Showing posts with label Superbooth18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superbooth18. Show all posts
Thursday, September 19, 2019
TEST SERIES Digital Artifacts Static Noise 1010 Martin Howse Blackdeath Noise Synth Gotharman
Published on Sep 19, 2019 Outsider Sound Design
"Sound Design experiments. Making digital artifacts, granular static, and noise with an Octatrack, Gotharman Little Deformer, FX Deformer, and 1010 / Martin Howse Blackdeath Noise Synth.
The purpose of 'TEST SERIES' is to focus on the sound design possibilities of various gear combinations. This series is not musical nor does it serve as an instructional video. It is all about sound potential.
Please consider supporting this channel by purchasing a sample pack or music download from"
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
T.Raumschmiere & FucKETy BuCkEty - live at SUPERBOOTH18
Published on Mar 19, 2019 Superbooth Official
"We come to the conclusion that no words can describe what happened on stage during the concert of T.Raumschmiere & FucKETy BuCkEty. The only thing we know: It's a good thing they're performing again this year!
Many of us will probably never have the chance to own a Macbeth synthesizer - but we should all make sure to see him playing live, with one of his own instruments!"
FucKETy BuCkEty is Ken MacBeth.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Steve H. on Buchla 200e - at SUPERBOOTH18
Published on Mar 13, 2019 Superbooth Official
"Electronic music innovator Steve H began his journey as an experimental musician at Carnegie Mellon University where he studied both music composition and the physics of musical sound. His journey began deep in the basement of the CMU Physics Department where there was a nondescript, unmarked locked room. Inside was a simple table and chair, and magically, on the table, was a brand new Arp 2600. Thus a life long love of electronic music had begun.
Many years later (and several Buchlas later) he has composed scores for TV and film, has won and been nominated many awards including the EMMY. He performs live electronic music internationally and in his hometown: New York City. His music spans from the ephemeral minimalist to outrageous noise-based surround electronic soundscapes, created on his Buchlas, extensive Eurorack system, and collection of controllers."
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
54 SUPERBOOTH18 Videos
Some videos just uploaded today by Superbooth Official to get you in the mood for SUPERBOOTH19. Enjoy.
Thursday, November 15, 2018 play's the Synth-Werk Modular Superbooth 2018
Published on Nov 15, 2018 Mark W Roberts
"This guy has some great chops, and demo's there Synth-Werk Modular at Superbooth 2018 at the FEZ Berlin, Germany. Pontus is playing through Gerhard's newest Moog clone voice with the 921A/BBB set and a 904A Low-Pass Filter."
Friday, October 12, 2018
NSI @ SUPERBOOTH18, full concert
NSI @ SUPERBOOTH18, full concert from HerrSchneider on Vimeo.
"Our well-known friends Max Loderbauer and Tobias Freund have been producing and playing under the name NSI for years. Finally on Superbooth18 they played this great set with not one of their countless modulars on stage, creating wonderful atmospheres for the seated audience. Watch the complete concert here and recommend this (somehow hidden) channel to friends and partners as well. Thank you very much."
Pin Electronics,
Teenage Engineering
Monday, September 10, 2018
Omnisphere 2.5 Hardware Integration Demo At Knobcon 2018
Published on Sep 10, 2018 Synthtopia
"At Knobcon 2018, we talked with Spectrasonics product specialist Eddie Spinelli, who gave us a hands-on demo of hardware integration in Omnisphere 2.5.
Omnisphere 2.5 was originally introduced by founder Eric Persing at Superbooth, but was released a few weeks ago. Here's an in-depth look with Persing at Superbooth:"
Superbooth 2018 Omnisphere 2.5 Hands-On Demo
Published on May 4, 2018 Synthtopia
"At Superbooth 2018, we talked with Spectrasonics head Eric Persing about Omnisphere 2.5, a free update that introduces some impressive new features."
Monday, July 02, 2018
A Synthesizer Paradise In The Middle Of Berlin | Schneidersladen Tour | SYNTH ANATOMY
Published on Jul 2, 2018 SYNTH ANATOMY
"During my stay in Berlin for Superbooth 2018, I had the time to visit one of the biggest Synthesizer & Eurorack Shop in Europe: SchneidersLaden. Carlo gives me a look at the story of the shop as well as an insight in this famous synth shop in Berlin.
►Become a Patreon:"
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Elektron Interviews: Analog vs Digital
Published on Jun 28, 2018 Elektron
"We met up with Lokier, Skinnerbox, Machina, Animistic Beliefs, Kaukolampi and Reo Matsumoto at Superbooth, Berlin to ask them about their view on analog versus digital technology."
Monday, June 25, 2018
Bitwig Phase Synthesis Workshop
Published on Jun 25, 2018 bitwig
"Writer and educator Dave Linnenbank gave a synthesis workshop for Bitwig at Superbooth18, looking at modular, analog hardware beside digital phase-manipulation techniques."
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Novation Circuit v1.7 Update Sneak Peek w/ Lead Developer at SUPERBOOTH18
Published on Jun 21, 2018 cuckoomusic
With Jonathan, the lead developer of the Circuit.
Also see: Novation Circuit 1.7 & Mono Station Update SUPERBOOTH Sneak Previews
Monday, June 18, 2018
Erica Synths new Techno System live performance @Schneidersladen June 28
That's one big modular.
via Stromkult
"On Thursday 28th of June at 6pm we will start an evening full of new experiences and opportunities to learn new things!
We start at 6pm with an introduction to modular synthesis that is suitable for beginners and for all those who are curious about sound synthesis. Everyone is welcome to join us, no previous knowledge required!
At 7pm we are presenting an intense evening with a techno machine at the center of attention. Erica Synths will be showing what can be done with a modular synthesizer especially designed and engineered to be a performance oriented techno machine. Lots of artists perform with not much more than a modular synthesizer these days and it has proven to be an effective way of bringing live music to clubs and festivals. We will also talk about the philosophy of Erica Synths and where their motivation to make musical instruments comes from.
As we have limited capacity for this workshop please send an e-Mail to Timm to save your space for one or both workshops – we have to limit this event to 30 people. Participation is free-of-charge as always!"
From this year's SUPERBOOTH:
ERICA SYNTHS with their creative product presentation @SUPERBOOTH18 from HerrSchneider on Vimeo.
The Gesprächskonzert by ERICA SYNTHS @SUPERBOOTH18 shows their unique drum based modular system - the Techno System. A complete system with sequencer, drum modules, effects and special mixers.
SchneidersLaden presents SUPERBOOTH18
Erica Synths,
synth tutorials
Friday, June 08, 2018
WHAT IS The Synth Library Portland & Prague? Interview | SYNTH ANATOMY
Published on Jun 8, 2018 SYNTH ANATOMY
"I met at Superbooth 2018 the team behind the Synth Library Portland & Prague. In this interview they answer the question: what is the synth library?"
Meet The Makers - Chris Randall of Audio Damage
Published on Jun 8, 2018 sonicstate
Plus one on the cactus.
"Chris Randall is a regular character on the scene, hes also an interesting bloke, with previous lives including signed bandmember, touring lighting designer, record label owner and now plug-in developer, with a dash of Eurorack hardware thrown in, he's done a lot.
We met him at Superbooth and had a chat."
Saturday, June 02, 2018
Meet The Makers: Vlad Kreimer of Soma Labs
Published on Jun 2, 2018 sonicstate
"Vlad Kreimer is a visionary chap, his early experiments in electronics sent him in some unusual directions, created in isolation in his native Ukraine (where he also invented his take on the sampler). These ultimately leading him to the excellent Lyra 4 and more recently the Lyra 8 which we reviewed and thoroughly enjoyed - its the physical manifestation of Vlad's desire to create instruments which break out of the standardized interfaces of modern instruments and encourage the user to explore creativity in a different way. These were built to provide Vlad with the instruments he wanted to use - his performances are the very definition of alternative."
Meet The Makers:
Friday, May 25, 2018
Superbooth 18 - Round up by Thonk
Published on May 25, 2018 Thonk Synth DIY
Check out this post for the individual Superbooth 2018 Videos by Thonk.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Meet The Makers: Analogue Solutions' Tom Carpenter
Published on May 24, 2018 sonicstate
"We talked to Tom Carpenter of Analogue Solutions, who's been making some classic analogue machines for some time.
Recorded at Superbooth 2018 in Berlin."
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Twisted Electrons µAcid8 And hapiNES @ Superbooth 2018
Published on May 20, 2018 Bedroom Producers Blog
"Checking out the µAcid8 and hapiNES portable synthesizers by Twisted Electrons. hapiNES is a great little instrument for chiptune artists, whereas µAcid8 is an acid bassline monster in a tiny package."
[SUPERBOOTH 2018] Sound machines ARCHES - Interface tactile universelle pour modulaire [EN VOST]
Published on May 20, 2018 Les Sondiers
"Davide de Sound Machines nous parle, en anglais sous titré, de son tout nouveau Arches, une interface tactile avec 32 points de patch et prochainement, un séquenceur. Dispo en kickstarter ici :"
Friday, May 18, 2018
Buchla USA At Superbooth 2018 With Marc Doty
Published on May 18, 2018 Synthtopia
Interrupted by the Confederate flag walking in at 1:45. Just watch. :)
"At Superbooth 2018, we talked with synth guru Marc Doty, who gave us an update on the state of Buchla USA.
The company, originally founded by Don Buchla in the mid-1960s (as Buchla and Associates), is now headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and headed by CEO Eric Fox.
Doty also shared his personal take on learning more about Buchla's approach to synthesis, and a hands-on demo of the hypnotic Buchla Polyphonic Rhythm Generator."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.