Friday, July 13, 2012

Dubstep and Emergence of Cicadas セミはダブステップで踊れるか

YouTube Published on Jul 13, 2012 by jetdaisuke

"In these 3 years, every summer, I kept on taking pictures of cicadas' emergence. I needed very long time to make this time-lapse video.
I took all pictures by Canon EOS series (EOS Kiss X3, X4, 60D) with long time exposure. And I made this wobble bass sound track with KORG Kaossilator 2. I used the MacBook Air for editing and rendering.

私は3年間にわたり毎夏、蝉の羽化シーンをタイムラプス撮影(インターバル撮影)してきました。撮影にはEOS Kiss X3, X4, 60D を使用。長時間露光にて撮影。BGMの作成には KORG Kaossilator 2 を使用しました。編集およびレンダリングは、MacBook Air 2011年モデル13インチを使用しております。

via ICON

Big Fish Friday - UVI Darklight IIX review

YouTube Published on Jul 13, 2012 by SoundsAndGear

" checking out the new Darklight IIX library from UVI which is based on the 80's Fairlight sampler"

Kelly Marie & The Andromeda A6

via Kelly Marie on Facebook

Stunning shot. Via Kelly in response to the comments on Facebook: "Aww.. thanks everyone. I like this picture too, I think I do look natural in this environment. Truly it's where I belong.. at synth. :)"

blue meanie being built

YouTube Published on Jul 13, 2012 by SuperRoss007

Dementia Labs on eBay

Troller + Thousand Foot Whale Claw

flickr By WIERD Photos
(click for more)

Photos by Phil Maier

Synth Ts by Works LTD.

These and others are available here.

pictured here:

EDP Wasp
Alpha Syntauri Dragon
DR-110 Hand Clap

Hard Mod ‎"DUO" nuevo Sintetizador Modular Portable!

via Yadir Zarate on Facebook

"Estos son algunos de los PCB´s de "DUO" el nuevo Sintetizador Modular Portable que estará disponible en unos días, pronto mas información. Por ahora aquí pueden..."


"These are some of the PCB's from "DUO" Modular Synthesizer's new Portable will be available in few days, more information soon. For now here are ..."

Going Modular - Test 14

YouTube Published on Jul 12, 2012 by csmcrckrs
"A polyphonic spree with the almighty Klee sequencer.


Klee sequencer to Doepfer A-156 and Intellijel uscale: sequences
Serge Animal: Lead sequences
Theis Modular System: Bass sequence
Creamware Minimax: A bit of Bass
Roland JX-3P: Pad and Comp
Added beats, edited and mixed with Ableton Live"

Strange voices on Genesis Mama - NED Synclavier

YouTube Published on Jul 13, 2012 by jbfairlight

"The Strange voices of Genesis Mama tube come from NED Synclavier II preset original Library."

Metalbox CGS Psycho LFO banana frac module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

"This is a Metalbox built CGS Psycho LFO in Frac format with a banana jack output. Panel is an engraved PAIA blank with white text and is from the original 2002 run of these modules. All other components are brand new. Module includes power cable and mounting screws..."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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