Showing posts with label PhonicBloom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhonicBloom. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Siluria, more ambient droning

video upload by Gechologic

"The process of tuning Siluria that preceded recording of the previous demos. This time it's only the WAV file from the SD card, no external sounds mixed in.

I am posting this as an unedited material as it is nice to listen to, and to give you a better picture about the possibilities. This is still the patch 1, next time we will show something different when it comes to the character of sound - working on it! :)

Siluria will be available later this month at"

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gechologic Siluria, playable drone synth, first patch

video upload by Gechologic

"Siluria combines a few sound engines and effects, one of the voices is playable by a 12-tone touch keyboard. The main drone frequency is directly controllable by one of the knobs, additional harmonics can be added by precisely tuning fractional delays and reverbs. There are pre-defined scales, with base note following the main frequency in a quantized manner (this can be configured differently in another patch). It is a completely digital synth but the analog potentiometers are used for precise, high resolution control. Their smooth feel, instant response and the synergy that emerges from the seemingly infinite combinations of their positions, makes playing with Siluria a very pleasant and addictive experience :)

What you hear is an unprocessed and unedited output. Everything is recorded to the SD card, in perfect quality, so nothing is lost. Sound from the camera was mixed in as well, so you can hear the button click."

Siluria, mangling the radio in real time

video upload by Gechologic

"Siluria has a stereophonic line input and a built-in FM radio, so you can mangle the external sound beyond recognition! Randomly caught clips from the radio can add very interesting textures to your drones. In addition to this, you can import WAV files on the SD card for further processing.

A few effects can be applied, such as filter, reverb, delay and flanger (in another patch, you can get a different set of effects associated to the knobs).

It is a completely digital synth but the analog potentiometers are used for precise, high resolution control. Their smooth feel, instant response and the synergy that emerges from the seemingly infinite combinations of their positions, makes playing with Siluria a very pleasant and addictive experience :)

What you hear is an unprocessed and unedited output (except for cutting and fading the segments in and out). Everything is recorded to the SD card, in perfect quality, so nothing is lost. Sound from the camera was mixed in as well, so you can hear the button click."

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Loopstyler, low/high-pass filter, extreme resonances

video upload by Gechologic

"A few more interesting moments which did not fit in the previous demo, showing what happens at the edges of the filter cut-off and resonance range.

All sounds are coming from the device, as recorded on the SD card, with no additional processing, except for the peak volume normalized to -6dB, and fading in and out when editing the video."

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Loopstyler, low/high-pass filter with drones and drums

video upload by Gechologic

"This is a new effect, added to the beta firmware today (you can try it now! :) Here it is shown applied to factory patches 5 (supersaw+FM) and 9 (drum samples) driven by the Euclidean Rhythms generator.

The detailed manual is here:

All sounds are coming from the device, as recorded on the SD card, with no additional processing, except for the peak volume normalized to -6dB, and fading in and out when editing the video."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Loopstyler, just drones (no subtitles)

video upload by Gechologic

"A few more minutes of droning from the Loopstyler, to give you an idea of its sonic range. Reverb and flanger effects applied to supersaw, FM and wavetable patches.

All sounds are coming from the device, as recorded on the SD card, with no additional processing, except for the peak volume normalized to -6dB, and fading in and out when editing the video.

Find more info at:"

Friday, July 12, 2024

Loopstyler, reverb and flanger with drones and drums

video upload by Gechologic

"This demo shows the new reverb and flanger effects applied to three of the factory patches: 1 (guitar samples), 5 (supersaw+FM) and 9 (drum samples) driven by the Euclidean Rhythms generator.

If you are curious, the complete list of patches is here:
And the detailed manual is here:

All sounds are coming from the device, as recorded on the SD card, with no additional processing, except for the peak volume normalized to -6dB, and fading in and out when editing the video.

Find more info at:"

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Loopstyler, capturing sounds of everyday objects, adding effects and rhythms

video upload by Gechologic

"This demo shows the new reverb and flanger effects, also sound capture (from microphone or line input) with automatic "cut by silence" function. All sounds are coming from the device, as recorded on the SD card, with no additional processing, except for fading in and out when editing the video.

Find more info at:"

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Loopstyler, sequencer (live recording mode)

video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"This is a quick intro into how the sequencer works. There are two modes, this is the first (default) one, where track starts running and then note events are added in real time (as opposed to step sequencing, where you enter all notes and rests one by one)."


Loopstyler, sequencer (step sequencing mode)

"The sequencer can also work in step sequencing mode, where you enter all notes and rests one by one (as opposed to live recording, where the track runs and events are added in real time). This demo only shows the very basic functionality, but there is more: you can enter multiple events at the same position, to create chords or combine samples. Also you can navigate back and forth and fix incorrectly entered notes. And these two modes can be used alternatively in one song, to help recording each track in the most suitable way, for example step sequencing for drums and live recording for leads."

Friday, January 12, 2024

Loopstyler, tape loop mode with synthesized and sampled sounds

video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"This demo shows the very basics of tape loop mode, accessible under 2nd yellow button. Here you can see the final version of the Loopstyler from the 1st manufacturing batch, which is planned to start shipping in late January. All sounds are coming from the device, the keyboard is a MIDI controller, Arturia Keystep.

Find more info at:"

Loopstyler, sampled drums with Euclidean Rhythms

video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"This demo shows how a group of sampled sounds (preferably drums) can be controlled by Euclidean Rhythms generator. This is a first video showing the updated design with 12 command keys on the right.

Find more info at:"

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Gecho Loopstyler Demos

video uploads by Gecho Loopsynth


Loopstyler, synthesized sounds, stylus control options
Loopstyler, synthesized sounds, controlled by MIDI
Loopstyler, FM sounds, controlled by MIDI

Sunday, October 15, 2023

PhonicBloom GechoLogic Loopstyler

video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"After a lot of prototyping, we're finally happy with the circuit, and here are its first sounds! :) We've opened preorders at [priced at €175 +VAT] and manufacturing will commence shortly, our favourite PCB factory is happy with the blueprints and all components are in stock. If you are interested in technical details and the development journey, check

This demo shows a very basic configuration: 4 samples across 4 rows of pads, sharing the same octave and mode. After activating the arpeggiator, you can change key, octave, mode, or instrument that the arpeggiator controls. We also hear complaints about incorrectly entered command sequence; this prototype lacks texts on some pads, and LED lights are not yet showing cues about what is going on, which makes it harder to control. An annotated video explaining these controls in detail, will be recorded once the first production unit arrives from the factory."

"The Loopstyler is a powerful pocket synthesizer capable of running multiple sound engines and effects at once. It can handle a large amount of samples on the SD card, limited only by the card capacity. Browse and organize them easily to be used in patches, play them back with at least 32‑voices polyphony, smooth time stretching and pitch shifting.

You can play the Loopstyler in different ways: like the classic Stylophone, or in a tape loop emulation mode, or by programming it using the multitrack sequencer. Apart from the sampled sounds, it runs other sound engines, such as FM, Karplus‑Strong, granular and subtractive synthesis. The usual suite of effects can be applied per voice or globally. A single microphone and monophonic line input allow for sampling possibilities (you can import stereo samples easily via the SD card).

Designed to fit snugly in your pocket, Loopstyler is the source of endless hours of fun anywhere you go. And of course, everything you play can be recorded internally, so nothing is lost."

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

PhonicBloom MMXX T-Ape: Unboxing & Demo

video upload by Poorness Studios

"I recently did an unboxing video of GLO from @Gecho Loopsynth and now I'm checking out another one of their products, MMXX T-Ape. This is a tiny Bytebeat-powered synthesizer that is remarkably simple but also infinitely complex.

Intro - 0:00
Unboxing - 1:21
Overview - 2:25
Audio & Power Setup - 4:08
Audio Demo - 5:15
Summary - 13:53

[See the GLO Unboxing Video here]

Purchase a MMXX T-Ape here:"

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Recording Acoustic Instruments with GLO

video upload by Poorness Studios

"NOTE: The audio output from GLO goes directly into the camera, so GLO is functioning as the camera's only mic.

I did a video about Phonicbloom's GLO (the polyphonic whale) a little while ago and I decided to use it to record some acoustic instruments (guitar, banjo, ukulele, steel tongue drum, handpan, Native American flute, glockenspiel, harp, and tanpura).

Intro - 0:00
Sounds - 1:08

See the GLO Unboxing video here:" [posted here with more info on the Phonicbloom GLO]

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

PhonicBloom GLO: Unboxing & Demo (polyphonic soundscape generator)

video upload by Poorness Studios

"I have been crazy about GLO, the polyphonic whale, since I first saw it in 2019. The company released a limited run of these and I managed to get one. It's not really an instrument or an effect, it's more of a listening experience. GLO transforms the world around you into an interactive soundscape.

Intro - 0:00
Unboxing - 0:32
Overview - 2:29
Sound Samples - 4:06
Summary - 6:31"

via PhonicBloom


Glo works by collecting all surrounding noises, pleasant or annoying, and wrapping them in a beautiful ambient track, which you can interact with in many ways.

First, pick a channel to set the background rhythm. Then sing, tap, hum, go for a walk in a busy city, coastline or a forest full of singing birds - using Glo's sensors and musical algorithms to interact with it all.

Feel the vibes of Mother Earth.

Glo Whale Showcase

Friday, December 17, 2021

Wing Drum - firmware 1.0

video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"This video demonstrates the built in sounds in the Wing Drum, also how to tune it, enable / disable delay or reverb, edit scales, copy-paste a scale, and reset everything back to factory defaults (check the clickable timestamps below).

Two buttons on top select between metallic (represented by robot icon) and wooden timbre (tree icon). Plus and minus buttons select scale, the 5th (white) button enables scale editing.

Get your drum at

0:00 metal timbres
4:24 wood timbres, tilt enables effects
4:45 change effect settings - set delay
5:33 tilt backwards and reset level
5:47 djembe fun!
6:13 change effect settings - set reverb
6:43 cancel reverb by level reset
6:57 reset to factory defaults (clears scales, resets volume)
7:23 increase the volume
7:31 example of a multi-timbral sound
8:18 switching scales during play to increase range
9:36 copy-paste scale from position 2 to position 3
9:49 editing the scale at position 3 (transpose up and edit some notes)"

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Gecho loop synth by PhonicBloom in black

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

You can find demos in previous posts here.

"If you're looking at this, the chances are you already know about the wonderful world of the Gecho Loop synth. Endless sonic beauty and madness in a lovely ash box. This example is brand new, opened, switched on, played with for five minutes, then listed here. Just not right for me. It comes with all the leads and other bits it was shipped with."

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wing Drum

Wing Drum - internal sounds video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"In the Wing Drum you can find a few sounds of real and also synthesized instruments. Most of them are stored as samples, but that is not the only sound engine implemented. The last timbre in this video is generated from a wave-table.

Two buttons on top select between metallic (represented by robot icon) and wooden timbre (tree icon). What you can hear in this demo are only the first experimental sounds, more will be added. The idea is to have 4 or 5 of each kind of timbres."

Wing Drum - MIDI controller functionality

"All sounds in this video come from Korg Volca FM or Modal CRAFTsynth.

The Wing Drum can act as a MIDI controller too (that's what the middle connector is for). It sends out the stream of data at all times, including velocity information and, thanks to motion sensor, it emulates two controllers: pitch bend (by tilting left and right), and continuous controller (by tilting back and forth). This is how it can be used to control some other small (or large) synthesizer, anything that has a native MIDI input.

Of course you could play the same notes on these synths, but Wing Drum may be handier and easier to use, since it presents 9 notes of your desired scale in a very accessible way."

via phonicbloom


Easily switching between modes you can play sounds of a handpan, steel tongue drum, xylophone or glockenspiel with up to 6 voices polyphony. Touch pads in the wings consist of a few segments and they are sensitive to how much of the wing area your finger covers. This allows you to play softer or louder sounds dynamically.

Or you can connect its MIDI output to another synth and use it as a controller, expanding the range of sounds without limits. The built‑in accelerometer acts as pitch bend / continuous controller depending on the axis of rotation. Velocity information is transmitted too.

The Wing Drum can be played by anyone at home, outdoors, in the studio, therapist's office, classroom, meditation session or at the live performance.

The round shell is about 15cm / 6" wide and 5cm / 2" tall. It is made from solid wood sealed with natural oils to protect and show the natural beauty of the wood. The top panel is made from fiberglass laminated with matte black polymer or white enamel with gold plated metal elements. It is controlled using 5 buttons made from soft silicone."

Monday, March 22, 2021

MMXX T-APE - the first long demo

video by Gecho Loopsynth

1:33​ random arpeggiator with octaves and light control
4:20​ faster arpeggiator that sounds like a beat
5:46​ arpeggiator controlling some glitchy sounds
6:28​ "up" and random arpeggiator again
10:00​ retuning into a new scale
10:48​ playing with the new scale
14:20​ nasty noises from bytebeat with tweaked parameters
14:58​ a complete automatically generated song
16:34​ tuning into radio hell

"This instrument does not really know scales, notes or octaves - it can only manipulate pieces of generated sound according to some simple mathematical rules and your input, using rotary encoders, eight touch sensitive keys and two light sensors.

Find out more at​"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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