Showing posts with label FlatSix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FlatSix. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

FlatSix Modular - Slight Of Hand

video uploads by FlatSix Modular

Nocturne Alchemy Platform - Free Swappable Firmwares
Same great module, but with a darker attitude and all black keyboard, by popular demand. A 1U (Intellijel format) Eurorack module that functions as a monophonic CV keyboard. It's designed to be extremely playable with responsive, light-touch, tactile switches for keys, a wide portamento/slew range which is adjustable in real-time, as well as octave up and down buttons for maximum performance in a small package.
Height: 1U (Intellijel format)
Width: 26HP
Depth: 40mm ("Skiff-friendly")
Light-touch, tactile switch keyboard
4 octaves of control from C0 to C4
Portamento / Slew Control Potentiometer
5v Gate and CV out calibrated to 1V/0
Calibration mode with tuning for each note across 4 octaves & EEPROM memory (Comes pre-calibrated)

FlatSix Reverb Shop

FlatSix Modular - Arp Of Darkness

video uploads by FlatSix Modular

'Arp Of Darkness'
Nocturne Alchemy Platform - Free Swappable Firmwares
The Arp Of Darkness is an arpeggiator with a unique twist: It's designed to create dynamic and evolving note sequences by utilizing a buffer approach similar to a Turing Machine or Shift Register.
Unlike traditional arpeggiators, which typically play chords as individual notes in a predefined pattern, this
module allows you to enter notes sequentially into a buffer of variable length, (from 3 up to 16 notes) and play it back using 6 playback modes more commonly found in arpeggiators. (Forward, Backward, Exclusive Pingpong, Inclusive Pingpong, Golden Ratio, and Random).
Height: 1U (Intellijel format)
Width: 26HP
Depth: 40mm ("Skiff-friendly")
4 octaves of control from C0 to C4
6 note buffer lengths (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16)
6 playback modes (Forward, Backward, Exclu Pingpong, Inclu Pingpong, Golden Ratio and Random) with cyclce select, direct select, (queued & immediate) and reset
Clock input and CV out calibrated to 1V/0
Calibration mode with tuning for each note across 4 octaves (Comes pre-calibrated)

FlatSix Reverb Shop

FlatSix Modular - Seventh Summoner

video uploads by FlatSix Modular

"Introducing the Seventh Summoner - a 1U eurorack performance sequencer with a unique twist!" Flat 6 Seventh Summoner and Arp of Darkness Jam

video upload by Molten Music Technology

"Seventh Summoner is the third firmware from Flat 6 running their fabulous 1U keyboard module. This one is a sequencer with up to 32 steps, different play modes and the saving of up to 6 sequences. I've paired it with the Knob Technology ηCarinae, through the Replicant Filter and into Echo Cinematic. The ARP of Darkness, meanwhile, is playing the Castor & Pollux II through the Foxtrot Duo filter and into an Erica stereo delay.

That's it! I think I've found my sequencer combo for live performance."

'Seventh Summoner' (Black)
Nocturne Alchemy Platform - Free Swappable Firmwares
The Seventh Summoner is a powerful 1U performance sequencer that brings the flexibility of a full-featured sequencer into a compact form. At its core, it’s designed for real-time performance, giving you the ability to recall and manipulate up to six 32-note sequences on the fly. Adjust playback direction, slew, octave, note transposition, and clock division in real-time to craft evolving musical expressions.

And then, there is the Summoner... With the Summoner Sequence, you can record these same dynamic manipulations into a meta-sequencing layer. Chain up to 16 of your sequences, complete with all your adjustments, and watch them come to life like spirits in the grasp of a master Summoner.
Height: 1U (Intellijel format)
Width: 26HP
Depth: 40mm ("Skiff-friendly")
Current Draw: 40 mA +12V, 0 mA -12V, 0 mA 5V
Four octaves of control from C0 to C4
Six 32-note sequences
16-step Summoner Sequence to chain and manipulate the six normal sequences
Five playback modes (Forward, Backward, Pingpong, Golden Ratio and Random) with direct select, (queued & immediate) and reset
EEPROM Storage for saving of all sequence data
Clock input and CV out calibrated to 1V/0
Calibration mode with tuning for each note across 4 octaves (Comes pre-calibrated)

FlatSix Reverb Shop


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