MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for moogfoundation

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query moogfoundation. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query moogfoundation. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, November 02, 2014

The 2014 BMF Minimoog Raffle!

Published on Nov 2, 2014 moogfoundation


The Bob Moog Foundation's 2014 Minimoog Raffle is under way! Don't miss your chance to win a fully-functional and great-sounding 1973 Moog Minimoog! The raffle ends November 25th, so enter soon and often! One entry is $20, six entries for $100. If you don't win, your entry will help the Bob Moog Foundation promote Bob Moog's legacy through educational programs like Dr. Bob's Soundschool, which teaches kids the science of sound.

Here is your chance to get the information you need about the raffle, and hear the Minimoog you'll be entering to win!"

The 2014 BMF Minimoog Raffle: The Minimoog Filter!

Uploaded on Oct 29, 2014 moogfoundation

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Conversations" Inspired by Bob Moog

"Conversations" with MOBY: Inspired by Bob Moog

Published on Oct 24, 2012 by moogfoundation

"At Moogfest 2011, we sat down with iconic electronic musican, Moby, to talk about the power and importance of Bob Moog's legacy. Moby is part of our work. You can be too. Donate:"

Conversations: Wayne Coyne REMEMBERING

Published on Oct 26, 2012 by moogfoundation

"Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips reflects on Bob's Moog's Legacy. Wayne is part of our work. You can be too. Donate:"

Eric Persing-CEO Spectrasonics

Published on Oct 26, 2012 by moogfoundation
Re- Published on Nov 6, 2012 by moogfoundation
Update: The previous videos disappeared, so posting this one from 2008.

"Eric Persing, Founder and Creative Director at Spectrasonics, on the power of Bob's technical legacy, and the importance of knowing where technology originated. Eric is part of our work. You can be too. Donate:"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beastie Boys Cut the Ribbon on the MiniMoogseum!

video upload by moogfoundation

moogfoundation — May 23, 2010 — "Hip Hop Legends Perform Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on MiniMoogseum Installation, Paying Tribute to the Moog Legacy!

The Beastie Boys have been rocking crowds the world over for more than 25 years; they are the undeniable innovators of both hip hop and rock and roll. Known for looking forward and backward, the Beastie Boys were among the first to embrace the phat analog Moog sound in the late 80s and early 90s at a point when the world of synthesis had gone largely digital.

How fitting it was to have the Beastie Boys swing through town and perform a ribbon cutting ceremony on the Foundation's MiniMoogseum installation in the Orange Peel, once again championing the Bob Moog and his legacy of pioneering synthesis.

Dubbed the MiniMoogseum, the eight foot high showcase serves as the first permanent installation of Bob Moog's archives, including one of his Grammy awards and relics from the early development of Moog synthesizers. Michelle Moog-Koussa, who serves as the Executive Director of the Foundation named after her father, explained that Over the decades to come, hundreds of thousands of people will see the installation as they visit the Orange Peel... which was recently voted in the top five in the country by Rolling Stone magazine. The "MiniMoogseum" can be thought of as a small scale version of the future "Moogseum", coming soon to the Asheville area.

Beastie Boys join a growing group of celebrity musicians, including Stevie Wonder, Keith Emerson, and Billy Corgan who have all voiced their support of the Foundation's mission to teach science to children using musical instruments. In the video the band expresses that they are ...proud and happy to be here at the beginning of this beautiful thing.....the Moogseum. They continue by saying There should be a Moog synthesizer in every classroom.

This video marks the first in a new series of videos and blogs that the Foundation is calling "Voices" -- reflections and ideas from the wider Moog community, focused on how Bob Moog inspired their creativity.

Making the MiniMoogseum a Reality: Volunteers and Sponsors

The MiniMoogseum was designed and built by a team of volunteers and sponsors—the foundation playfully refers to them as Rockstars--including Gene Felice, Domus Aurea Woodworking Design, Steve Dunnington and Mike Pieo.

Materials for the project were donated by Cormark International, Speedy Graphics, Moog Music, Asheville Hardware and Henco Reprographics. This project is the first step in an iterative process for the Foundation. The full-sized Moogseum, scheduled to open in four years, will feature interactive and experiential exhibits that inspire the next generation of Bob Moog like innovators, as well as an intimate performance area, where musicians from around the world can participate in the Foundation's programming.

Special thanks to Meg, Rhino & Jon Leidel for capturing this even on both video and photo!"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Points of Inspiration: Dr. Bob's SoundSchool

Points of Inspiration: Passion Pit and Dr. Bob's SoundSchool

YouTube Uploaded by moogfoundation on Dec 12, 2011

"In our third of the series Points of Inspiration, Curriculum Research Coordinator Dr. Jonna Kwaitkowski gives a fantastic update about our progress with Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, with Nate Donmoyer and Ayad Al Adhamy from Passion Pit speaking about the power of an innovative program such SoundSchool."

Point of Inspiration: Inspiring Merchandise Supports Bob Moog's Legacy

Uploaded by moogfoundation on Dec 5, 2011

"To see the items featured in this video, visit"

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Stocking Stuffers: Bob Moog Foundation 2012 Calander

I put a post up earlier on the new 2012 Bob Moog Foundation Calender. Not only would the calender be a great gift to yourself for the holiday season, but it would go to a great cause. The Bob Moog Foundation is bringing our wold of synthesizers to new generations. Be sure to visit them at You might notice a new banner on the right of the site under Artists and More. Clicking on it will take you to their shop where you can pick up the calendar. Another way you can support them is via their Igniting Creativity and Innovation campaign on IndieGoGo, and of course directly on their site:

Dr. Bob's SoundSchool Ignites the Creative and Innovative Spirit

Uploaded by moogfoundation on Oct 25, 2011
previously posted here

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Moog Source: Second Prize in the Moog Trifecta Raffle

Published on Aug 31, 2018 moogfoundation

"This vintage, pristine Moog Source is the second prize in our Moog Trifecta Raffle, which ends September 24, 2018 (or until all tickets are sold). Enter to win it, and the Memorymoog (Plus) and Moog Rogue here: Three gorgeous vintage Moog synthesizers. Three winners.

Thanks to Asheville rockstar keyboardists Ben Hovey, Jamar Woods, and Simon Thomas George for helping us with some sonic exploration. Filmed on location at Echo Mountain Studios by Flying Pig Studio."

moogfoundation Trifecta Raffle videos

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Bob Moog Foundation RSS Feeds

Main feed:

Point your readers to the feed and enjoy.

The Bob Moog Foundation

Thursday, February 27, 2020

New York City-based Keyboardist Valerie Ghent On the Greatness of the Iconic Minimoog Model D!

Published on Feb 27, 2020 moogfoundation

"ENTER TO WIN the vintage Minimoog Model D that Valerie is playing, which has been signed by jazz legend Herbie Hancock, here:

Raffle ends on March 10th, or until all tickets are sold out. All proceeds benefit the innovative educational and archive preservation work (including the new Moogseum!) of the Bob Moog Foundation , a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization (

You can check Valerie out here:"

Monday, October 16, 2023

Win a Vintage Memorymoog Signed by Dominic Milano of Keyboard Magazine

video upload by moogfoundation

"Get your tickets:

The Bob Moog Foundation is excited to announce its Fall 2023 Raffle for a fully-restored vintage Memorymoog Plus synthesizer, serial number 3068, manufactured between 1983 and 1985.

This one-of-a-kind Memorymoog Plus, valued at $15,000, was owned and played by Dominic Milano, former editorial director of Keyboard magazine. Milano, author of the original Memorymoog manual and a long-time friend of synthesizer pioneer Bob Moog, has also autographed the unit.

All proceeds from the raffle of the instrument, valued at $15,000, will benefit the Bob Moog Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to inspire creative thinking at the intersection of science, music, history and innovation through its three hallmark projects: Dr. Bob’s SoundSchool, the Bob Moog Foundation Archives, and the Moogseum."

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bob Moog Foundation 2020 Trifecta Raffle: The Moog Source


"The Moog Source: Grand Prize of our 2020 Trifecta Raffle!

The Source was first Moog to offer patch memory storage and a data wheel to edit the parameters. The Source's rich sound has been used by Tangerine Dream, Jan Hammer, Depeche Mode, Devo, Vince Clarke, New Order (especially on the track “Blue Monday” for which provides the throbbing bassline throughout the song), Ultravox, Josh Wink, Front Line Assembly, Moog Cookbook, Kitaro, Imperial Drag, The Cars, Phish, The Rentals, King Crimson, Blur, Gary Numan, and Toby Smith (of Jamiroquai)

Read more about this synthesizer, as well as the Rogue and Source being offered in our Trifecta Raffle, and purchase your tickets here:

All three synthesizers have been expertly restored and are in excellent technical and physical condition.

The raffle is a fundraiser for the important work of the Bob Moog Foundation. Proceeds benefit our hallmark educational project, Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, the Bob Moog Foundation Archives, and the Moogseum. Find out more here:

The raffle is open internationally.

Big Moog Love to @MaryFrances-MamaFunk for exploring these synths with us!"

Monday, July 09, 2012

Tangerine Dream- The Bob Moog Foundation

YouTube Published on Jul 9, 2012 by moogfoundation

"A rare interview with Edgar Froese and Thorsten Quaeschning of Tangerine Dream just prior to their show at Moogfest 2011 ( Catch Tangerine Dream in concert! Their Electric Mandarine Tour runs from July 5-July 14 ( Support the Bob Moog Foundation (

Please take note:

Related: Tangerine Dream with Their Moog Modulars

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Honoring the Indelible Keith Emerson on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing

video by moogfoundation

"Today we pay respect to a spirit who touched so many lives and hearts.

'Keith Emerson was more than his music. He was more than massive modular synthesizers, knives in organs, incomparable keyboard technique, savant-level musicianship, and spinning pianos. Keith Emerson was a fearless, revolutionary visionary who used technology and the transcendental language of music to demonstrate for all of us that surmounting monumental challenges could reap rewards of cosmic proportion.' - Michelle Moog-Koussa

To read the tribute from 2016, visit

Robert Schindler/Robeone
Robeone Music BMI"

Sunday, January 26, 2014

1967 Vintage Moog Modular w/ Control Modules by

Top via @MoogFoundation here: "This 1967 beauty, an R.A. Moog Co. Moog #Modular, was a big hit at #NAMM2014 #synthlove #NAMM"

Bottom via @MoogFoundation here: "Check out this controller. On loan from Roger Arrick. #NAMM2014 #NAMM #Booth5406"

Monday, February 21, 2022

Minimoog Model D Signed by Herb Deutsch - NYC based Michael Whalen on why this synth is so special

video upload by moogfoundation

"Get your raffle tickets:

'The Mini[moog] is iconic because of the sound ... really nothing sounds like it.' - Michael Whalen

Recording artist, synthesist, composer, and producer Michael Whalen on why the Minimoog is so iconic, and why this one, in particular, is priceless.

Enter to win this stunning vintage Minimoog Model D in a custom walnut cabinet, signed by synthesizer pioneer Herb Deutsch

The Minimoog featured is serial number 11,535, built at Moog Music’s Cheektowaga, NY factory during the late 1970s. It has an estimated value of $10,000. Due to the highly-coveted nature of this archetypal synthesizer, and the iconic signature from Herb Deutsch, it is likely to increase in value. This Minimoog has been meticulously restored by revered synthesizer technician Wes Taggart of Analogics, who also crafted its new custom walnut cabinet enclosure. It is in excellent technical and physical condition.

The raffle begins on February 9th, to commemorate Deutsch’s 90th birthday, and serves as an homage to his seminal contributions to the Moog legacy. It ends on March 7, 2022, at 11:59pm ET, or when all 4,500 tickets sell out, whichever comes first. Tickets are $20 each, six for $100, 14 for $200, or 40 for $500

Funds raised from the raffle will be used to expand the Foundation’s hallmark educational project, Dr. Bob’s SoundSchool, which has inspired over 20,000 elementary school students through the science of sound. The raffle will also help support the Moogseum, an immersive, experiential facility located in Asheville, NC, which brings Bob Moog’s pioneering legacy and the science of sound and synthesis alive for people of all ages. The Moogseum, which opened in late May of 2019, has welcomed over 14,000 visitors from all over the world, despite significant challenges due to the pandemic.

Our last raffle sold out so be sure to purchase your tickets early. Purchase tickets here:

Learn more about the Bob Moog Foundation:"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NAMM 2012: Iconic musicians sound off on Dr. Bob's SoundSchool!

YouTube Uploaded by moogfoundation on Feb 15, 2012

"The Bob Moog Foundation was lucky to have some incredibly iconic musicians stop by our booth to comment on what we're doing with Dr. Bob's SoundSchool and our Indiegogo campaign!"

NAMM 2012- Did anyone stop by the Bob Moog Foundation Booth?

Uploaded by moogfoundation on Feb 15, 2012

"NAMM 2012 was a fantastic opportunity for The Bob Moog Foundation, as we had our own booth this year! The question is, did we have a lot of visitors? Yes, we certainly did... take a look!"

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bob Moog Foundation 2024 Year In Review

video upload by moogfoundation

"2024 was as inspiring as it was challenging. Our three hallmark projects, Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, the Bob Moog Foundation Archives, and the Moogseum all saw great growth and growing impact. Hurricane Helene devastated our community and hampered our efforts -- but not for long. Thanks to the support and generosity of our worldwide community, we have been able to rebound, with a continued devotion to inspiring people of all ages and walks of life through the intersection of science, music, technology, and innovation.

We are grateful for all of the opportunities that 2024 afforded us and we look forward to 2025 with great anticipation.

Please consider supporting our important work:


Become of member of the Bob Moog Foundation:

Purchase something from our newly redesigned online store:

Music Credit: 'Trantor Station' by Erik Norlander:"

Friday, October 26, 2012

Conversations: Eric Persing Celebration

Eric Persing CELEBRATION Revised YouTube

Published on Oct 26, 2012 by moogfoundation
Re- Published on Nov 6, 2012 by moogfoundation

"Eric Persing, Founder and Creative Director at Spectrasonics, on the power of Bob's technical legacy, and the importance of knowing where technology originated. Eric is part of our work. You can be too. Donate:"

All parts here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bob Moog Foundation Announces Bryan Bell New Chairman of Board of Directors

"Bob Moog Foundation Announces New Chairman of the Board, Music Industry Innovator Bryan Bell

September 21, 2010 – In a recent meeting, the Bob Moog Foundation’s Board of Directors elected Bryan Bell as its new Chairman. Bell, President and founder of SynthBank, LLC, and a 30-year veteran of the entertainment industry, is best known for his long relationships with Herbie Hancock, Carlos Santana, and Neil Young and his work as a pioneer in the integration of the personal computer and networks into the music industry. During his tenure with Herbie Hancock, Bell and his team were responsible for 14 technology innovations. As a live audio engineer, he was house mixer for some of the biggest concerts in history. As a recording engineer, Bell has received multiple platinum awards for his clients’ projects.

In addition to his current technology consulting practice, which provides businesses with outsourced Chief Technology Officer services, Bell has written articles on music and technology and has given speeches internationally. He has also maintained a high level of community service through several non-profit organizations including The Bridge School. Bell's strengths in technology innovation, infrastructure, team building, and non-profit management will be great assets to the Board of the Bob Moog Foundation.

Bell states "Bob Moog has been a true inspiration for me and many of my clients over the decades. Like Bob, my entire career has been focused on the intersection of science and creativity. It is an honor to be elected Chairman of the Board of the Bob Moog Foundation. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the Foundation's very important mission”.

The Bob Moog Foundation was launched in 2006 after Moog's passing, with a mission to educate and inspire people through electronic music. Its work is manifested through educational and historical projects focusing on teaching children science through music, preserving Moog's extensive archives, and creating a future interactive center, the Moogseum. You can find out more about the Bob Moog Foundation at

The Board of Directors would like to thank Thomas Beckett, Steven Heller, and Stu Zonder for their service on the Board.

The Bob Moog Foundation encourages qualified professionals with proven fundraising experience and relationships within the music, technology, and education fields to apply for Board membership. Please contact us at for more information.

The Bob Moog Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is not affiliated with Moog Music, Inc."

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Points of Inspiration: From Bob Moog's Former Home

YouTube Uploaded by moogfoundation on Dec 30, 2011

"Michelle Moog-Koussa gives us a peek at Bob's former home in western North Carolina and talks about how this very special place inspired his work."

Monday, November 18, 2024

Moogseum Window Install Timelapse After Hurricane Helene

video upload by moogfoundation

"Seven weeks after Hurricane Helene ripped our awning frame and cloth awning off our our building, causing both to crash into our window which broke into several places, we were finally able to get the window replaced. During the interim, the Moogseum has been boarded up, and hasn't looked very inviting. We are thrilled to have made the first step to bringing the Moogseum's exterior back to its original condition, as seen in this time lapse. The awning will be replaced in the next month or two.

Please consider supporting the Moogseum as we continue to navigate the long-term effects of Helene, which have resulted in more than $35,000 in lost income to date, with more expected by the end of the year.


Become of member of the Bob Moog Foundation:

Purchase something from our newly redesigned online store:

Many thanks to all of you who have supported us during this time. Your support is helping us remain resilient so that we can continue our important work!

Music: Audio-Visions by Lisa Bella Donna, used with permission"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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