Showing posts sorted by date for query SYNTHWAY. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query SYNTHWAY. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Tweaking: Korg Minilogue XD [NO TALKING]
video upload by SYNTHWAY
"Just some musical ramblings and live tweaking sounds on the Minilogue XD, my current go to synthesizer for some fun purposes. It is a very nice instrument for the price, the effects are way better than with more expensive gear, expandability with the SDK is a nice way to keep it alive (already purchased Sinevibes Node, video soon).
Been away for quite some time, promisse I'll be back more often, maybe even focus a bit more on playing stuff, rather than showing sounds only."
Demo Boss DC-2W + Nord Lead A1 [NO TALKING]
video upload by SYNTHWAY
"Just some random improvisations and tweaking sounds coupled with the marvelous DC-2 Waza from Boss. Up to 7 minutes I was using it in SDD-320 mode, and after that a bit of the original DC-2 mode. I go swtiching all the modes (1-2-3-4 and combinations of them) progressively throughout the whole demo."
Demo Boss CE-2W + Nord Lead A1 [NO TALKING]
video upload by SYNTHWAY
"On the same day I've used both pedals (CE-2W and DC-2W) and the Nord A1. The only real difference is that the DC-2W is true stereo, meaning that I could record a single stereo track. For the CE-2W you get one side with the effect, the other without, so the best way to combine its own sound is to pan a bit of each track (in this case, one is 12R the other 12L).
It is a marvelous pedal, with a more subtle CE-2 mode, a medium CE-1 mode, and a vibrato option, that coupled with synthesizers sounds great.
Feel free to ask me anything... I'll answer the best I can."
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Tweaking: Roland JU-06A Pads (NO TALKING)
video upload by SYNTHWAY
"Just tweaking a few different pad sounds with the JU-06A internal synth engine on the fly, with quick and interesting results."
Friday, June 25, 2021
Nord Lead A1 - Lonely Friday Improv Jam
video upload by SYNTHWAY
"Just using the A1 and having fun...
Internal arpeggios with the hold button, both holding an Eb7 chord (and a few extras), soft lead sound on channel 3, channel 4 controlled by the Little Phatty (pad sound).
Hope you enjoy it! Thank you!"
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Tweaking: Nord Lead A1 (NO TALKING)
video by SYNTHWAY
"Just having fun while making some different sounds with the different oscillator configurations on the Nord Lead A1. You can get the overall feeling of how it sounds and how easy it is to achieve different sounds. No, it's not as deep as the Nord Lead 4, but I made the jump and use it as my only polysynth besides what I have ITB."
Saturday, February 06, 2021
Pedals on synths: First try with a few Boss pedals (CE2W + DM2W + OD3)
video by SYNTHWAY
"Just trying some pedals with the Nord Lead 4.
00:12 - Base Sound
01:10 - Nord's Internal Delay
01:50 - DM2W Delay
02:43 - Base Sound
02:57 - OD3 Overdrive
03:28 - OD3 + DM2W
03:54 - DM2W Delay
04:36 - Base Sound
04:41 - CE2W Chorus
Some thoughts in the end.
The CE2W is beyond glorious in my honest opinion.
Everything recorded directly to the audio interface (Scarlett 2i2).
Routing for audio is double mono tracks with -20/+20 Panorama."
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Minimoog Voyager, Valhalla Delay and VintageVerb
Published on Apr 14, 2020 SYNTHWAY
"Just having some fun with these, nothing much.
Nothing excellent in terms of music, but decided to record it anyway."
Saturday, August 03, 2019
Minimoog Voyager - Bach: Cello Suite No 1 - Prelude
Published on Aug 3, 2019 SYNTHWAY
Update: Re-Published on Aug 4, 2019
"Had a bit of practice time today's morning and decided to upload a new version of my previous video, posted yesterday with no training. This one is a better rendition to this magnificent music, and I think the Minimoog can translate some of the magical feeling you get from the cello."
"My third attempt on this beautiful music, with my favorite instrument. It isn't perfect, but shows how beautifully synthesizers can be used as a mean to play classical music. I think I could do it better, but since I won't have much time to practice and perfect it, this is good enough.
The patch is as you can see on the synth, a single oscillator, with the correct envelopes, gentle modulation.
Thank you for watching!"
Friday, September 07, 2018
The Son of Flynn on a Minimoog Voyager
Published on Sep 7, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is a simple, yet beautiful harmony from Tron: Legacy soundtrack. Once gain, with the beautiful Valhalla Vintage Verb.
Was having some fun with my beloved Voyager and while playing some G#m melodies, came with the right chord progression. The chords are not 100% because it wouldn't be very good on a solo line (heard it, tried to use same chords, didn't sound like the right choice), but they`re close enough.
The video is kind of dark, sorry for that.
Thank you for watching!"
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
A Phatty Duet - Little and Sub Phatty doing The Force Theme
Published on Sep 5, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is the last video I have to share with the Sub Phatty. I had an immense fun with it, and thought one last video with the duo of Phatties would be nice. They're both drenched in reverb (Valhalla Vintage).
This is a theme that I love and already posted. Now I've done it with the basses. Hope you enjoy it!"
Friday, August 31, 2018
A Phatty Duel - Sub Phatty vs Little Phatty
Published on Aug 31, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is a non scientific video comparing these awesome synths.
For lack of more time with both, I couldn't actually compare several things that I find needed (such as two oscillator added) and what one could do and the other couldn't (and it goes both ways, even with the Sub being the feature-rich one).
I just sold my Sub Phatty because I didn't have room for it anymore after moving. I loved it! I even have my name on Moog's official website for some patches I developed for the Editor (IC folder).
I hope you enjoy what I could compare in the time I had at my disposal. It was made on the fly without any sort of "scripting" and I do get lost/forget stuff along the way. Not comparing the detuning on both was a big mistake for example. Even so, I still think that it gives an idea of the differences between them.
Be nice on your comments, I'm not trying to say one is better than the other - the Little Phatty is the single instrument I'll never sell. It was a great gift from my mother, and I'll never part with it.
I'll gladly answer any questions you have. Cheers!"
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sunday Synth Jam - Sub Phatty and Minilogue
Published on Aug 26, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"Just a little jam with these incredible little synths.
Minilogue is playing a chord progression with the ARP MODE selected, going thru chorus and reverb.
Sub Phatty is playing a base sound with reverb.
The camera angle was far from ideal... sorry for that. The little Elektron box on the side is the Analog Rytm, not used in the jam."
Monday, August 20, 2018
Sub Phatty - Ext IN with Animoog
Published on Aug 20, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"Demonstrating the external in feature of the Sub Phatty using Animoog. Nothing super musical, but good enough to make a point... it can sound great!
The connection between the Moog and iPad is: USB out on the Moog, to iPad via CCK/USB adaptor. Audio out of the iPad to the Moog. Audio out of Moog to Scarlett 2i2."
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Sub Phatty - The Basics Demonstration
Published on Aug 19, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is a complete demonstration of the basic functions of the Sub Phatty, going thru oscillators, filter, envelopes and LFO. There's no exploring of hidden panel functions (which I'll approach in a later video).
I know this is a long one, but I've always wanted to show the Sub Phatty and its synthesis components."
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Minimoog Voyager + EHX Cathedral - Peaceful5ths
Published on May 27, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is just a simple improvisation with a gorgeous preset monophonic pad sound from the Voyager (with some minor tweaking) and a lot of EHX Cathedral magic. Nothing spectacular, just wanted to share.
Don't mind the mess on the back... I'm still planning how to set up things."
Monday, May 21, 2018
Luke's Theme on a Minimoog Voyager + EHX Cathedral
Published on May 21, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"I was just having fun with the Voyager and started to play this melody out of nowhere... had to share with you. This is one of my favorite themes on any movie, simply beautiful music.
This is very simple, just the main melodic line of the theme with some ethereal reverb on the top.
The sound is a simple brassy patch with a LOT of reverb, which was inspired by Moog's new Grandmother synthesizer. The reverb is an EHX Cathedral, with a spring reverb, low feedback, high reverb time, 40% blend."
Monday, May 07, 2018
Minimoog Voyager - Tweaking No 1
Published on May 7, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is a non musical video, showing some of the synthesis capabilities of this amazing machine. After 8 years of wait, it is finally mine."
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Volca Sample - First Jam
Published on Mar 15, 2018 SYNTHWAY
"This is my first recorded live jam with the Korg Volca Sample. It's an incredible machine for the money, and can get you into creative places very quickly. It is also an excellent drum machine if you want it - way better than the Volca Beats alternative.
Samples come from: PO-12, TR-808, JU-06, Rytm.
I'm still feeding samples to it, trying to find ideal sounds, but can take awhile.
Thank you for watching!"
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Published on Apr 11, 2017 SYNTHWAY
"Not my best improvisation ever, but I just wanted to share the experiment of a layered sound with the Boutiques + Valhalla Shimmer. Loving these little machines (also the Minilogue, used only as a controller)."
Follow-up to Valhallalogue!
Monday, April 10, 2017
Published on Apr 10, 2017 SYNTHWAY
"Just a test drive of this amazing reverb/shimmer software."
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