Showing posts sorted by date for query Rune Flobakk. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Rune Flobakk. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Synth excerpt from Always Rivalled (@No Man's Island)
video upload by Rune Flobakk
"Small excerpt from a new song, Always Rivalled, I am performing with my band @No Man's Island . Wanted to test out my recently acquired LinnDrum, and perform a multitrack one-take by routing the individual outs from the drum machine through a (also recently acquired) @Erica Synths Matrix Mixer, in order to flexibly assign drums to their own input channels. The polysynth parts are played on an Oberheim Matrix-12, and the bass on a John Bowen Solaris. All sounds and effects is generated 'outside the box' (not using any plugins), and only some mixing levelling and EQ is done post-recording.
The pink pedal you get a glimpse of in the beginning is a @Poly Effects Beebo, which I also use for live playing. Recording is done with an Allen & Heath Qu-16 into Logic on Mac.
The full song also includes vocals, guitars, electric bass, and drums."
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Andromeda Noise AutoMod
Rune Flobakk
"Demonstration of a noise-based preset I made for my Alesis Andromeda A6 synthesizer. All filter modulation is done using LFOs and S&H, patched so they exhibit a rather unpredictable behaviour."
Saturday, May 02, 2020
Lay Down Your Shield by No Man's Island
Behind the scenes: creating the synth riff for Lay Down Your Shield
Published on May 2, 2020 No Man's Island
Update: video above added.
"A small secret about Lay Down Your Shield (released on April 28th) is that it was really already started on in December 2018. Songwriting is a long process 😅 The main riff of the song was created by Rune tweaking some sounds on his MFB Dominion 1 synthesizer, and eventually thought to himself 'hey, this sounds rather cool, doesn't it?'."
New track from supporting member, Rune Flobakk.
"We are not primarily a 'synth band' by any means, but the sound relies heavily on synths. On this song I used both an Alesis Andromeda A6 and an Oberheim Matrix-12. The arpeggiator riff in the verses is played on the Andromeda, and I use the Matrix-12 for chords in the refrain and bridge. The song is available on Spotify and most other streaming services"
You can find the release at the following links:
Apple Music
Published on May 2, 2020 No Man's Island
Update: video above added.
"A small secret about Lay Down Your Shield (released on April 28th) is that it was really already started on in December 2018. Songwriting is a long process 😅 The main riff of the song was created by Rune tweaking some sounds on his MFB Dominion 1 synthesizer, and eventually thought to himself 'hey, this sounds rather cool, doesn't it?'."
New track from supporting member, Rune Flobakk.
"We are not primarily a 'synth band' by any means, but the sound relies heavily on synths. On this song I used both an Alesis Andromeda A6 and an Oberheim Matrix-12. The arpeggiator riff in the verses is played on the Andromeda, and I use the Matrix-12 for chords in the refrain and bridge. The song is available on Spotify and most other streaming services"
You can find the release at the following links:
Apple Music
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Just Human Synth Cover with Alesis Andromeda A6 & Nord Electro
Just Human synth cover from Rune Flobakk on Vimeo.
"Recording from my rehearsal room. Dubbing over the Carpark North hit 'Just Human' with my Alesis Andromeda A6 and Nord Electro."
The Andromeda is up there with the monster poly analogs imo. 12 voices, two oscillators with smooth pitch frequency vs. stepped, two filters (one Moog, one SEM) and tons of modulation capabilities in an easy to implement UI. People do tend to knock it based on history during it's development. The initial beta testers of the synth did not agree with choices made by the developer.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Airwolf Theme - In memory of Ernest Borgnine
Airwolf Theme - In memory of Ernest Borgnine from Rune Flobakk on Vimeo.
This is a recording a made after learning about the sad passing of a childhood hero, Ernest Borgnine, who played Dominic Santini in the TV series "Airwolf". Rest in peace, Dom.
Everything is played real-time in one take on an Oberheim Matrix-12, through a Lexicon MX400, and recorded using an Apogee Duet.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Continuum Jamming
Continuum Jamming from Rune Flobakk on Vimeo.
"My first recording attempt with my 2 days old Continuum. Obviously I need a lot of practice to master it. I use a slightly tweaked preset from the internal sound engine of the Continuum. It could probably be mixed a bit louder in some parts though.
The tune is Just Another Story, one of my favourite Jamiroquai songs."
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