Showing posts with label Noyzelab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noyzelab. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2023

Juneteenth charity release - Post​-​P​/​C / HSynf​:​:​DRNY#2 by LSZ & NYZ


"LSZ and NYZ are returning with a split of new drone material for the occasion of Juneteenth, where Bandcamp donate 100% of their share to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. All income generated on our side with this split will also, now and forever, be donated to the same organization. It is the sincere hope of the two sound recordists that this music exists as a balm of comfort for escaping from a world that is far too miserable for far too many people.
Post​-​P​/​C / HSynf​:​:​DRNY#2
by LSZ & NYZ

Prior Juneteenth releases will also raise money for the NAACP:

Anyone who spends $25 or more on the Juneteenth releases, in any combination, will be emailed a bonus download code for music of our choosing as thanks.

Learn more about Juneteenth:

Learn more about the NAACP LDF:

N.B. No physical editions of Psoma 51 will be offered.
released June 19, 2023

#1 W/P by Brian Grainger. Recorded at White Pillar, June 10th, 2022 using the R-EW Audioholistics runoff system. Mastered by the Analog Botanist. #2 W/P and mastered by David Burraston. Recorded at Noyzelab on January 19th, 2022. Text and design by ABM&D. This is Psøma Psi Phi number ØΨΦLI. (c) + (p) David Burraston + Brian Grainger 2023. All lights observed."

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

RM SHAPERZ by noyzelab - ring mod / non-linear waveshaping progz for the tiptop z-dsp module

noyzelab has released RM SHAPERZ for free on GitLab.


"Ring mod / wave shaper style card for the TipTop Z-DSP synth module. Coded 2017 - 2019 in spincad with some minor assembler tweaks afterwards, mainly for level/offsetting. Each algorithm has 3 pots that are acting as vca controls for L & R input level [pots 0 &2], and pot 1 is output level for both left and right channels. The feedback controls are also very useful in these algorithms for further altering sound/waveshape.

Generally I have been driving this from a pair of vco outputs and is very good at adding harmonics in the [so called] east coast style. I got the idea for having vca on the inputs from the Serge ring mod, which has vc for the X & Y input levels, although not the output. I got that from my Hinton Music Lab, although that also has centre zero pots for levels/gain; anticlockwise is inverting input gain, and clockwise is non-inverting [something I have been thinking of maybe trying]. Of course the programs can be used for drums, vocals etc.. :]

Program list [these are also included in the display text file] ==>
[note L = the left output signal]

0: X*Y | X+Y
standard ringmod multiplier and 2 channel additive mixer

1: X*Y | X/Y
multiplication and division using exponential and log functions

2: ABS[X]ABS[Y] | LX*Y
absolute value shaper / ringmod

3: ABS[X]-Y | L*X
absolute value shaper / ringmod algorithm 2

4: ABS[X]-ABS[Y] | LXY
absolute value shaper / ringmod algorithm 3

5: MAX[X,Y] | L*Y
maximum value between X and Y shaper / ringmod

6: HRCT[Y]-X | L*Y
half wave rectifier shaper / ringmod

half wave rectifier shaper / ringmod algorithm 2

if u find these progz useful please think about supporting my work either thru my bandcamp page: or thru paypal or get in touch via noyzelab [at] gmail [dot] com

if u program up blank cards with a view to selling them to people, likewise please consider getting in touch, sending me something or contributing to my research / time costs in some way & givin me a shout :]

thanks, dave!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Vinyl Debut by NYZ - SHFTR FRQ - Featuring Aphex Twin's Sequentix Cirklon & PreenFM2

"+ [Special note for track A9 - SHFTR_CA#BB1] => A huge shout of thanks to Richard D James for gifting me a Sequentix Cirklon sequencer and PreenFM2 synth during my Regional Arts Fellowship in 2017! This was the first track I made using this gear. You can also read up more about my open source Farey Sequence FM programming tool for the PreenFM here =>

++ Folks interested in using cellular automata can also check out my open source Arduino based synth module here =>"

NYZ of Noyzelab has a new release out on neon orange vinyl (limited to 300 copies) titled SHFTR FRQ which features PreenFM2 sequenced by the Sequentix Cirklon. You will find a track off the release above. Below you will find some exclusive pics sent my way from NYZ and info on the release from Forced Exposure where it is available in the US. The album is available in the UK from Boomkat here. Update: it's also available at Phonica Records, Norman Records, Juno Records, Redeye Records, and Bleep.

"The Death of Rave is honored to plate up the vinyl debut by NYZ; the cult, algorithmic/ generative music project of award-winning artist/scientist Dave Burraston (Bryen Telko, Noyzelab). The A-side revolves 14 succinct blatz, ranging from cranky percussive pieces to queered microtonal dissonance and SAW II-like atmospheres -- notably including one track made on a Sequentix Cirklon sequencer and PreenFM2 synth gifted him by Richard D. James. The B-side contains a steeply immersive spectral drone tract that (never) ends in a locked groove, especially cut at D&M, Berlin. The results are wholly unique and speak to the endless, playfully experimental variation of NYZ's art/research. They reveal visceral, alien microcosms of curdled microtonal tunings and proprioceptive chicanery bound to thrill and induce strange, new sensations in even the most hard-to-please fiend of electronic music. It's strongly recommended to followers of Russell Haswell's chaotic gnash, the mind-bending tunings of Aphex Twin, the visionary algorithmic scapes of Roland Kayn, and Eliane Radigue's microtonal meditations. In Dave's own words:

"SHFTR FRQ is a series of experimental studies into simple synth setups controlled by varying levels of generative complex systems [MANIAC cellular automata]. SHFTR FRQ was recorded over the last six years on an ever-changing hybrid of equipment encompassing the domains of modular and MIDI-based microtonal sound synthesis [analog and digital]. Setups were always ultra-minimalist, often with just the MANIAC cellular automata sequencer and one or two modules/synths to provide a consistent sensory focus. The studies range from ultra-short sequences, micro-ditties, investigatory motifs, to a full length high spectral drone meditation."

Burraston has previously collaborated with Alan Lamb on recordings of a mile-long telephone wire in the Australian outback, and more recently he issued nearly a dozen NYZ tapes and CDs with some of the most crucial modern music labels, as well as a number of releases under the Noyzelab and Bryen Telko aliases. In 2014, Dave self-published SYROBONKERS!, the most technical and in-depth interview ever given by Aphex Twin. Screen-printed jacket. RIYL: Russell Haswell, Aphex Twin, Eliane Radigue, EVOL/ALKU, Roland Kayn."

Thursday, August 16, 2018

An Interview with David Burraston of noyzelab

You can find the full interview here.

"David Burraston (who also goes by Dave Noyze) may well be the only scientist and synthesist who lives five miles away from the nearest paved road. “We live on the farm where [my wife’s parents] were when they retired,” he explains. “We run a farm as well as the Wired Lab here. We’re in the middle of nowhere, and we’re not served by any amenities except electricity. We have to capture our own water, we have our own sewage and septic tank, we have to take our own rubbish to the tip. We don’t even get mail.” This is somewhat surprising for a man who obtained a Ph.D. for researching cellular automata and generative music, and famously conducted and independently released Syrobonkers!, the most technically comprehensive interview Aphex Twin ever gave."

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

noyzelab Regional Arts Fellowship - Field Report 5 Featuring Rare Colorful Vintage E-Mu Modular & More

via noyzelab, where you'll find the full report:

"Included in this post is a look at some creative outcomes for my 2017/18 fellowship activities in USA and Regional NSW => Mentorship with Doug Quin and residency at Syracuse University, residency at Important Records HQ including a visit to local studio to see an ultra-rare Emu Modular, and giving workshops and working in the field/studio in regional NSW. I've included a number of soundcloud links giving excerpts of some the material I was able to record."

The synth pics are at the bottom, but be sure to check out everything leading up to them. It includes an inspiring piece on the use of field recordings for sound design, a visit to the legendary Belfer Audio Archive and Preservation Laboratory with a signed copy of John Cage's Variations I score and the book Silence, as well as a copy of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band signed by George Martin, and a visit to John Brien's Important Records in Groveland, Mass with a Serge/STS system, EML Electrocomp 101, EMS Synthi A and SCI Prophet 5.

There are quite a few pics of the E-Mu system including close-ups of the inside. Do not miss them.

Monday, April 30, 2018

RAINWIRE [Processed] AFXs Fairlight #40 [Excerpt]

"Fairlight CMI Series 1
MANIAC cellular automata sequencer
Zoom F8
MOTU Microbook II
MacBook Pro

Recorded February 2017 during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to Richard D James for use of the Fairlight."

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Noyzelab Regional Arts Fellowship - Field Report 4

You can find the full report at Noyzelab here.

"Included in this post is a look at some creative outcomes for my 2017 fellowship activities in UK/ Belgium/ Sweden/ Japan/ Regional NSW => Gigs at Cafe OTO, Trap Club, FUSE Art Space, SuperDeluxe. Chris Watson, Jez riley French and Aphex Twin mentorships, residencies at University of Hull, University of Newcastle, EMS Stockholm + a visit to ALM Busy Circuits, and Roland's Artist Liason Centre in Tokyo, and working in the field and in the studio in regional NSW for preparation of my Rainwire [Processed] installation."

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rainwire [Processed] install test University of Hull

Published on Apr 12, 2018 noyzelab

"A quick iphone recording during the final testing stages of my commissioned Rainwire [Processed] installation at University of Hull, UK for Sound + Environment 2017 Conference.

The installation featured live unattended processing by the EMS VCS3 MKII, and multi-channel speaker setup using a range of combo stage amplifier/speakers. Each speaker was driven by different recordings made during my residency at EMS on Buchla and Serge modular synths + Roberta Settels diode transformer ring modulator, and using Richard D James Fairlight CMI Series 1.

I had a great time putting this installation together, and it was even visited by EMS founder Peter Zinovieff!!

Recorded June 2017 at Middleton Hall during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

More details on the Rainwire project can be found here:

Thanks to:

Rob Mackay, and all the techs at University of Hull for assisting and making this happen!
Absolutely everybody at EMS!!
Richard D James for use of the Fairlight CMI Series 1 during my mentorship.
Sarah Last at The Wired Lab :"

Update via Noyzelab:

"Pic of Peter Zinovieff when he visited the installation. Also in the pic on the right is Ben Poulton of Zoviet France"

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

ALM Busy Circuits SMT soldering technique

Published on Apr 11, 2018 noyzelab

This one in via noyzelab. Always fun to see the makers behind the scenes, along with some useful tips in this one.

"A quick iphone recording during my visit to ALM Busy Circuits HQ in July 2017. I asked Matthew if he'd give me a quick primer on how to solder SMT chips, so grabbed this video of the process.

Recorded during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to Matthew & family for great hospitality! and for the Akemie's Castle which you can hear on my recent NYZ - DSP TRX release on Psoma Psi Phi :"

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Noyzelab PreenFM2 Farey Programmer Open Source Project

Another one in via Noyzelab:

"The PreenFM2 is an exciting little Open Source project for making a small, portable FM synthesizer with full microtuning. I decided to write a little Open Source programming tool for it in the Processing programming language. Full details of the program can be found in the PreenFM2 forum here and its available on github here ---- but briefly it is a tool to help with choosing the fundamental parameters of FM synthesis.

Farey Sequences for FM programming were introduced in the classic text by Barry Truax: Organizational Techniques for C:M Ratios in Frequency Modulation.

In order to get the best from this program please read up on Farey Sequences for FM programming, I did an article here : and there are lots of places to read further."


Two new releases from NYZ, aka Noyzelab, who's work has been featured here on MATRIXSYNTH numerous times (see the previous two posts). Noyzelab is both a musician and a maker of some pretty esoteric gear. He has worked with Richard D James of Aphex Twin, Chris Watson, Oren Ambarchi, amongst others.

"David Burraston returns for his third release at P / Psi / P, the mindmelting 4-hour DSP TRX. His second 4xCD-R set in our catalog, after the equally monolithic PPLZ SYNF.

DSP TRX is sometimes manic, turning itself into shapes that seem impossible or unfathomable, and at other times it becomes more stable, barely moving like a deep pool beneath an occasional wind gust. As is Burraston's custom, DSP TRX delivers its most potent and stimulating moments after the sounds themselves have sustained long enough to remove your awareness of time as a reference point. Not quite drone, not only synthesizer music, but wholly a displacing other. The shuddering tone fields stretch out for miles, expanding forever, and then contract again into more observable sections, like a muscle. We're never certain if we're hearing feedback with mathematically-divided holes poked in it, or a radio custom-built by Burraston that tunes into millions of digital bubbles, following traced lines toward a central frequency of his own devising. DSP TRX is both bright and dark, a dramatic rapid tremolo of silence and noise, infinitely revolving, inverting and slowing down - or is it speeding up? Once again, Burraston delivers proof that he is not operating on our plane of reality, or the neighboring ones, but above them all, in an undefined place outside time, space and everything in between.

DSP TRX is available as an edited digital edition (2 tracks) or as a full four-disc/16 track excursion. An unabridged digital release will follow later at Boomkat.

released March 27, 2018

W/P by David Burraston. Recorded March & September 2017 onto 2 tracks / edited December 2017 at Noyzelab. Custom programmed in Spin FV-1 Assembler using the Tiptop Audio Z-DSP Eurorack module and Numberz programmer. All recordings were made direct from the Z-DSP outputs, with minimal post processing other than a slight bit of EQ and stereo placement.

Instruments: 2x Braids Macro Oscillators, ALM Akemie's Castle, Tiptop Z-DSP & Numberz, SpinAsm FV-1 DSP Assembler, MOTU UltraLite-mk3 Hybrid, Apple iMac 2.93GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM / Logic Pro 9.

Thanks to Tiptop Audio for the Z-DSP and Numberz programmer ( ) Matthew at ALM for the Akemie's Castle ( ) Braids custom dark face build by Finlay Shakespeare ( )"

"David Burraston returns to Psøma Psi Phi with possibly his most expansive release to date - PPLZ SYNF. A gigantic 3.5 hour work consisting of seven pieces created using an ongoing self-build (as Burraston notes) of the Serge/CGS Paperface analog synthesizer, in conjunction with a custom built modular rig. Laid to digital disk space at Burraston's Noyzelab studio in August, PPLZ SYNF is a monolith of drone synthesis that absorbs the listener into some kind of greater collective metaconsciousness. It is both an impressive exercise in longform drone music, and an immersive and hypnotic atmosphere that confounds the mind, transfiguring your surroundings from its unique and singular perspective. A monument, literally and figuratively, in the sound field, etched and erected by a master of the craft.

Given the scope and size of such a release, PPLZ SYNF has been committed to a very special, and very limited, triple-cassette set, housed in a dustproof binder. These are extremely finite and assembled by hand in every possible way, making no two copies exactly alike. The digital version available at Bandcamp consists of cuts from the first of the three tapes, while the full release is spread across two 60-minute tapes and one 90-minute tape.

UPDATE 2018.03.04: The 4xCD-R reissue is now stocked at Norman Records in the UK
released November 14, 2017

W/P by David Burraston. Field recorded in MONO 96kHz/24bit on Zoom F8, August 2017 at Noyzelab ( Created with Serge/CGS Paperface ongoing self build and Mutable Instruments Braids x2 custom dark face build by Finlay Shakespeare. David Burraston and the NYZ logo appear courtesy of Noyzelab. This is Psøma Psi Phi number NYZ-II, and 2nd in Burraston's private NYZ catalog. Cover design by The Analog Botanist."

Modular Mortgage or How to Get into Modular Synthesis Without Going Broke by Dave Burraston of NYZ

Note the above is audio only. Dave Burraston is the man behind Noyzelab & NYZ. Click play above a couple of times if necessary. If it does not work, give it a try at the University of South Australia website here.

Be sure to see the corresponding write-up on Noyzelab here.

"Dave Burraston is an Australian experimental musician, who has worked with a diverse range of artists from Chris Watson to Aphex Twin to Oren Ambarchi. A self-confessed gearhead, among his many accomplishments is the publication of SYROBONKERS!, the most technical interview ever given by Aphex Twin. Today he discusses how to get into modular synthesis - with a particular emphasis on not going broke!"

Noyzelab At EMS Stockholm w/ Buchla, Serge, Aphex Twin/Richard D James Fairlight and More

Published on Apr 10, 2018 noyzelab

"A quick iphone recording during a session on the Fylkingen Buchla 200 at EMS Stockholm.

FM patch with my MANIAC cellular automata sequencer.

Recorded February 2017 at EMS Sweden during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to absolutely everybody at EMS!"


Published on Apr 10, 2018

"A quick iphone recording during a session on the Serge modular with my MANIAC cellular automata sequencer at EMS Stockholm."

Playlist descriptions:

1. RAINWIRE [PROCESSED] AFXs Fairlight #11
Fairlight CMI Series 1
MANIAC cellular automata sequencer
Zoom F8
MOTU Microbook II
MacBook Pro

Recorded February 2017 during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to Richard D James for use of the Fairlight.
2. RAINWIRE [PROCESSED] EMS Sweden Settels+Buchla et al [Excerpt]
Roberta Settels diode transformer ring modulator
Noyzelab custom built diode transformer ring modulator
Buchla 200
MOTU Microbook II
MacBook Pro
Recorded in Logic Pro 10, excerpt mixed down using REAPER 5

Recorded May/June 2017 at EMS Sweden during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to absolutely everybody at EMS!!
3. RAINWIRE [PROCESSED] EMS Sweden Buchla 288v [Excerpt]
Buchla 200
MANIAC cellular automata sequencer
MOTU Microbook II
MacBook Pro
Recorded in Logic Pro 10 from a mix of the 288v Time Domain Processor outputs, excerpt mixed down using REAPER 5

Recorded May/June 2017 at EMS Sweden during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to absolutely everybody at EMS!!
MOTU Microbook II
MacBook Pro
Recorded in Logic Pro 10, excerpt mixed down using REAPER 5

Recorded March 2017 at University of Hull, UK during my Regional Arts Fellowship. This Regional Arts Fellowship is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Thanks to Rob Mackay at University of Hull.

See the Noyzelab label below for more.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

noyzelab's uMANIAC Generative Cellular Automata Sequencer Module Goes Open Source

via @noyzelab

"uMANIAC generative sequencer music module for Arduino with a cellular automata core is now *OPEN SOURCE* 🤓 ==> … #arduino #cellularautomata"

You can find previous posts featuring noyzelab's cellular automata sequencers in the archives here.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Dave Burraston aka noyzelab on How to Get Into Modular Synths w/o Going Broke

For those interested noyzelab has a post up on how to get into modular synths w/o going broke. It features references and notes from his recent talk at unsound adelaide 2017.

"some notes / refs for my talk at unsound adelaide 2017 on how to get into modular synthesis without going broke in the process. there's obviously a strong emphasis on cheap / diy / open source as an entry point to modular.."

"Dave Burraston is an Australian experimental musician, who has worked with a diverse range of artists from Chris Watson to Aphex Twin via Oren Ambarchi. A self-confessed gearhead, among his many accomplishments is the publication of SYROBONKERS!, the most technical interview ever given by Aphex Twin. Today he discusses how to get into modular synthesis - with a particular emphasis on not going broke!"

Thursday, September 28, 2017

noyzelab EMS Sweden Residency

Another visit by noyzelab. This one was at EMS Sweden. Click through for the full post include more info and pics of the Buchla system and more.

"On Feb 1 - 12 I was Guest Composer at EMS Elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm, Sweden. I also had my Eurorack modular with Intellijel Shapeshifter, CycleboxII + Expander, Tiptop Z-DSP & Numberz, as well as my uMANIAC and MANIAC cellular automata sequencers and a MacBook Pro + MOTU MicroBookII.

For the creative outcomes I spent my time again working mainly with modulation synthesis such as FM, RM, PWM, AM, and wavetable synthesis via audio rate sequencing. I was also processing sounds from my Rainwire recordings through some pretty exotic effects modules/units, ranging from spring/plate reverbs, modular systems and high end DSP boxes. Some of these recordings appeared in my Rainwire [Processed] installation at Sound+Environment 2017 at Hull University, part of the UK City of Culture 2017..." You can find the full post at noyzelab.

Monday, September 25, 2017

noyzelab Regional Arts Fellowship - Moog Sound Lab UK Residency

via noyzelab, where you'll find the full post.

"On Jan 23 - 29 I held an Artist Residency at Moog Sound Lab UK which is currently located at the Institute of Sound Recording, University of Surrey. This was a great week, I got to check out and record with a whole bunch of Moog gear, and a few other choice pieces as well!"

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Farey Sequence Tables for FM Synthesis - An FM Synthesis Tutorial by noyzelab

via noyzelab

"The choice of Carrier:Modulator (C:M) frequency ratio is an interesting area of research, because it is one of the fundamental aspects of FM programming. Although I mentioned the classic book by Chowning & Bristow in the recent Matrixsynth NYZ DRN4 DECLASSIFIED, space and time didn't allow me to mention another classic text by Barry Truax: Organizational Techniques for C:M Ratios in Frequency Modulation. If you're interested in FM programming, and you don't mind a tiny bit of maths via the Farey Sequence, I highly recommend it. If you want to dig deeper I've made some useful tables for FM synth programmers in this post. There's also a handful of youtube FM synthesis vids at the end."

You'll find the videos and the rest of the tutorial on noyzelab here. Also be sure to check out the noyzelab newsletter sign-up on the top right when there.

An interesting side note via noyzelab: "The TV crime show NUMB3RS featured Farey sequences in the Season 2 episode 'Bettor or Worse' (2006)."

Friday, April 01, 2016

Noyzelab's DRN4 Released

"NYZ DRN4 is just been made live and released, with 2 new extra tracks streamable on public preview. tape nearly gone on physical copy already!!"

You can find it on BandCamp here and Norman Records here.

For background on the release see this post.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Exclusive mix on SoundCloud:

And a track from the release on Bandcamp:


2. ISR_16x16_WCM
3. CSN [excerpt 2 mono]
4. SWI_r170_16x32x32_B
5. SWI_FM1#16
6. NYZ-1_1#08_A [finite downsized]
7.CSN1 [excerpt 1 mono]

Be sure to see the MATRIXSYNTH exclusive further below!


This is the first release by NYZ and is a superb musical collection of research areas classified to internal Noyzelab operations. Not even .MEDS label were informed of the secret processes underlying its creation, excepting that we know it involved Frequency Modulation (FM) synthesis! We have not been given any information regarding when this work was recorded, but we suspect the material spans at least a decade of David's FM algorithm research on numerous synthesizers, as well his own custom built ear deceiving gear...

According to one reviewer of David's previous musical output he "gleefully disrupts just about every standard convention of musical form you could think of, including those of so-called experimental musics."

Other reviewers have written that :
"His music is a bizarre, yet compelling journey investigating the outer realms of music generated on ancient & contemporary machines." "It's strikingly original audio that doesn't really sound like anything else I can think of." "Utterly sublime. So there you go, a life-affirming slab of mind-altering sound to reawaken you to the terrifying possibilities of creation."

"absolutely wreaks havoc" wrote Keith Fullerton Whitman on reviewing David's last release T. H. Cycle cassette on Important Records/Cassauna .

Cassette releases April 1, 2016

All Audio by David Burraston
Design Tom Knapp


MATRIXSYNTH recently asked NYZ why he put together this new album of FM synthesis based explorations, and whether he would discuss some of the process behind it. The declassified information below has been put together by NYZ especially for a MATRIXSYNTH exclusive.



The main reasons for making this album were an interest in FM synthesis in both analogue modular and MIDI/digital mediums. I had worked with digital FM synthesis since getting a Yamaha TX81Z when they came out back in 1987 (which I still have, along with another backup machine with a very hummy mains transformer which bleeds onto the outs). How me and another synth friend used to cry with drunken laughter at preset D11 Hole in 1... :) But after initially wondering whether I had just wasted about 350 UK pounds on an utter piece of shit... I quickly warmed to its better presets, and its very different approach to synthesis yielded enough interesting results early on for it not to get outed.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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