The Video Scope has two knobs. One knob controls the input gain, and the other knob selects the display mode. There are now 4 modes: line, color shifter, trapezoid, and randomizer. The randomizer function randomly selects one of the other 3 modes at an adjustable rate. This is useful for hands free operation, and keeps the display always changing. Since it responds to an audio signal -- the sky is the limit with the different kinds of patterns you can get.

Sturdy aluminum enclosure (3.2" x 2.2" x 1.1")
1/4" audio input jack
RCA composite video output jack (NTSC only)
9 VDC wall-wart power adapter included"


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"The Critter & Guitari KALEIDOLOOP is a social, portable sound collector. It’s designed to be taken anywhere and everywhere to gather and manipulate all kinds of sounds. Record sounds from your kitchen, the recording studio, and campfire jam.

Use several KALEIDOLOOPS to build up layers of sound, pass a sound from one to another and play with resonance, invent new musical games, practice speaking in reverse, alter playback speed and explore new harmonies, carry sounds around the room... the list is endless. Best of all the KALEIDOLOOP stores everything it records, so you have a rec rd of your sound journey.

The KALEIDOLOOP features simple controls for recording, navigating sounds, and altering playback speed and direction. The included microphone and built-in speaker make the perfect pair, with enough clarity and volume to recreate sounds with alarming realism. You can also remove the microphone and use the 1/4" input and output jacks instead.


High quality sound recording: 16 bit / 22050 Hz
Record thousands of tracks
Record times: 1.6 hrs on 256 MB card, over 5 hrs on 1 GB card
Removable SD card for sound download (256 MB card included)
LOUD 3W speaker
1/4” input and output jacks
Included electret microphone
Sturdy aluminum and wood construction
Powered by 4 AA batteries or 9VDC Power Supply
Instructions PDF"

Quasimidi Sirius Synthesizer Workstation

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"Polyphony: 28 voices
Oscillators: 2 osc per voice : 128 synth waves, 365 drum and percussion samples
Filters: 24dB and 12dB slopes, Hi and Low pass filters with resonance and overdrive
Effects: FX1: reverbs, stereo delays. FX2: chorus, flanger, delays
Vocoder: 16 vocoder presets, 11 band programmable settings. ** mic not included **
Arp/Sequencer: 16 pattern arpeggiator / 7 track sequencer with tap tempo
Keyboard: 49 velocity sensitive keys
Memory: 384 patches (288 presets on banks A, B & C and 96 user on bank "U"), 16 vocoder patches, 20 percussion kits
Control: MIDI has 7 parts; 3 synth and 4 drums - each with separate midi channels. - This means it's like having THREE! THAT'S RIGHT 3! It's like having 3 synthesizers AND a drum machine all in one unit!"

Mutable Instruments Anushri Synthesizer

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"Anushri is a monophonic synthesizer with an all-analog signal path, paired with a lo-fi digital drum synthesizer. These two sections are controlled by an on-board sequencer/arpeggiator, featuring generative drum pattern sequencing. Anushri is open to the modular world thanks to its analog patching area."

Korg Delta DL-50 Vintage Analog String Synth SN 285888

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Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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