Friday, September 27, 2019

You Can Call Me Al (Electronic Cover)

Published on Sep 26, 2019 Xavier Shay

"Daily challenge: sequence and perform something with the Digitakt that uses a MIDI track."

With the Novation Peak.

Roland JD800 - Short Demo

Published on Sep 27, 2019 Reuben Jones

"A short demo of the Roland JD800. These clips were used in a documentary about Roland by Alex Ball, titled 'Land of the Rising Sound | A Roland Retrospective'."

Patch Base for Mac: an Intro

Published on Sep 27, 2019 Coffeeshopped

"Patch Base, the large and growing collection of patch editors and librarians for dozens of hardware synthesizers, is now available on Mac. Here, we give an overview of the features in the app.

Download and more information here:"

Submitting Music to MATRIXSYNTH

Just a note on general music posts, as I've been getting a few requests for them lately. Please note the site is primarily about showcasing specific synths. You should notice that most music featured on the site showcases specific gear that you can get a feel for. You can find the posting guidelines anytime via the submit post link in the Useful Links section on the top right of the site. You might be wondering then, why does some general synth music not showcasing specific gear get featured? The reason would be to feature some of the music by supporters of the site. Every single post you see on the site goes up by hand. It might not seem like it, but it is work. The site averages 30 - 50 posts a day, seven days a week. Since the launch of the site, 184,937 posts including this one, have gone up by hand. There has been only one day without a post back in the beginning when I had no idea there would be something to post every single day. That day was a day without wireless...

DX5 playing The Cure "Just Like Heaven" (AOL live version)

Published on Sep 27, 2019 DX5

"This is not a cover of the studio version, but the AOL live version, recorded in 2004.
Played on a Kurzweil PC1x (Roger O'Donnel shows a Kurzweil PC2x on that perform. Both models share the same string and piano samples).
Backtrack recorded on Pro Tools. Most of the sounds are Kurzweil too.
Original song composed by Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson, Boris Williams, Lol Tolhurst.
Performed here by DX5 Jose Maria Bara."

Buchla Easel Mod Osc to Pulser

Published on Sep 27, 2019 Todd Barton

"Though this patch is demonstrated on a Buchla Music Easel, I believe the concept could be ported over to Eurorack or other systems. Enjoy!"

Panoptigan Celeste Improvisation

Published on Sep 27, 2019

"A short improvisation using the Panoptigan and the Optigan Celeste disc.

The Panoptigan is a modern instrument designed by Quilter Labs to play Optigan, Orchestron and Panoptigan discs.
Just out of the frame the left, the keys on the MIDI keyboard control the loops that would have been on the "chord buttons" of the Optigan.

On the right side of the keyboard, the keys control the "special effect" buttons of the Optigan. There are also keys that control start/stop of the disc, and forward/reverse. In between is Orchestron cello.

I start the piece with the disc playing backwards, then switch to forwards.

No external audio processing added (though the Panoptigan has some great built-in effects).

Visual effects by Signal Culture.

Recorded at Carousel Recording, Brooklyn, NY



Signal Culture:"

Octatrack, Roland TR8S: Dry Forest, Cape Verde

Published on Sep 6, 2019 Seen From Space

"I borrowed my wife's soprano ukulele for this one! There are several uke samples - heavily Octatrack-mangled - over loops cooked in Logic Pro mainly from Omnisphere. Drum samples also constructed in Logic."

Elektron Analog Four solo: "Soda Swarm 2"

Published on Sep 11, 2019 Seen From Space

"Time for a solo spot for this unique instrument."

Modular Jam

Published on Sep 27, 2019

"Short jam on my custom modular (in progress)
With my Korg Kronos providing the pad sound."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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