Saturday, March 25, 2006

I Satellite

Title link takes you to the I Satellite gear page. Huge list but only a few shots. The shots are top quality though including this Roland MC-4b. What's kind of cool about this particular shot on site is that it's initially black and white. When you mouse over it turns into this brilliant color shot. Kind of cool if you are into detail. Obviously check out the rest of the site when you get there.

Four Gorgeous Synths

Gorgeous shots of an SCI Prophet 10, Moog Minmoog, Yamaha DX1, and Octave CAT pulled from these auctions. Links below takes you to the set for each.

Prophet 10




Innerclock Sync Shift

Title link takes you there. What is it? Simply put it shifts your sync; Sync Shift, get it? Note the center top is labelled "Throne."

"Using Midi Clock and Din Sync always ensures that start times between connected devices is always the same. This is a good thing mostly. Sometimes, however, you might really like to hear that TB-303 riff playing against the groove – maybe starting on the 3 instead of the 1. You could re-write the pattern in the TB-303 shifting all the notes, accents and slides individually forward by three steps if you had the time or you could record a bar as audio and trigger the phrase in software but then you would lose the live feel and the hands-on control."


Title link takes you to Tweakbench, home to a bunch of free VSTs, synths and effects. I haven't tried any of these yet, so... try at your own risk. Let me know what you think if you do try any. Chris Sushi sent these in via AH. He recommends Tapeworm, a mellotron clone. The cool thing is there are mp3 for each VST, so you can liesten before you try.

Update via Doktor Future in the comments:
"I *heart* Tweakbench too. They have a great nintendo sound VST synth too. It's great to contrast the SID stuff with Nintendo sounds, let me tell you.

Here's an mp3 of the Mellotron VST I did in Fruityloops:"

Friday, March 24, 2006

HCGPF on Analog Industries

And it's a synthy one. Vince Clark's gear at that. Title link takes you there.

Ciat Lonbarde

Title link takes you to Ciat Lonbarde's website. Home to some truly unique and esoteric synths and more. You want wood? Here you go. Check out the knobs. Reminds me of those little sandwich wraps. Just pick one up and chow. : )

"For you, Ciat-Lonbarde will make the finest instruments to listen to spacey sounds and make space reggae. These instruments feature the sandrode philosophy, a path to intuition. You are presented with infinite possibilities arranged in the random sandrodes and the connections you make in them. You touch them softly or short them metallicly to scroll thru different sonic worlds of sound. The Fourses and Fyrall are two kits to make your own sandrode sonic worlds. "

Hmm... Space... Reggae... Pot... Sandwich wraps. Mmmm....

Joking aside... Truly beautiful design. Make sure to check out the rest. Amazing.

Basement Jaxx and the PSE Law

Title link takes you to a Basement Jaxx video (not sure what the track is), that just screams of the PSE law in Japan. Hmm... I wonder if that was a TB-303 in the bathtub... "Don't take my Ensoniq! Please! For the love of Bob!"

Via Apollo Pony.

Cynthia/Blacet Filthy Filter

Custom Cynthia faceplate for a Blacet Filthy Filter done by Cynthia for James R Coplin. Toung twisters of the synth world. : )

Moog AES - New Flickr Set

flickr by Joel Abbott. Title link takes you to the set.

Ugo Rez and Metallurgy

"Rez is a virtual analog monosynth, with a highly resonant low pass filter, that is capable of a wide range of sounds, from funky squishes, beastly basses and screaming leads, to tight arpeggiations, atmospheres, bells, and interesting effects." And... It's free.

"Metallurgy is a PC VST multi effect that is capable of providing sounds ranging from some basic, subtle, filter tweaks to twisted, complex, walls of sound that bare virtually no resemblance to the original audio. " Title link takes you there.

Update: new website:

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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