video uploads by FutureRetroSynths
"Examples of new sequencer features on the Future Retro Vectra with firmware 2.0 and expanded sound/sequencer sets. (External drum machine providing bass drum.)"
1. Future Retro Vectra Playing the Sequencer in Real Time
2. Future Retro Vectra Quick Jam
3. Future Retro Vectra Sequencer Length and Direction and Knob Assign
4. Future Retro Vectra Sound Morph and Sequencer Direction
5. Future Retro Vectra Sequencer Length and Direction
6. Future Retro Vectra Sequencer Randomize

via Future Retro:
Randomization over sequencer parameters.
Reset to step 1 of sequencer.
Midi cc control over sequencer parameters.
Midi cc in and out of joysticks.
Sequencer parameter improvement for more convenient usage of features during live performance including keyboard enhancements.
Bug Fixes
Eliminates crash when receiving midi data during preset change.
All 16 midi channels now sending and receiving.
Fixes crashes on sequencer edit page when using for long periods of time.
Soundset expansion contributions from:
Matia Simovich
Jon Sonnenberg
Drew Schlesinger
You can find audio demos at