Saturday, May 28, 2016

TechDiff - ScatturDayf

Published on May 28, 2016 Dave TechDiff

Quiet Saturdays - Episode 29 - live studio

Published on May 28, 2016 Alba Ecstasy

"Not the usual thing, trying something new, but defitenely a Quiet Saturdays Episode! Hope you'll enjoy and have a great weekend!

Now, as I received a few messages asking me how am I connecting the synths between them to sync, the answer is simple: I don't! I just hit the play button or the keyboard, on measure: sometimes works, sometimes don't. Dependly on how much time you spent on the Wild West among outlaws. lol.

You may also want to check this J.M. Jarre - The Heart of Noise REMIX I made:


Mutable Instruments Shruthi Vocal Controled by Serge Touch Keyboard

Published on May 28, 2016 DavidH

"teenage oplab makes the interface"

Retro live acid

Published on May 28, 2016 rezzyblips

Simmons SDS 800

Published on May 28, 2016 100 Things I Do

"The SDS 800 was the low end analog drum synth at the time of release. The sounds are very different to the SDS V which took new wave bands and the world by storm in the 80's. This little gem can still be picked up quite cheap, no real presets to speak of (which I prefer) and has many great sounds hiding within. A Noodlers dream :D Busy doing non music things this weekend so thought I would share this quick noodle. It was a extremely gloomy day and my lights just did not cut it for good video quality unfortunately."

The limpet meets the tweaky abyss - a eurorack synthesiser patch.

Published on May 27, 2016 Luke Killen

"Today's patch is sequenced patch that is generatively modified over time by various modulators. those modulators are also being modified."


A new demo video has just been added to this post.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Quad Buddha Machine LFO Mod by A.S.M.O.

Published on May 27, 2016 A.S.M.O.

"4 Buddha Machines 1,2,3 & 5 with LFO pitch modulation and loop trigger. Speed, wave shape and depth controls.
Individual 1/4 inch audio outs and mix out."

OP-1 Loopsession 05-26-16 (Nicotine)

Published on May 27, 2016 Jeremy Leaird-Koch

"A loop-making session on the OP-1. Resulting loops were brought into Ableton and made into a finished track. 2 hours condensed to about 12 minutes. Includes helpful subtitles!

Skip to 12:44 to hear the finished track, or check it out on Soundcloud :"

SYNTH FEST 2: Snapchat Story Day 1 (air travel, fruit, live music and bitRanger) #TTNM

Published on May 27, 2016 The Tuesday Night Machines

"Here's my Snapchat Story of day one at Noise Kitchen Synth Fest 2016. Watch me get up early, fly to Vienna, eat, drink and encounter the Bastl Instruments bitRanger!"

SYNTH FEST 2: bitRanger Presentation #TTNM

Published on May 27, 2016

"People were excited about the presentation of the Bastl Instruments bitRanger, followed by an awesome performance by Peter Edwards of Casper electronics at NOISE KITCHEN SYNTH FEST 2016 in Brno. Here's a quick capture of the beginning of the show. Jump to 3:10 for the start of the performance."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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