Showing posts with label Chair Audio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chair Audio. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

CHAIR Analogue Waveguide Resonator - Gesprächskonzert SUPERBOOTH24

video upload by Superbooth Berlin

"In 1971, the congenial mathematician, quantum physicist and room acoustics expert Michael Gerzon published an article about a reverberation device. The device in question used a matrix operation to rotate two signals inside each other. He concludes in his article that it would be impossible to build the device using existing technology.

In this conversation concert, we present Gerzon's device, re-imagined as a resonator. Its complex analogue circuitry is based on two bucket-brigade delays and an analogue rotary operation. Thanks to this circuitry, our new Eurorack module produces rich harmonic and inharmonic spectra, creating physical and vivid sounds with astonishing depth and detail. For the first time, efficient physical modelling synthesis is possible in an analogue signal path, going beyond the usual harmonic string sounds and opening up fascinating new soundscapes. The Resonator offers a wealth of parameters, yet remains intuitively playable, inspiring audiences and performers alike."

Thursday, May 19, 2022

SUPERBOOTH 2022 Analog Physical Modelling (on a bike)

video upload by sonicstate

"The man (Max) with the bike and the long micro phonic piano wire could sound like some kind of torture, but Dom swung by during one of our Superbooth Live Streams. Nick went back to find out more and discovered that he was actually demonstrating a prototype of their CHAIR (Centre for Haptic Audio Interaction Research) analog physical modelling . They already make a VST Plugin which uses excitation. But on display was an analog waveguide physical modeling module. Max explains int he video

No pricing or release dates yet, but his booth was a bike."

Friday, April 24, 2020

#SUPERBOOTH20 Special Reserve Livestream 3

Published on Apr 24, 2020 HAINBACH

"In which Single Malt Synthesis and our friend DivKid welcome boutique manufactures from the world of synthesis to show their wares live on stream. It's like Superbooth, but no one has to wear hard pants. Join in the stream and ask your questions, we will try to answer as many as possible.

16:00 Meng Qi
16:30 Sound Force
17:00 DPW
17:30 Chair Audio
18:00 Befaco
18:30 Joranalogue
19:00 Retrokits
19:30 SonicLab
20:00 Threetommodular
20:30 ADDAC System
21:00 Single Malt Synthesis Hangout with special guests"

Friday, May 04, 2018

Chair Audio - Haptic Vibration Based Hardware Instrument at SUPERBOOTH18

Chair Audio - Gear Guide - Super Booth 2018

Published on May 4, 2018 FACTmagazine

Stand alone and eurorack as seen below.


"Our mission is to make sounds tangible. That's why we are developing instruments with haptic interfaces for electronic sound - both analog and software synthesis. Our Instruments have excitable surfaces that you can scratch, hit or bow. A developer edition of our first product will be presented at Superbooth: Digital sound designers can get touch information and vibration via USB. For analog synthesis it can output CV for x, y, gate and additionally the vibration signal."



Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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