Showing posts sorted by date for query Inside_Joke. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Inside_Joke. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Dark Orchestra For Kurzweil PC4/ Forte / K2700 and newer
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Here's a great production and improv tool: a full orchestra with a velvet, dark temperament.
Pretty sophisticated patch, with some deep editing and randomization: the goal is playability and thrill of a one-man-orchestra. Keep a check on that ego! Comes in a XL and LT version.
Get it from my Patreon: / dark-orchestra-116135449
Slider A/1: section I (whole section)
Slider B/2: softness
Slider C/3: attack
Slider D:4 diminuendo
Slider E:5 section II (strings section, close)
Slider F: 6 release, samples
Slider G: 7 tightness
Slider H/8: note bender
Slider I/9: dark Plate"
Saturday, November 02, 2024
Rhodes MK-8 v2 Electric Piano for Kurzweil (freebie)
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Here my improved Rhodes MK-8 electric piano, I think you'll like this one… Comes in variations and multi's. And its a freebie! direct download, no registration needed. Just play.
Link: / rhodes-mk-8-v2-115218071
It was build up around 12 basic layers, and extra layers for release-pedal down and a tine keymap.
Size is about 237 MB. PLS load the patches & multi's in one go to prevent double data.
Slider 1/A: individual note pan (OB Style)
Slider 2/B: microphone B
Slider 3/C: pedal FX
Slider 4/D: -
Slider 5/E: LP Filter cutoff
Slider 6/F: LP Filter res
Slider 7/G: tremolo speed
Slider 8/H: microphone C
Slider 9/I: stereo overdrive (sweeet)
Button 1 ( Brake): whack!
Button 2 (on/off): glitch
Button 3 (chorus/vib): vintage
Button 4 (depth): bell
Button 5 (on/off): pong
Button 6 (loud/soft): chorus
Button 7 (decay f/s): tremolo on/off"
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Lili's EA Guitar for Kurzweil by Inside_Joke
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Here's a swift vid: a soulful electo-acoustic guitar for the PC4, Forte and later like the K2700. Really enjoy'd the ribbon, pretty new to me.
This one is for my Patreon's, but non-member can wheel in too. Also check out the freebies for Patreon on my page.
/ lilis-ea-guitar-113907524
Here some slider info:
Slider A/1: pre-roll (wow, had to edit sample start for every WAV…)
Slider B/2: voice panning
Slider C/3: AMP decay
Slider D/4: release samples/ amp release (tightness)
Slider E: 5: Tone Dialer
Slider F/6: LFO Speed
Slider H/7: Mic position/ cabinet
Slider I/8: Variable overdrive (C1 program only)
Slider G/9: Variable reverb
Comes in 2 cabinet versions: C1 is more compatible, while C2 is pretty DSP heavy and work so far only the K2700. But you can try, just load them in go to prevent double data.
Size: about 17 MB (high sample rate was just not necessary for this one)"
Saturday, September 28, 2024
D'Amery Upright Piano for Kurzweil K2700/Forte/PC4
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Snapped this ancient D'Amery upright piano on my summerbreak in Gran Canaria, nice Airbnb rental bonus eh?
Crazy, but sampled this one with my Samsung S21 stereo phone mic. Layed it in the cabinet for some really closed-up sampling (macro sampling?) At home, I was positively surprised with the results: although some compression and slight noise, it sounded fine to me.
This one is for my Patreon supporters but there are many freebies for Kurzweil users (without registration).
/ damery-upright-112947020
Slider 1 /A: key to sound latency
Slider 2 /B: AMP Decay
Slider 3 /C: AMP release
Slider 4 /D: tonedailer
Slider 5 /E: pedal down resonance
Slider 6 /F: release samples
Slider 7 /G: LPF cutoff
Slider 8 /H: tape echo
Slider 9 /I: small Cave Reverb"
Friday, August 30, 2024
DSI OB-6 patch collection for Kurzweil by Inside_Joke
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Hi! Here's a few sounds from my OB-6 collection for Kurzweil. Works for the Forte, K2700 K2061/K2088 and mostly on PC4.
This one is for Patreon but is available as separate purchase too. Check out the link for more info: / 729824"
Saturday, August 10, 2024
New Inside_Joke Patches for the Kurzweil Forte/ K2700 (and others)
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Made a song with just my Kurzweil sounds. Some of the sounds are freebie patches, link in the patreon post (registration not needed)
I love working Dawless with just my Forte and an Akai MPC for quick tracking. It's the main reason I transferred my sound library to the Kurz. No latency or PC troubles. Then, with tweaking and all, I go back to DAW (REAPER) and start tinkering. For me, it improved the musical process, less distraction more notes.
Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Behringer Pro-800 TRICKS & PATCHES by Inside_Joke :-)
video upload by Inside_Joke
"The Pro-800 earns his own in the analog synth realm. Yes - I think it's a Prophet, but with its own nuance. I tried to bring out it's personality in these patches.
Really fell in love with this synth. But you know me: many loves, not so many marriages…
Also in the vid, some tips & tricks - stuff you might not have thought about yet. If you like the sounds: get the patches @Patreon, no need to enlist:
Transferring the sounds
The easiest way to transfer the sounds is with 'Swumpf' or Behringer own 'Synth tribe app'
Swumpf is a free online synth-editor based on Chrome, works great. You can also download an offline version, I recommend it because you never know."
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Hammond Drawbar for Kurzweil by Inside_Joke
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Here's a modelled Hammond A-100 Drawbar Organ for your Kurzweil Forte/ K2700 & (upcoming) K2061/88… For PC4 owners: some controls and DSP might not work properly, this is a spicy multi-patch.
Comes with custom 'click', Leslie, amp and bass drawbar. Check-out the Patreon post for details: / 105817083
This one is for my supporting Patreons (thanks btw!) BUT there are loads of freebie for you to grab until the end of time.
For PC4 owners: some controls and DSP might not work properly, this is a spicy multi-patch. A single program without percussion layer should work fine."
Juno-6 Sensitive Leader patch for Kurzweil Forte / K2700 (freebie)
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Amazingly sounding Juno-60 Lead/Pad patch with on-the-fly sculpting tools.
If you like the patch for your Kurz, get it as direct download from my Patreon page- no registration needed: / 102753110"
Friday, April 07, 2023
Eno's Gateway: exploring sonic capabilities of the Kurzweil Forte / K2700
video upload by Inside_Joke
"This is all about exploring Forte's filters and sonic audio capabilities. Relax and flow into a higher state…
Are you a Patreon? Get the sound- and make your own trance experience in your Forte of K2700 :-)"
Transference: Is the Kurzweil Forte / K2700 a Montage or Kronos killer?
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Well, does it matter? They are all great instruments, the Kurzweils does have some advantages. The Forte has 16 GB flash memory and some nice sound design tricks like modulating the sample start point. You can edit the Forte like a modular synth - limitless.
In this video I showcase my library, transferred sounds from my PC to the Forte. In part 2 I show how to go about it and convert your own Ni Kontakt sounds.
A part of my library sounds are now available through my Patreon account:"
Transference part 2 tutorial: my workflow for the Kurzweil Forte & K2700
"In this advanced tutorial, I show you my workflow how to transfer Ni Kontakt instrument to the Kurzweil Forte or 2700. The method is basically the same for other Kurz models.
A part of my library sounds are now available through my Patreon account:"
Roland Juno-60 emulation with Kurzweil VAST (Forte/K2700)
video upload by Inside_Joke
"Emulation a Juno-60 with VAST? Here we go..
Download the Freebie patch for your Forte/K2700 with a direct link on my Patreon page. Hope you enjoy it!"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.