Monday, September 04, 2006

Babypop - New Flickr Shot

flickr by P Villerius.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Late studio session with moog - New Flickr Shot

flickr by mano_paysages.

Lassence uVentury II

Anyone know what happened to the Lassence uVentury II? I remember when it was first announced. Frederic sent me a link to the Lassence uVentruy II page on Gearjunkies. I did a quick search and found this detailed article on Sound on Sound, dated May '03. Both the SOS article and Gearjunkies page links to which now appears to be a data warehousing and business intelligence company.

If anyone out there has one or knows more please feel free to comment. I'm curious to how they sounded. It's a gorgeous looking synth.

Update via the comments (make sure to check out the other comments as well):

"OK,The lassence ventury II was made in 14 exemplaries + the prototype,all including the proto was sold.
It was totaly handcrafted,pots are alsp plastic conductive,but are of bad mechanicaly quality,the VCO's are stablebut only Volt/octave for a range of maximum 3.5 octaves (if you calibrate them)(none on the sold units where properly calibrated) Components and manufacture of prints and case was high-Q. Indeed the VU serve for nothing,and the Wave-X is poor,also the ADSR has a faulty thing,but can be updated just by adding one single resistor. The filter is SEM influenced.

Story: The unit was originaly designed that wy because the guy that have invest in the proto wants a tube-tech look. The project was abandoned. Untill X found a new interested distributor.

It went ok ,and units get starting manufacturing,but the death-end of shipping was to soon ,and the product wasn't througfully tested,thats why problems with pots,adsr,wave-x and,not calibrated!

On top of that meanwhile some units where 'fixed' the distributor absolutely want to send a unit for review to s.0.s,...this was the death before the unit was born!

Retail price was way to high because the machine was totaly hand assambled + the bad s.o.s review..... the last 4 units where sold for only 600$ (i buyed 2 of them,been close friend to the guy who's buit them,i fixed them very quick)(any unit can be turn into a very nice reliable machine just by changing all pots,fix the adsr,and tune the vco's 1v/oct.)

In fact the modules where available since years already,the guy was an ex-ACME member in 80ties and then at that period they where distributor for the digisound brand . We have sale a lot of modules in early 90ties untill our huge curtis stock was empty At huge demand the complete set was completely re-designed using discrete components.
Most of our systems where sold to the country's techno underground scene that use them in there live acts,all always made completely custom on special orders. It had created a very closed entourage almost a myth as manny people want them but not could reach the builder any way,as everything was keept secret by the scene. Untill it was time ('i' think it was time,that these deserve more respect). So i/we decided to re-launche them 'properly' and start to manufacture them like beatufull modules of other brands.

The basic set is complete.

24db VCF
DUAL Ring Modulator
8-step sequential voltage source
quad VCO/LFO
Wave multiplier (this kills now! it sound identical to the serge middle section,thougt ofcourse
electronic design is different.

Still available
CEM 3340 VCO (if u supplie the cem)

Buzzy Project
High-end vco (v/oct. at wide span)

All modules are at same pitch off MOTM.etc so you can easy fit them together.

These modules 'sounds' or better what you can do with it,is very different
compared to other vintage or commercial products.
They where basicaly intended to create 'alien-like' new sound sculptions,and not to
use them to play do,re,mi,fa,so...Ofcource you can.
the in and outputs are very high,you can do extreme feedbacks and modulations between modules.
I have try lot of modulars,we have client that have an MOTM,MOOG,and our new modules...

If i know how i can post a pic here,i can present soon exclusive for matrixsynth
the the proto...and finaly eventualy sond files

see u l8r alig8r"

In a while crocodile. Thank you!

Earth Songs

Along the lines of the Sounds of Stars and the Rings of Saturn, here are the sounds of Earth.

Via Earth Sounds:
"January 19, 2001 -- If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet. Scientists call them "tweeks," "whistlers" and "sferics." They sound like background music from a flamboyant science fiction film, but this is not science fiction. Earth's natural radio emissions are real and, although we're mostly unaware of them, they are around us all the time."

Title link takes you to the NASA online VLF receiver. You can stream the sounds in real time or check out the samples of tweeks, whilstlers and sferics on the page.

This one via Jon. Also check out Monolake and surround sound thunderstorms.

Modular Noodle by JackAstro

Title link takes you to the thread on VSE. You'll find a 6.29M sample there. Backed up here for when the thread goes to limbo.

legs, guitar, arp - New Flickr Shot

flickr by windupgodzilla

ARP Axxe

Saturday, September 02, 2006

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Kraftwerk 6th july 1981 in Paris at the Studio Gabriel (a.k.a Captain Video)

More exclusive shots of Kraftwerk sent in via Frederic.

Note these have never been seen before. In case you missed the last set, here they are.

Little Phatty Samples

Title link takes you to a thread on the Moog Forums with some samples of the Little Phatty. They are also on the Little Phatty user's group, Phatsound, where you'll find more samples.

via the comments of this post.

The German Machine - New Flickr Shot

flickr by Zebra Pares.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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