Showing posts with label ALEPH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALEPH. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Beat Space

Published on Jan 11, 2015 Benjamin Kinsman

"First proper vid with my new 'mini' setup"

Monome Aleph on the bottom left.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

pocket drop

Published on Nov 23, 2014 Benjamin Kinsman

"Haven't uploaded anything for a while, sorry about that!
No specific breakdown for this as it was to test out the midi/din to cv cable that i made but i will leave the patch assembled for a week if anyone has any questions.

Hope you enjoy it!

Gear used: Elektron Analog Rytm, 9u of Eurorack, Monome Grid & Aleph, Teenage Engineering OP-1 & Eventide space."

Saturday, September 06, 2014


Published on Sep 6, 2014 Benjamin Kinsman

"two instances of meadow physics running, one with teletype (synth & midi) via max msp w/128 grid with midi into eventide space w/midi into mutable instruments cvpal for varied gates as mp events trigger and the other on the aleph running the mpdrumss scene which is fed into a deeper a-119 and generating a gate on the kick which is acting as a master clock (fed into 4ms QCD for divisions)

braids in wtx4 mode into make noise optomix w/ envelope from topobillo/buchla dual func gen triggered from QCD, colour cv sequenced from make noise wogglebug into intellijel uscale 2, out into make noise echophon for some echo and pitch shifting

make noise dpo osc 1 tri & sine/osc 2 (sequenced from make noise pp/brains) sine & final into mutable frames with approx 30 keyframes scanned thru from pgh lfo2 with the frame step gate out striking final out on the dpo. into optomix with env from make noise maths ch 1triggered from QCD, stuck from cvpal gate via meadowphysics in max msp toggled on/off in malekko switch triggered by pgh lf02 sqr

harvestman hertz donut 2 osc 1 & fm bus sequenced from pp/brains out from osc 1/2 into make noise moddemix with complex dual env’s from maths (retiggered by itself)

teenage engineering xylophone sample arp played by endless sequencer into aux in of moddemix
all outs into two manhattan mix’s then out to pgh outs module into audio interface.

Saturday, August 09, 2014


Published on Aug 9, 2014 Benjamin Kinsman

"slowly getting my head around meadowphysics, it's a beautiful piece of software.
i won't go too deep into the actual patch itself as this is more of example/exercise of meadowphysics than the modular itself.

grid 128 running meadowphysics/teletype into the aleph/grid 64 running streppa (step sequenced filter bank type thingy..) then into the modular for additional processing with multiple other elements added.
i had a bit of trouble with uploading this one so please excuse any sync issues, also sorry for the ball scratch mid way thru.."

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Broken Echo Meadowphysics

Broken Echo Meadowphysics from Ted James Butler on Vimeo.

"Monome Grid and Meadowphysics running direct to Make Noise Phonogene in Broken Echo mode, through MMG and out to Aleph running Skitter. Very simple patch. Maths channel 1 modulates Phonogene vari-speed while channel 4 modulates MMG Freq1."


Parc from Ted James Butler on Vimeo.

"Monome 128 Grid running Parc with Logic Pro as audio source.

Channel 1: ES E, Pitch Shift, Inear Display Bow Echo, Valhalla Room, Compressor.
Channel 2: ES E, Delay Designer, Valhalla Room, Glitchmachines Hysteresis.
Channel 3: Retro Synth, Valhalla Shimmer.
Channel 4: Retro Synth, Valhalla Shimmer.

Channels 1-4 routed to Monome Aleph running Space."

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Monome 64, Aleph & Eurorack Videos by Benjamin Kinsman

ohm Published on Jul 22, 2014 Benjamin Kinsman

"This patch has a whole lot going on..

1) Monome 64 running 'The Party Van' in max runtime which is playing back the chants (yes that's me singing..) I recorded into it with manipulation just over active and start point and some granularized Tibetan singing bowls and chimes

2) Monome Aleph w/Stasis scene into which I've recorded Mutable instrument Braids' various physical models (trig & pitch from Makenoise Brains/Pressure Points) and then cut up and tweaked with some echo. The playback points, grain size, pitch and various other parameters are mapped out to the different encoders and switches. Bigs ups to Duncan Speakman for writing this fantastic scene, it's blowing my mind!

3) Eurorack modular:
Bass - Mutable Instruments Braids sequenced by Makenoise Brains/Pressure points going into Makenoise MMG then into an Optomix. Envelopes from Makenoise Maths triggered by 4ms QCD (clock div/mult ranged from -8 to x5)

Mid Range Arp - Tip Top Audio z3000 mk. 2 sequenced by Makenoise Wogglebug into Intellijel uscale 2 in channel 2 of the Optomix with envelopes again from Maths trig'd from QCD then into Makenoise Echophon with a mulitplied clock from the QCD

Mid range Seq - Osc's 1 & 2 of Harvestman Hertz Donut mk.2 sequenced by Pressure Points into Makenoise Modemix with envelopes for mult'd Maths and Function triggered from Maths EOR.

All sounds going into an Allen Zed 10 with Eventide Space in the FX loop.



phonogene aleph 266 madness
Monome Grid, Aleph & Eurorack patch w/ Cat (The Game of Life)
aleph patch 2 (n vape)
vape n synth..5?
vape n synth 3
vape n synth 2
vape n synth
boner jams '03

GRIPPER Demo. Make Noise System + Aleph.

GRIPPER Demo. Make Noise System + Aleph. from Ted James Butler on Vimeo.

"Make Noise Modular System into Monome Aleph running Gripper from Duncan Speakman's Aleph Toolkit Vol 1.
Modules used: STO, DPO, MATHS, Wogglebug, MMG, Optomix, Echophon.

Download here:
More infö here:
Also, here:"

Friday, July 18, 2014

Make Noise System with Monome Aleph StepwavesCV + 128 Grid

Published on Jul 18, 2014 Ted James Butler

"Driving the Make Noise System with Monome's Aleph running StepwavesCV via 128 Grid.

Modules used: DPO, Maths (2), MMG, Optomix, Echophon."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Published on Jun 17, 2014 VJ FRANZ K·670 videos

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monome ALEPH

via Control Voltage on Facebook

[älif], noun
1.the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet"

Thursday, April 03, 2014

aleph breakfast

aleph breakfast from tehn on Vimeo.


no laptops involved.

aleph and grid. dual step sequencer running within bees, driving euro modular synth via cv, continuous and gates. audio from modular synth fed back into the aleph and processed by the lines delay module with filters and feedback.

the sequencer shows two timelines which can have their position and loop lengths cut dynamically, a sort of performance step sequencer. these are the top four rows, showing the playback position and loop length per timeline.

the bottom four rows are the data bits, or notes. some rows are mapped to triggers attached to the envelope generators via cv output.

aleph knobs are mapped to feedback, delay time, filter cutoff.

i see infinity in this tiny white box."

Saturday, February 22, 2014

aleph bees introduction

aleph bees introduction from tehn on Vimeo.

bees is a modular control routing and transformation system. this is an introduction.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

aleph wurl snow

aleph wurl snow from tehn on Vimeo.

"aleph and wurlitzer. speed modulated cross-fed filtered delay lines manipulated. foot pedal delay time triggering, key speed recall, knob filter sweep and feedback and granular flurry.

played by brian crabtree
shot by kelli cain"

Saturday, February 01, 2014

aleph: life

aleph: life from emergencyofstate on Vimeo.

new monome aleph

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MATRIXSYNTH NAMM 2014: Monome ALEPH Looper Pics

You can find more info on the ALEPH via previous posts here.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Razmasynth Aleph as External Sync for modular, Korg Volca and Anushri

Published on Dec 29, 2013 RazmatazTG·25 videos

"Razmasynth: Aleph, eurorack modular LFO prototype, December 2013
Available as a kit, February/Mars 2014

-9 Waveforms, including Random and Noise
-Unipolar 0/5V or bipolar -5/+5V LFO's Output
-Tap Tempo
-Sync IN: Clock Follower for external clock sync
-Start /Stop push button
-Clock Divider: 2/4/6/8/12/16/24
-Clock Multiplier: 2/4/6/8/12/16/24"

Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Monome aleph Looper and Drum Synth by Ezra Buchla and Brian Crabtree

aleph prototype looper and drum synth from tehn on Vimeo.

"filmed by emily lacy and kelli cain. edited by kelli cain.

performed by ezra buchla and brian crabtree."

Ezra Buchla is Don Buchla's son.

designed and engineered by ezra buchla and brian crabtree.
made by monome in upstate new york.
$1400. ordering open now.
shipping late fall.

powerful audio processor, synthesizer, noise machine, rapidly modifiable instrument. a platform for experimental practice and organic discovery.

connect grid controllers, modular synths, midi keys, stomp boxes, gamepads, hand-made circuits. for more direct control and uncommon pairings.

dynamically arrange control mappings with unprecedented flexibility. create software control sources such as modulators, logical operators, aleatoric processes, sequencers. all quickly storable and recallable.

open source.
designed for community engagement, a benefit for musicians and developers alike. an exceptional educational tool. the library of uses and possibilities can only grow."

Additional details here.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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