Showing posts with label Tom Whitwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Whitwell. Show all posts
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Talking With Tom Whitwell (Music Thing Modular)
video upload by Hack Modular
Hack Shop:
Talking With Tom Whitwell - Part 2 (Music Thing Modular)
video upload by Hack Modular
Hack Shop:
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
08 09 22 Késako Reverb - Feedback
video upload by batchas
"Using camera mic to record audio.
Reverb is based on an open source project called Spring Reverb MK2 which was originally made by Tom Whitwell (Music Thing)."
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Wurlitzer EP200 + Pure Data
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Modular Synth - Patch in Progress 13 - Music Thing Radio Music
Published on Jul 21, 2015 isvisible / isinvisible
"My first patch with the wonderful Radio Music module by Music Thing.
The Radio Music module is loaded with the suggested audio from Tom Whitwell, the legend behind Music Thing.
The tuning and reset in the Radio Music module are being provided by the Doepfer A-155 Sequencer, which is in turn being clocked by the TipTop Trigger Riot.
The output of the Radio Music is split to three different processors, the Synthesis Technology E580 Delay, an Eventide 1745M Delay and a Mutable Instruments Clouds.
A couple of drones, one from a Doepfer A-110 Oscillator and another from a Neutron Sound Orgone Accumulator are underpinning everything.
Minimal drums are provided by a couple of Ladik D-333 ROM Players.
For more info on the Music Thing Radio Music module visit: - melodic less melodic"
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Brighton Modular Meet 2015: Music Thing Modular
Published on May 31, 2015 sonicstate
"Brighton Modular Meet 2015: Music Thing Modular Tom Whitwell shows us his new modules and some new prototypes"
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Turing Machine Random + Intellijel uScale
Published on Feb 23, 2014 grillobeats·17 videos
"Random synth sequence with Turing Machine and Intellijel Uscale. AFG, MMG, moddemix used as well."
Monday, February 10, 2014
Analog live improv on Eurorack modular and Arturia Minibrute
Published on Feb 10, 2014 Flux302 of·158 videos
"Just some happy nerding with the Eurorack :) melodic sequence from the turing machine through a uScale , drums via Volca beats."
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Music Thing Modular Spring Reverb
Published on Oct 20, 2013 Tom Whitwell·35 videos
"Spring reverb module for Eurorack modular synths. Audio is slightly out of sync with video, sorry. Full details below...
Top knob is reverb level.
Right hand smaller knob is Tilt, a simple hifi-style tone control that changes the colour of the reverb.
Left hand smaller knob is Control, an attenuverter control for the incoming CV. 12 o'clock = no CV, clockwise = increasing CV, anticlockwise = inverted CV.
Patch: DPO sine waves sequenced by Turing Machine and Wogglebug. Gated through QMMG, envelopes from Maths. The CV input makes 80s-style gated reverb and pseudo-reverse reverb possible.
For this demo, using a 9EB2C1B full sized reverb tank.
Information, schematics, PCB files available at
The design and all documentation are Creative Commons Licensed."
Music Thing Modular Spring Reverb Crossfade Mode
Published on Oct 20, 2013
"The MTM Spring Reverb contains a vactrol crossfader that you can also use independently. Here, it is crossfading between the DPO Final and Square outputs.
The module can be built with either a Silonex or a VTL5C3 vactrol. The VTL5C3 sounds smoother for this use, with a slower response that can be 'pinged'.
Video and audio are slightly out of sync, sorry.
Information, schematics, PCB files available at
The design and all documentation are Creative Commons Licensed."
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Turing Machine as VCO (Eurorack/Doepfer Modular Synth Demo)
Published on Sep 10, 2013 flx04·54 videos
"In this video we'll have a look at using the Music Thing Modular 'Turing Machine' Random Looping Sequencer (phew) as a VCO. You can do some cool slew-limiter tricks if you combine it with a Make Noise Function or Maths module. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below :) Thanks for watching!
Filmed with a Canon EOS 550D (Rebel t2i) with Magic Lantern and a GoPro 1.
SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: [click through the video above]
"In this video we'll have a look at using the Music Thing Modular 'Turing Machine' Random Looping Sequencer (phew) as a VCO. You can do some cool slew-limiter tricks if you combine it with a Make Noise Function or Maths module. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below :) Thanks for watching!
Filmed with a Canon EOS 550D (Rebel t2i) with Magic Lantern and a GoPro 1.
SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: [click through the video above]
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Turing Machine Random Looping Sequencer
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"This is a newly-built Turing Machine Random Looping Sequencer in Eurorack format. It has aluminum Grayscale panel, bolted-on main pot, blue LEDs (rare!), and backpack module to allow connection to expander modules."
via this auction
"This is a newly-built Turing Machine Random Looping Sequencer in Eurorack format. It has aluminum Grayscale panel, bolted-on main pot, blue LEDs (rare!), and backpack module to allow connection to expander modules."
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Laurentide SynthWorks Builds - Turing Machine & Ambika
A couple of wallpaper worth shots via Laurentide SynthWorks. Top pic is Tom Whitwell's Music Thing Modular "Turing Machine" Random Sequencer with Expander. Below is a Mutable Instruments Ambika. If you don't have time for DIY yourself, Laurentide SynthWorks will build gear for you.
Monday, July 08, 2013
ThreeAmigos Part2
Published on Jul 8, 2013 ISOTROPOSPHERE·118 videos
"Tom Whitwell - Random Looping Sequencer / Turing machine
Thonk - UK electronics kit provider
Three random looping sequencers with pulses and voltages expanders now.
Reving noise from MicroGranny, manual playing of the Anushri in there.
All other sounds from the DFMZ Deprivator modular synths.
These things are so much fun. Thank you Tom and Thonk."
Part 1 here
"Tom Whitwell - Random Looping Sequencer / Turing machine
Thonk - UK electronics kit provider
Three random looping sequencers with pulses and voltages expanders now.
Reving noise from MicroGranny, manual playing of the Anushri in there.
All other sounds from the DFMZ Deprivator modular synths.
These things are so much fun. Thank you Tom and Thonk."
Part 1 here
Friday, May 10, 2013
Grayscale Panels for Eurorack
"Preorders for these panels will end on May 24. Like the first set, any panel that gets 20 preorders will be made."

Thursday, May 02, 2013
Expanders for Turing Machine Random Looping Sequencer
Published on May 2, 2013 Tom Whitwell·30 videos
"Two DIY expander modules for the RLS from Music Thing Modular. Pulses produces seven pulse outputs, related to the master clock and controlled by the main module. Voltages (with the faders) is an eight step sequencer where multiple steps can be active at once, creating very unpredictable patterns.
Patch details:
One pulse output is pulsing the white noise from the RLS module through a QMMG low pass gate, creating the kick drum sound at the start.
The two outputs (normal and inverted) from the voltages module are going into a A156 quantizer, then into two sizes of a DPO oscillator. Each time the note changes, the sine wave outputs are gated through the QMMG.
One more output from the pulse module is triggering the FM bus on the DPO, causing the bleeps and bloops."
"Two DIY expander modules for the RLS from Music Thing Modular. Pulses produces seven pulse outputs, related to the master clock and controlled by the main module. Voltages (with the faders) is an eight step sequencer where multiple steps can be active at once, creating very unpredictable patterns.
Patch details:
One pulse output is pulsing the white noise from the RLS module through a QMMG low pass gate, creating the kick drum sound at the start.
The two outputs (normal and inverted) from the voltages module are going into a A156 quantizer, then into two sizes of a DPO oscillator. Each time the note changes, the sine wave outputs are gated through the QMMG.
One more output from the pulse module is triggering the FM bus on the DPO, causing the bleeps and bloops."
Monday, April 08, 2013
Three Amigos - Random Sequencer / Turing machine
Published on Apr 8, 2013 ISOTROPOSPHERE·111 videos
"Testing all three of the Random Sequencer / Turing machine modules I constructed.
Big Thanks to Tom Whitwell, Thonk, and Erthenvar for making this happen.
Custom panels fabricated by me and hand painted in the recesses. Design based loosely on the original panels for these modules.
Had fun making these and they work rather well."
Random Sequencer / Turing machine
Published on Apr 8, 2013
"This is a primary testing of the Tom Whitwell Random Sequencer / Turing machine module.
Also testing The Harvestman Evin 209 matrix mixer along with the cv ins and outs on the Thingamagoop.
Thanks again to Tom Whitwell, Thonk and Erthenvar for all things necessary to build this module.
Custom panel designed by me based on the original panel, hand painted recesses.
"Testing all three of the Random Sequencer / Turing machine modules I constructed.
Big Thanks to Tom Whitwell, Thonk, and Erthenvar for making this happen.
Custom panels fabricated by me and hand painted in the recesses. Design based loosely on the original panels for these modules.
Had fun making these and they work rather well."
Random Sequencer / Turing machine
Published on Apr 8, 2013
"This is a primary testing of the Tom Whitwell Random Sequencer / Turing machine module.
Also testing The Harvestman Evin 209 matrix mixer along with the cv ins and outs on the Thingamagoop.
Thanks again to Tom Whitwell, Thonk and Erthenvar for all things necessary to build this module.
Custom panel designed by me based on the original panel, hand painted recesses.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
acRLS random looping sequencer
Published on Apr 6, 2013 boothnavy·30 videos
"Quick demo of the 'blinken lites' on the new analog craftsman incarnation of the random looping sequencer designed by Tom Whitwell.
The sequencer uses a clock input to cycle through a series of voltage outputs, from 8 to 32 steps, which can be captured in a specific pattern if desired. The range of cv output is also adjustable.
The acRLS is being clocked by a Modcan 05B and is controlling the pitch of a Modcan 01B VCO"
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Random Looping Sequencer
Random Looping Sequencer from VoltageCtrlR on Vimeo.
[Audio in left channel only]"Here's a demo of the Random Looping Sequencer DIY module I built. It's added a lot of life to my setup and is excellent for live performance with some control over the randomness...
This patch features the RLS' seq out multed to uscale in and envelator gate in. envelator out to borg 1... borg out to mixer and into camera. The sound source is the uncle & anti osc tripple wave folded and filtered with the z2040 and ems synthi filter clone.
The Random Sequencer is a circuit that produces random control voltages. These can be completely random, or they can be locked into loops that repeat every 8, 16 or 32 steps. It was inspired by the long history of shift register pseudorandom synth circuits, including the Triadex Muse, Buchla 266 Source of Uncertainly, Ken Stone’s gated comparator and Grant Richter’s Noisering. This circuit includes a transistor noise generator, so should create true random binary sequences. However, the structure of the sequencer and the nature of the digital-to-analog converter used seem to give a particular character - tones that rise and fall in a particular way.
-Tom Whitwell
Here's more info on this open source diy synth project:
If you're interested in a custom built VoltageCtrlR Random Volt Generator eurorack module drop me an email at voltagectrlr at gmail dot com"
Random Looping Sequencer Demo B from VoltageCtrlR on Vimeo.
Another variation of the first patch... now with noise!contact me if you're interested in a custom built eurorack module.
voltagectrlr at gmail dot com
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Random Looping Sequencer demo
YouTube Published on Aug 8, 2012 by Stephen Drake
"Here's a demo of some of the capabilities of the Random Looping Sequencer, a pcb/project developed by Tom Whitwell, as per this thread on the muffWiggler forums -
I built 2 of these, although only one is used in this video - the other one (on the left) is on just to look good. All video and audio is copyright ©2012 by Stephen Drake."
Sunday, August 05, 2012
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.