MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for GenoQs

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Showing posts sorted by date for query GenoQs. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2024

GenoQs Nemo Sequencer SN 028

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"Very rare and fabulous programmable sequencer. One of the most advanced sequencers ever made. Compared to it's big brother model, the Octopus, I really don't think you'll find any limitations - this will keep you busy, no doubt.

Excellent condition and includes power supply, original manual, box and packing materials. Just like new.

BTW, there is simply no software out there that I'm aware of that can produce this kind of live sequencing or that can add chords to the sequences. Even if there is good sequencing software, having tactile control of your sequences is a way better way to work."

If you are aware of any, leave a comment below.

Monday, October 16, 2023

genoQs Octopus & Nemo Sequencers Get an Update

via genoQs Machines


"Six years after the last major OS release a new OS version for both Octopus and Nemo is here: the CE (Community Edition) OS v5.30 is now available!

It is yet another milestone moment and one in which we would like to pass all credit and our deepest gratitude to the group of CE OS creators and testers!

The new 5.30 release introduces a significant number of new features, additional workflow enhancements and a number of bug fixes:

Features and Workflow improvements (not comprehensive):
- On-The-Measure operations for Mute, Solo and Record
- New Page Cluster operations (Move, Copy / Paste & Clear)
- Track-Across-Cluster operations for Mute and Solo
- Enhanced Grid-Track Mode
- Dynamic Step Performance features
- Step Selection enhancement
- Effector enhancement
- Track Rotate of Step Skip condition
- Step Event Track Toggles
- Keyboard Transpose

Bug Fixes:
- Chord stacking using a keyboard can loose notes when inverting the root
- Effector Note Pool computations incorrect when using multiple Feeders
- Hypertrack Step VEL values inverting when offsets take their values below zero
- Using x1.5 Track Speed within a Track Chain causes timing errors
- Restarting a paused Track with a Speed multiple of >1 will Play the Track at x1 speed.
- Skipped Steps & Hypersteps not displaying properly in Step Zoom
- When sequencer is stopped, not possible to set track multiplier to 1/1.5.

The new OS is available at For support questions regarding the installation please refer to"

Sunday, May 21, 2023

GenoQs octopus - analog sequencer

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Genoqs Machines Octopus Sequencer

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Thursday, March 03, 2022

Splitradix - Dessential Haas

video upload by splitradix

"This is a live recording of a lot of my synths playing at the same time. A slightly better sounding version will be available to buy on Bandcamp soon."

Featuring the Abstrakt Instruments Avalon. Rare GenoQs Octopus sequencer to the right of the mixer. Sequentix Cirklon and Elektron Machinedrum featured as well.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

GenoQS Octopus Sequencer

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"*rare* GenoQS Octopus Sequencer. The device is being sold AS IS as 4 of the switch knobs are broken. I have '3' of the knobs, 1 is missing. Device powers on fine and it switches all seem to work (light up) although I know nothing about this device to say for sure."

Monday, May 18, 2020

GenoQS Octopus Black

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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Genoqs Nemo SN 034

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"The ball bearings on the unit (the smaller buttons) are getting slightly dusty and don't roll as smoothly as they used to.
This can probably be cleaned quite easily but i don't want to open it up myself.
They are 100% functional and press down fine (rolling them is'nt tied to a function it's just for cool points)"

Monday, April 13, 2020

genoQs Octopus Vampire (limited edition) & Legacy White Edition

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"Beautiful condition and recently powered on and tested. I do not know the software version but that can be part of your exploration. There is still a wonderful online modern resource in the download section of genoQs dot net."

Update: Legacy White listed here (pics added below).

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Genoqs Nemo Blue

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

GenoQs Octopus sequencer – special NC edition #1

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"GenoQs Octopus – Unique MIDI sequencer concept. This is a special showcase unit at serial number #NC001.

The GenoQs Co. was dissolved some years ago, thus the Octopus & Nemo aren't in production anymore. Nevertheless, the former owners appear to provide continued support, such as repairs & OS updates.
Royal version of the GenoQs sequencer line, absolutely unique production number for Octopus 'NC' model: #NC001
Endlessly deep capabilities, yet once you've read the manual it's very intuitive.
Metal front & back panels have a smooth matt cream white varnish. Piano lacquer-treated black wooden framework. 2x MIDI in/out. 2 USB ports for updates & lamp. Engraved serial. 110-220V switchable internal power supply.
Exceptional condition. Technically perfect. Pristine front panel.
Original box."

Friday, September 20, 2019

Genoqs Nemo black edition SN B013

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"Brand new and very rare 30 pieces. used it less than 5 times and stay in a box in good condition in a room

Number #B013

• 64 pages (patterns).

• Four tracks per page, with 16 steps each.

• Four concurrent pages (ie. 16 concurrent tracks).

• Control over velocity, pitch, length and start points, MIDI channel and MIDI Continuous Controller data for each track.

• Individual and editable runtime directions for each track.

• Polyphonic steps of up to seven notes (*chords or multi-trigger).

• Track self-modulation, via step events.

• Cross-modulation of tracks (via the Effector).

• 32 MIDI channels via two dedicated MIDI ports.

*Each step can hold a seven‑note chord, recorded in real time or entered manually, but there are restrictions caused by the way data is displayed. Genoqs represent note values by LED colours, and just three colours are available. This translates to a three‑octave span for the notes of your chord (each octave gets its own colour) and means each note can only be used once. Still, chords are a major plus, and a strumming feature can be used to break up the chord rhythmically, in an upwards or downwards direction."

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Genoqs Nemo Midi Performance Sequencer

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"It has been updated with the latest Os, CE edition.

This updates it to twofold.
The tracks, pages and concurrent pages are doubled, 4 to 8.

As it has the same innards as the bigger brother octopus."

Monday, July 08, 2019

Genoqs Nemo Blue

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Genoqs Nemo MIDI Sequencer SN 035

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90+ Tactile switches and 9 endless encoders for interactive access
93 LEDs (tri-color) used to display both numeric and quantitative data
64 pages (i.e. “patterns”)
4 tracks per page, 16 steps each
4 concurrent pages, i.e. 16 concurrent tracks
Page tracks freely chain-able to structures of up to 64 steps
Per track velocity, pitch, length and start factors, MIDI channel and CC
Individual clock multiplier/divisor per track
Individual and editable runtime directions per track
Polyphonic steps, of up to 7 notes (chords or multi-trigger)
Track self modulation, via step events
Cross modulation of tracks (via the Effector)
MIDI note and CC recording and playback per track
32 MIDI channels via 2 dedicated MIDI ports"

Monday, May 13, 2019

Toraiz Squid: Overview and Fast Guide

Published on May 13, 2019 Stochastic Design

"In this video, we take a look at the new Toraiz Squid MIDI/CV sequencer from Pioneer DJ and see what makes it stand out from the pack!

It is geared primarily towards creating and evolving music on the fly, but with a solid and simple transfer of MIDI files between DAW and Squid. There are a few standout features we haven't seen in hardware sequencers before, and there are more similarities to the genoQs Octopus than the name :-)

To keep the video short, a few in-depth features are omitted or briefly touched upon, but they will be included more thoroughly in a Part 2. This is all you need to start recording and manipulating your tracks! Stay tuned, and please comment below on what you would like to see in the future!"

Friday, April 19, 2019

Genoqs Octopus Ltd Vampire Edition

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Friday, March 08, 2019

Genoqs Nemo Midi Sequencer

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"Up for sale is the amazing Genoqs Nemo in immaculate condition. It's been upgraded to the latest operating system V5.00CE which significantly improves on its functionality and previous specs. Everything works beautifully. It lives in a clean studio and is operated with extreme care. It’s ready for a new owner, I’m only selling because I’ve upgraded to Octopus and can’t justify keeping them both.

Nemo CE OS v5.00
- Step chord enhancement that supports stacked octaves
- Cluster Page Hold
- Improved Record/Re-take
- Step Zoom available from all Page modes
- Doubles the amount of Pages
- Doubles the amount of Tracks per Page
- Doubles the amount of Concurrent Pages
- Multiplies by 4 the amount of Concurrent Tracks
- Multiplies by 4 the amount of Steps (upped from 4,096 to a dizzying 16,384)
- Chase Light Follow for Track Chains
- Reset to First Page on Page Cluster Follow
- New Grid Modes"

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Genoqs Octopus Vampire edition MIDI sequencer

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"One of the greatest midi sequencers ever. This is one of the rare Vampire editions. Works beautifully but has some visible wear and tear. Has latest Community Edition 5.00 installed."

Monday, December 03, 2018

Red Vampire Edition GenoQs Octopus

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"In very clean shape, comes with manuals. This thing is capable of more than any other sequencer out there. This is the super rare Vampire Edition. Color is a little darker and less pink-ish than the photos. Beautiful instrument, and an incredible studio centerpiece (both functionally and aesthetically!)"

Note the "Sold" logo on the top left.  Not sure where the image came from, but you don't see this listed often.  You can see a red one in this video, and some pics of another here.


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