Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Kinect Drawable Synthesizer
YouTube via roboczar | January 25, 2011 |
"You draw buttons, and they become key you can play. See the impromptu sound board video for a demonstration of drawing buttons."
Impromptu Sound Board
roboczar | January 23, 2011 |
"Using the Kinect, I can create buttons by just drawing enclosed shapes on a piece of paper! The kinect identifies those regions as buttons that can be activated when I press them with my finger. This program uses ROS, the openni kinect drivers, and software I wrote here at MIT. You can find the code in the mit-ros-pkg repository."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Kinect Controlling Buchla 200e
YouTube via spindizzyman | January 13, 2011 |
"Hacked this together tonight. Using a Microsoft kinect connected to a Mac which is connected to a Xio which is connected to my Buchla. Lots of software and hacks in the chain."
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
OSCeleton With Quartz Composer
OSCeleton With Quartz Composer from Matti Niinimäki on Vimeo.
"Testing out OSCeleton with Quartz Composer.
What is OSCeleton?
"As the title says, it's just a small program takes Kinect skeleton data from the OpenNI framework and spits out the coordinates of the skeleton's joints via OSC messages. These can can then be used on your language / framework of choice."
I had to make a small Max/MSP patch to convert the OSC messages to a format that QC understands. You can download it here:"
I wonder if you can get this going with The Missing Link.
Update: links above updated.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
XBox 360 Ableton Live device parameter controller
XBox 360 Ableton Live device parameter controller from AntonAudio on Vimeo.
"This patch started as an OSC game controller that I decided to port to Max for Live to take advantage of the device parameter control API. It was a pretty painless port, most of the work was trying to fit everything into the narrow UI space and attempting to execute a clever way to tab through the 5 pages of control options. I think it turned out pretty nice, its still got some bugs but is a lot of fun to experiment with.
As in my OSC patch, I’ve made each message range scalable for fine tuning control possibilities. There are 5 nodes for each joystick plus XY values which gave me 7 possible control parameters for each joystick! I also implemented an adjustable sustained noteout message when pushing the sticks down so I could trigger pads and arpeggiators with the same controller.
I again pretty much randomly assigned a bunch of controls to an arpeggiator, percussive synth, drum machine parameters, ambient synth, effects, effects and more effects:) Check the vid if you’re interested to hear some results. Sound starts at 00:18 seconds."
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Note the OS: MSX Basic 1.0 by Microsoft 1983
Someone needs to update Wikipedia.
The Yamaha YK-20 is an addition keyboard that allows you to make lite of your working life around the CX5MII/128
* Sound Generator: FM (4 Operator, 8 Algorithms)
* Polyphony: 8 Notes
* Internal Voices: 46
* Connections: Syhthesizer Section - MIDI In/Out, Audio L/R, Keyboard In, General - Video, Audio, RGB, RF, Cassette, Joystick 1/2.
* Included Package: 1 x CX5MII/128 - 1 x YK-20 - 1 FM Program II Voicing Cartirdge"
Monday, November 22, 2010
Kinect - MIDI Controller in C Major
YouTube via svenisnumb | November 22, 2010 | 2 likes, 0 dislikes
"Did a little bit more work on the software, and I've added a mute button and the ability to play notes from a specified scale. In this case, 2 octaves of C Major.
Many apologies for the bad sound quality. Microphone in front of a speaker and dodgy screen capture software. Any recommendation for a free Windows based one?
Binaries and source here:
I've noticed its quite the CPU hog, so I'll need to fix that up.
Most likely going to switch to the libfreenect library soon though.
As always, my digital footprint is here
If you are a musician or a music business in Australia, check out and sign up!"
Friday, November 19, 2010
Kinect - MIDI controller
YouTube via svenisnumb | November 19, 2010 | 4 likes, 1 dislikes
"MIDI contoller using the Kinect.
Coded in using this:
Very hacky ugly, yucky, alpha prototype, source code available here:
Next project is making a version of pmidic that uses Kinect. Then, you can control Ableton Live or any other MIDI software or hardware with you limbs. Isn't that amazing!!!
If you are interested, you should also check out:"
Thursday, May 06, 2010
YouHero - rehearsal of Palle Dahlstedt's "Short Term Memory"
YouTube via otoskope — May 06, 2010 — "Katarina Widell and Patrik Karlsson rehearse Palle Dahlstedt's piece Short Term Memory - Game Piece for Game Guitar.
YouHero is a project to turn the passive "musicianship" of a Guitar Hero player into something more creative - a real instrument using the Guitar Hero guitar as a controller. The guitar is connected directly to a laptop, running a custom software designed and programmed by Palle Dahlstedt, implemented in MaxMSP, Java and SynthMaker.
The YouHero project will tour around Sweden in 2010, on concert stages and in schools, encouraging kids to create their own music for this new instrument.
The premiere took place May 5th, 2010 at Pusterviksbaren, Göteborg, Sweden, and this is a rehearsal for that concert, filmed at Element Studio."
YouHero in Concert - Martin Q Larsson's Duello
"otoskope — May 06, 2010 — YouHero Concert Premiere at the Gothenburg Art Sound Festival (GAS) 2010. Patrik Karlsson and Katarina Widell perform Martin Q Larsson's piece Duello, originally written for conventional instruments. That makes it the worlds first transcription for the YouHero guitar.
YouHero is a project to turn the passive "musicianship" of a Guitar Hero player into something more creative - a real instrument using the Guitar Hero guitar as a controller. The guitar is connected directly to a laptop, running a custom software designed and programmed by Palle Dahlstedt, implemented in MaxMSP, Java and SynthMaker.
The YouHero project will tour around Sweden in 2010, on concert stages and in schools, encouraging kids to create their own music for this new instrument.
The premiere took place May 5th, 2010 at Pusterviksbaren, Göteborg, Sweden."
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Adobe Demos Flash & Air on HP's Slate Device
YouTube via hpcomputers. No synths in this vid, but I'm sure you can make the connection - slate devices for synthesis. Note the iPad will not support Adobe Flash, this will. Some online synths like Hobnox's AudioTools require Flash. Note AngryOctopus requires Java. You'll also be able to run VSTs and Ableton Live native on this. Be sure to see this post and vote if you haven't already. The post is on the slate format and not solely on the iPad.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Windows on the iPad

I forgot about Remote Desktop for Windows in the iPad post. This image is via Citrix, however there are apps already available for the iPhone like Remote Desktop by MochaSoft (on iTunes here).
more options...
via Gizmodo
Friday, November 13, 2009
YouTube via ebraimpsy. via Resonant Filter
"depois de 15 horas mais ou menos tentando mapear o controle, ta aki uma amostra de como será as próximas festas tocados por um ''video-game'' hahahhaa"
"after 15 hours or so trying to map the control, ta aki a sample of how the next party will be touched by a''video game''hahahhaa"
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Beat Thang - the Future of Multi-Touch Synths?

When I first saw the virtual instrument version of Beat Thang, I wondered how ergonomic it might be with a mouse. It reminded me of why I prefer hardware. I then remembered Windows 7 with multi-touch support is just around the corner and there's rumor Apple will be coming out with a tablet by end of this year.

This isn't a new concept and tablets are available now, but they are not yet ubiquitous and multi-touch technology really is just beginning. It will be interesting to see what sort of impact tablets have on the hardware manufacturers. When I look at the Beat Kangz Beat Thang, and think of it on that screen, I think of a cool piece of dedicated hardware that I can play anywhere. Think of that in your backpack.
BTW, any photoshop artist out there, feel free to mock up the Beat Thang with a tablet.
Monday, July 06, 2009
VectorForm's DJ v2.0 alpha for Microsoft Surface
YouTube via mssurface
"Eric Havir chats with Joe Engalan about their DJ 2.0 alpha application, a fun DJ tool for the novice on Microsoft Surface."
A bit of a virtual reactable.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Daft Punk 360 Controller
YouTube via myredhotcar.
update to this post
"The different trigger buttons trigger the sample from a different part of the loop and the left stick controls the filter cutoo on the x axis and resonance on the y. The analogue sticks are still a bit erratic but I think thats just the nature of the hardware. glove pie script available here:"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Xbox 360 Controller - Reaktor - GlovePie - Breaks
YouTube via myredhotcar
"We used glovepie to build an xbox controller script before building some machines in reaktor tocreate dum and bass (ish ) beats. The analogue sticks control bass pitch and filter whichs the buttons fire different one shot and looped samples"
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Admin: Updates via Twitter
This is just a heads up that you can get updates to old posts on
Every now and then updates for old posts come in. Sometimes I put up a new post here to let you know, and other times I just update the post with a red Update:. I'll try to put the latter up on Twitter like I just did for this post.
I just started using Twitter and I'm getting the hang of it. I realize I don't have to post every little detail, like when I decide to go use the restroom. I will be posting little bits that don't quite fit here on MATRIXSYNTH and I'll be calling out posts that interest me in one way or another for those on Twitter that may not following the site closely. An example of what I posted there but not here is this wireless remote monitor I picked up off of Ebay for $108. It's called an AirPanel and it's made by ViewSonic. In about 2003 Microsoft came out with remote wireless monitors. The project was called Mira. It bombed because for about the same price you could get an actual laptop. The idea was that you could remote into your desktop and work on things at your leisure. I thought... hmm... wouldn't that be useful in the studio. I could remote into my desktop and I'd have a wireless touch screen monitor to control all of my software synths and sequencers. I had some trouble getting a network card that works with it. Yes, the remote wireless V100 comes with no wi-fi. Go figure. I couldn't get on my network with a Cisco Aeronet 350 which was supposed to work, but I did manage to get on with a D-Link 650 with some help from this forum. Now that I'm on, it works great. I was able to sequence my hardware synths using Techno Toys SEQ-303, while playing some soft synths at the same time. The cool thing about this is that the interface is completely wireless and it's a touchscreen! Having that direct interaction with the controls of a soft synth makes a big difference. Being able to walk around with a wireless monitor makes a huge difference.
Anyway, back to Twitter, if you are new to it, think of it as micro blogging. A perfect place to note little things like the above that may not make sense for a full blown post. You just put up little bits of stuff that interests you. You can post like crazy or you can post once a week, whatever and whenever, it's up to you.
Currently I'm adding anyone that follows me, but I'm not sure how long that will last. Quite a bit does come in and I don't keep up with it all, so if you have something for the blog, still send it in here via the comments of any post or contact me directly - my contact info is on the bottom right of the site.
Every now and then updates for old posts come in. Sometimes I put up a new post here to let you know, and other times I just update the post with a red Update:. I'll try to put the latter up on Twitter like I just did for this post.
I just started using Twitter and I'm getting the hang of it. I realize I don't have to post every little detail, like when I decide to go use the restroom. I will be posting little bits that don't quite fit here on MATRIXSYNTH and I'll be calling out posts that interest me in one way or another for those on Twitter that may not following the site closely. An example of what I posted there but not here is this wireless remote monitor I picked up off of Ebay for $108. It's called an AirPanel and it's made by ViewSonic. In about 2003 Microsoft came out with remote wireless monitors. The project was called Mira. It bombed because for about the same price you could get an actual laptop. The idea was that you could remote into your desktop and work on things at your leisure. I thought... hmm... wouldn't that be useful in the studio. I could remote into my desktop and I'd have a wireless touch screen monitor to control all of my software synths and sequencers. I had some trouble getting a network card that works with it. Yes, the remote wireless V100 comes with no wi-fi. Go figure. I couldn't get on my network with a Cisco Aeronet 350 which was supposed to work, but I did manage to get on with a D-Link 650 with some help from this forum. Now that I'm on, it works great. I was able to sequence my hardware synths using Techno Toys SEQ-303, while playing some soft synths at the same time. The cool thing about this is that the interface is completely wireless and it's a touchscreen! Having that direct interaction with the controls of a soft synth makes a big difference. Being able to walk around with a wireless monitor makes a huge difference.
Anyway, back to Twitter, if you are new to it, think of it as micro blogging. A perfect place to note little things like the above that may not make sense for a full blown post. You just put up little bits of stuff that interests you. You can post like crazy or you can post once a week, whatever and whenever, it's up to you.
Currently I'm adding anyone that follows me, but I'm not sure how long that will last. Quite a bit does come in and I don't keep up with it all, so if you have something for the blog, still send it in here via the comments of any post or contact me directly - my contact info is on the bottom right of the site.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Johannes Kreidler - Charts Music - Songsmith fed with Stock Charts
YouTube via mirko124. via WFMU's, via fabio.
"Melodies derived from Stock Charts, arranged with Songsmith, the Microsoft Composition Tool. By Johannes Kreidler."
Stock chart sequences. Someone should make a sequencer that lets you import stock charts.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.