Wednesday, January 19, 2022


video upload by Bastl Instruments

"SOFTPOP SP2 is also an amazing audio processor!
You don't believe us? Look at this amazing clip! We are syncing Deluge and the SOFTPOP with MIDI. Bass guitar is then processed rhythmically and tonally for this amazing bass tone in the performance.

Performance by Patrik Veltruský"

Also see New Bastl Instruments SOFTPOP SP2 Released - Demos & Overview


video upload by PWMusic

"In this video, Suren AKA My Panda Shall Fly shows us how and why he's made this Malevolent Patch.

For more information on Malevolent, please visit

For more information on My Panda Shall Fly, please visit

Look out for patch sheets to replicate these sounds in the near future via our website:"

The Stunning Synth That Moog Did Not Want

video upload by HAINBACH

"This is the story of the Moog Sonic Six, an American synthesizer from 1972. While branded Moog, Bob Moog had little design involvement and was even opposed to it. Through a series of both unfortunate and fortunate events, Engineer Eugene Zumchak still did get to realize the Sonic Six. Though never as popular as the Minimoog and mostly used for education, this synthesizer is one of the few I dare to call "beast", and try to do my best to prove so in the sound examples. It has numerous outstanding features, which make it special even 50 years afters its creation."

Tundra | Generative Ambient Eurorack Modular (Marbles, Plaits, Veils, QPAS, Beads)

video upload by SyllixMusic

Download the patch notes:
Download the audio:

"Hello! This emotive and enigmatic track was created entirely with the eurorack modular synthesizer through a randomly generated melody created by Mutable Instruments Marbles. Marbles also triggers Plaits which is then being filtered by QPAS before passing through beads for some added textures. Full patch notes are availabe above on my Patreon page. I hope you enjoy the beautiful soundscape of the frozen tundra.

Marbles, Plaits, Veils, QPAS, Beads

Case From Lake

Bored Brain Music"

#Jamuary2022 | Day 19 | Spaceship Jam

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"On day 16 I did a jam with Roli Blocks. Today I'll connect the Seaboard to the Shuttle Control for a dark triphop jam. recently changed their panels to a more professional style, which means we have to say goodbye to the aliens, abducted cows, airplane terminology and space travel. Personally I loved those but I can understand Andreas and Julia like to take their brand to the next level. Love you guys, but I am going to dearly miss the alien with the Salvador Dali mustache. Fortunately, a new panel doesn't change the sound. It can still rip space apart and make wormholes."

Dusting off the Tenori:ON

video upload by allmyfriendsaresynths

"Another weirdo sequencer, with weirdo idiosyncracies. The Tenori:ON. A quick and dirty jam for that month that people do jams in.

All sounds etc just from the Tenori:ON. A bit noisier than usual thanks to a dirty PSU.

I post all of the music I make, including WAV stems; sample packs; collections of video textures; early access to videos; and a whole pile of other stuff on Patreon. I know I know, I hate doing this as well, but if you like what I do and want to get more of it, while also helping me offset some of my ludicrous gear purchases, this is the best place to do it:

If you just want individual sample packs or downloads of video footage to use in your own projects, get them on Gumroad here:

If you're in the market for new gear, my favourite place to find new and interesting synthesizers and other electronic music gear is Signal Sounds. They are based in Glasgow, but ship all over the place and often have stuff nobody else does. Find them at"

Yamaha SY35 Demo: The Presets | No Talking | Moot Booxle

video upload by mootbooxle

"A quick (but not brief) stroll through most of the internal presets of the Yamaha SY35 Vector Synthesizer. I had just gotten the thing that day and I always feel like that is the best time to demo the presets in order to capture my first reaction to them. Some interesting spontaneous music in a myriad of genres and moods was the result!"

Synth cover - "Dance Of Maria" (Elias Rahbani)

video upload by SynthMania

"Non-monetized synth-cover of the wonderful "Dance Of Maria" (1972) by Elias Rahbani"

Roland Juno-106 Demo

video upload by Synthesizer Revolution

"Sound demo of the famous Roland Juno-106 vintage synthesizer."

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Polymoog 280A and Roland JX3P synth riffs for January 18 2022

video upload by Expanding Sound

"Tuesdays always a busy day for me, but I love the challenge of sitting down and trying to create something new each day of the month. The Jamuary jam of the day challenge really appeals to me, honestly there's nothing I'd rather be doing, but as with everyone life gets in the way. Still managed to sit down for an hour and pop out this little riff song. I enjoyed it, I hope you do too!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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