Showing posts with label XILS-lab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XILS-lab. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2015

XILS-lab Releases Syn’X 2 Polytimbral Virtual Analogue Synthesizer Plug-In

Tutorial videos previously posted here. Press release follows:

"XILS-lab relaunches revolutionary virtual analogue soft synth with modern-day makeover

GRENOBLE, FRANCE: music software company XILS-lab is proud to announce availability of Syn’X 2 — a multi- format (AAX, AU, RTAS, VST), 32- and 64-bit polytimbral virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in for Mac (OS X 10.5 and later) and PC (Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7/8) that not only continues to pay perfect homage to the legendary Elka Synthex Eighties-vintage Italian instrument from an original-sounding sonic standpoint, but balances that musicality against a multilayer card-based architecture that is inspired by similarly sophisticated hardware analogue synthesizers, such as Oberheim’s mighty Matrix 12, to create one of the most powerful and complex virtual analogue synthesizers of the modern era — as of June 22...

At the time of its 1982 launch the eight-voice polyphonic Elka Synthex sounded like no other synthesizer around — analogue or otherwise, and brought with it high hopes of being instrumental in ending the dominance of oversized (and overpriced) Japanese and American analogue programmable polysynths, thanks to the eight monophonic synthesizer circuits central to its innovative 16-DCO (Digitally Controlled Oscillator) driven design by independent Italian synth-master Mario Maggi. Many — meaning 1,000! — ICs (Integrated Circuits) were used in that design, however, meaning that it was not necessarily the most reliable around and did not come cheap. Consequently, not that many — not much more than the number of ICs in each instrument, in fact — were sold before being discontinued in 1985 (with one last production unit being made especially for legendary American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder) as a ‘new wave’ of considerably cheaper and more reliable digital synthesizers boasting better MIDI (Musical Instrument Interface) implementation brought about its untimely demise. Not that this mattered much to French electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre, who has three to his not insignificant name to this day, with well-known Laser Harp performances still emanating exclusively from an amazing-sounding Synthex patch produced by one-time UK demonstrator/programmer Paul Wiffen (and audible in isolation in ‘Second Rendez-Vous’ on Jarre’s super-selling Rendez-Vouz album of 1986).

Today the Elka Synthex is one of the most sought-after synthesizers around. As a result of its superlative sound design and avant-garde architecture, it’s a true musical instrument that’s truly stood the test of time. Today it sounds as fresh as it did back in 1982. Just ask Jean-Michel Jarre, who is on record as saying, “The Synthex allowed me to also develop something I had in mind with electronic music — epic, symphonic type of sounds that you probably had with the modular Moog before, such as those that Walter/Wendy Carlos used for Switched On Bach or A Clockwork Orange — a deep, mad, classical approach to a polyphonic synthesizer.” Truly, madly, deeply, indeed.

Indeed, given that finding an Elka Synthex in fine working order has become such a pricey (and patient) proposition, is it any wonder that in 2011 XILS-lab decided to effectively emulate it in software, even going so far as to enlist the eager ears of Paul Wiffen himself. “The sonic results are uncannily close to the original,” he promptly pronounced. Surprisingly, Syn’X has already been available to purchase and download from the XILS-lab web store for longer than the production lifespan of the original hardware synthesizer from which it drew so much musical inspiration. It’s time, therefore, for a serious update, and with it some fanciful features that look beyond merely modelling the Elka Synthex...

So what, exactly, is it, then, that makes Syn’X 2 so different and so much better than its predecessor? Well, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could create a synthesizer with the sophisticated multilayer architecture of Oberheim’s mighty Matrix 12 analogue polysynth, say, with an abundance of modulation matrixes per layer — effectively enabling flexible routing to rival the monstrous modular systems that preceded it in decades gone by, but then musically married that to the expansive Elka Synthex sound? Well, with Syn’X 2 that’s no longer a dream synth, but rather reality! Roll up your sleeves and delve deeper into sound design than was previously dreamed possible, thanks to the talented teamwork of XILS-lab.

Lest we forget, Syn’X 2 offers a unique combination of clear and punchy DCOs with cutting-edge analogue-modelled multimode filters to faithfully reproduce the superlative sound that so clearly defined the Eighties era, but, because it’s polytimbral, users can access up to eight individual synthesizers simultaneously with 16 oscillators, eight 0DF (Zero-Delay Feedback) analogue-modelled filters, 32 D-ADSR (Delay, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelopes, and modulation matrixes addressing any of 132 possible destinations when creating their own patches — truly a sound designer’s dream come true!

This being a XILS-lab product, predictably, perhaps, there are many more features to make a serious song and dance about. All-important additions to Syn’X 2 include: oscillators with (up to 40) cumulative waveforms (per patch); new 0DF PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)/hard sync oscillator algorithms; unique CHAO (2D space movement) and (five rhythmic effects) RTHM LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators) with (up to 50) cumulative waveforms (per patch); two arpeggiators; two keyboard zones — Upper and Lower, suitable for split and layered instruments; guitar multitimbral mode — whereby all layers can be assigned to independent MIDI channels, so playing different sounds with each guitar string, for instance, is possible; polyphonic SEQUENCER (that also acts as a modulation source); vintage-sounding CHORUS, DELAY, PHASER, and EQ effects (with proprietary True Stereo Technology); and 300 phenomenal presets programmed by professional sound designers, to name but few.

Fortunately for some, a helpful Easy mode provides programmers with an intuitive and powerful yet streamlined environment, similar to XILS-lab’s recently released miniSyn’X polyphonic, duo-timbral virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in, but with additional envelopes and LFOs, etc, easily accessible. Alternatively, the Advanced mode makes all aspects of Syn’X 2 available, allowing users to create complex, thick, and never-heard-before patches with a radically reworked workflow, which, it turn, makes it one of the most powerful and complex virtual analogue synthesizers of the modern era!

Syn’X 2 is available to purchase as a USB eLicenser or iLok (1 and 2) protected plug-in for an introductory discounted price of €127.00 EUR until July 21, 2015 (rising to €169.00 EUR thereafter) on the XILS-lab web store here:'X-%3A-iLok-or-eLicenser-protected.html

Syn’X 2 can also be purchased as a bundle together with the miniWork’X sound library — featuring 268 miniSyn’X sounds for Syn’X 2 programmed by Lotuzia — for an introductory discounted price of €148.00 EUR until July 21, 2015 (rising to €198.00 EUR thereafter).

Note that owners of the original Syn’X can upgrade to Syn’X 2 for free while owners of miniSyn’X can upgrade to ‘full-blown’ Syn’X 2 status for an introductory discounted price of €93.00 EUR until July 21, 2015 (rising to €124.00 EUR thereafter).

Syn’X 2 can be directly downloaded as a multi-format (AAX, AU, RTAS, VST), 32- and 64-bit polytimbral virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in for Mac (OS X 10.5 and later) and Windows (XP, Vista, and 7/8) from here:

Several superb audio demos showcasing Syn’X 2 can be heard here:"

Thursday, June 18, 2015

XILS-Lab miniSyn X & Syn X2 Sequencer Tutorials

Published on Jun 18, 2015 xilslab

"A tutorial to get started with the miniSyn'X sequencer"

Syn X2 Sequencer

Published on Jun 18, 2015

"A tutorial to get started with the Syn'X 2 sequencer"

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

XILS-lab Releases miniSyn’X

"XILS-lab launches low-cost luscious soft synth emulation of Eighties polysynth par excellence!

'I’ve just got miniSyn’X and am so excited, because the Synthex is a fantastic rarity. Thanks to XILS-lab for giving everyone the opportunity to play with it.'

- Jean-Michel Jarre (April 2015)

GRENOBLE, FRANCE: music software company XILS-lab is proud to announce availability of miniSyn’X — an authentic, cost-conscious soft synth emulation of a much-loved Eighties-vintage analogue polysynth of Italian origin that helped define the sound of an era — as of April 8...

miniSyn’X is a multi-format (AAX, AU, RTAS, VST), 32- and 64-bit polyphonic, duo-timbral virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in for Mac (OS X 10.5 and later) Windows (XP, Vista, and 7/8) that faithfully emulates the still-sought-after sound of the Synthex, a luscious, 1982-vintage, eight-voice programmable analogue polysynth independently designed by Mario Maggi and built by Italian home organ manufacturer Elka. Indeed, it was much loved by synth luminaries of the day — not least French synth wizard Jean-Michel Jarre, whose well-known Laser Harp performances still emanate exclusively from an amazing-sounding Synthex patch produced by one-time UK demonstrator/ programmer Paul Wiffen and audible in isolation in ‘Second Rendez-Vous’ on Jarre’s multi-million-copy-selling Rendez-Vouz album of 1986. Pity, then, that the Synthex did not sell in such Jarre-like quantities during a four-year, three-stage (50-, 800-, and 1,000-unit) production run, with one last post-production unit being built especially for Stevie Wonder, such was the legendary American singer-songwriter/multi- instrumentalist/record producer’s love for the future-classic instrument that initially failed to fly in the face of the-then ‘art nouveau’ digital age of dominating desirable FM synthesis from Yamaha’s considerably cheaper, MIDI-equipped DX7, and subsequent super-selling, all- singing, all-dancing digital designs from the likes of Roland (D50) and Korg (M1).

Friday, March 27, 2015

miniSyn'X : Preset Tour

miniSyn'X : Preset Tour 1 Published on Mar 27, 2015 xilslab

"A first tour of the preset included in the miniSyn'X"

miniSyn'X : Preset Tour 2

"A new tour of the preset included in the miniSyn'X"

Thursday, March 19, 2015

miniSyn'X : Overview by Lotuzia [Virtual Elka Synthex Soft Synth]

Published on Mar 19, 2015 xilslab

"An overview of the various features of the XILS-lab miniSyn'X synthesizer: The golden Age of DCO and VCF !!"

"It is inspired by a famous and legendary Synthesizer from the 80's, which a lot of talented guys used as their central Keyboard, including some synths Gurus.

Its a piece of history, maybe the last Vintage Analog Polyphonic synthesizer.
It has a special multitimbral mode, 5 different hi quality and hi character filters, as you could expect from a Xils-Lab synth.
It is MORE than a strict emulation.
It has many additional features compared to its glorious ancester, as you could expect from a modern era synthesizer .

But this is NOT ENOUGH. It has also never seen features !"

Monday, January 12, 2015

XILS Vocoder 5000 : Matrix Patch and Slew Rate Tutorial

Published on Jan 11, 2015 xilslab

"Short explanation of the XILS Vocoder 5000 Matrix Patch and Slew Rate feature."

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

XILS-Lab EMS Inspired Vocoder 5000 Arrives

"XILS-lab launches last word in vocoding with powerful plug-in inspired by EMS flagship

GRENOBLE, FRANCE: music software company XILS-lab is proud to announce availability of XILS Vocoder 5000 — inspired by its expensive EMS Vocoder 5000 hardware (partial) namesake (still held high in analogue awe) as an awe-inspiring, affordable vocoder plug-in for Mac (32- and 64-bit, AU, AAX, RTAS, VST 2.4, and VST 3 for Mac OS X 10.6 or higher) and PC (32- and 64-bit, AAX, RTAS, and VST for Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8) — as of December 23...

By (typical dictionary) definition, a vocoder is an analysis and synthesis system used to reproduce human speech. Speaking historically, Homer Dudley, a research physicist at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, USA, developed the Voice Operated reCOrDER (VOCODER) way back in 1939 as a research device to test compression schemes for the secure transmission of voice signals over copper telephone lines. Later, Werner Meyer-Eppler, the Director of Phonetics at Bonn University in Germany, recognised the relevance of these machine marvels to electronic music following a visit by Dudley in 1948, subsequently using the vocoder as a basis for future writings which would inspire, in turn, the German Elektronische Musik movement. Musically speaking, the vocoder is indebted to German synth pop pioneers Kraftwerk more than most for bringing its distinctive robotic-sounding voice into commercial consciousness — so much so that Wikipedia even has a photograph of one of their early-Seventies custom-built vocoders alongside its own online definition of the word.

Whatever way one views it, actually it was Peter Zinovieff’s London-based company EMS (Electronic Music Studios) — best known for making musical history in 1969 with its introduction of the VCS3, the first portable synthesiser commercially available anywhere in the world — who released the world’s first commercially-available vocoder, the EMS Studio Vocoder, in 1976. Soon renamed the EMS Vocoder 5000, this vocoder par excellence ended up in the talented hands of a privileged few, both musical or otherwise, including Kraftwerk, predictably; Stevie Wonder; US Seventies-vintage sci-fi TV series classic Battlestar Galactica (‘Cylon’ centurion voices); and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. With its 22-band analysis and synthesis sections, the EMS Vocoder 5000 is probably the most highly-specified such unit ever produced. The fact that it can still be bought new today is testament to its still-stunning design, though there is only one (not so small) problem: purchasers should be prepared to part with a handsome five-figure sum for the privilege and then wait quite some considerable time to take delivery of this weighty (20kg) vocoding heavyweight. However, XILS-lab has an answer to that problem: now those fantastic features and more can be accessed instantly in the comfort of your computer at a fraction of that cost, thanks to the XILS Vocoder 5000 plug-in!

Put simply, XILS-labs’ software-based vocoder virtually emulates the fanciful filtering techniques and incredibly complex circuitry of its analogue predecessor to achieve the same organic sound, precision, and clarity. Just like the EMS Vocoder 5000 before it, XILS Vocoder 5000 can be made to ‘speak’ clearly in English and German — just like Kraftwerk... or in any other language for that matter! Respectively resurrecting the still-sought-after sounds of the EMS VCS3 synthesiser and Roland VP-330 Vocoder Plus keyboard in popular plug-in form as XILS 3 and XILS V+ certainly stood XILS-lab in good stead when it came to meaningfully modelling the EMS Vocoder 5000’s impressive feature set of no fewer than 22 bandpass filters and envelope followers; oscillators (modelled from the EMS VCS3); noise generator; frequency shifter; and spectrum analyser — including its distinctive 22x22 pin matrix patchboard, allowing any band of the modulator signal to be connected to any band of the carrier signal. So while analogue vocoders like the esteemed EMS Vocoder 5000 typically analyse an incoming signal by splitting it into a number of tuned frequency bands with modulator and carrier signals being sent through a series of tuned bandpass filters — in the case of Kraftwerk’s beloved robotic voices, for example, the modulator is a microphone and the carrier is a noise or sawtooth waveform — with XILS Vocoder 5000 it’s just the same.

Haying that, XILS-lab being XILS-lab, that’s not all. Additional features that make XILS Vocoder 5000 a truly 21st Century product par excellence in its own right include additional filter types; more SLEW RATE modulations; two LFOs — the original Vocoder 5000 had only one; in-depth FM AMNT (Frequency Modulation amount) and PWM AMNT (Pulse Width Modulation amount) controls; additional oscillator waveforms; improved SPEECH (sibilance) input detector; GATE input; and also a keyboard for playing melodies or chords. Unlike the restrictive nature of the original Vocoder 5000’s ‘real world’ pin matrix patchboard, XILS Vocoder 5000 users can quickly populate its onscreen matrix by freely drawing lines... and it helpfully has its own presets! Picture-perfect, some might say!

So there it is. As well as feeding the human voice — truly the most variable sound source of all — into XILS Vocoder 5000 to alter its pitch, tone, vibrato, and other characteristics to synthesise a choir from a single voice or create musical melodies from ordinary speech, why not use XILS Vocoder 5000 to process drums, percussive elements, guitars, or any kind of synthesiser to breathe new ‘analogue’ life into them or reshape them totally? Try creating vocoded synth patterns from drum loops... loopy! Almost anything is musically possible with XILS Vocoder 5000, so why not give it a try today? Here at XILS-lab we’re sure you’ll love its authenticity, adaptability, and affordability.

XILS Vocoder 5000 is available to purchase and download directly from XILS-lab as an eLicenser or iLok copy-protected virtual instrument and effects plug-in for an introductory discounted price of €99.00 EUR (including VAT within the EU) until January 17, 2015 — thereafter rising to €149.00 EUR (including VAT within the EU) — from here:

For more in-depth info, please visit the dedicated XILS Vocoder 5000 webpage here:

Several short audio demos showcasing XILS Vocoder 5000 can be heard here:

Various XILS Vocoder 5000 tutorial videos showing several key features and functions can be seen here:"

Thursday, December 11, 2014

XILS Vocoder 5000 Set to Arrive December 17th - EMS Style Vocoder

"The XILS Vocoder 5000, a new plug-in for Windows and Mac OS X offering an 'Authentic Analog Vocoder simulation and beyond'

Features :

Authentic emulation of the most complex Analog Vocoder ever produced
Organic and realistic sound with clear and understandable Vocoding
Hundreds of midi automatable parameters
Frequency Bands Pin Matrix, genuine analog oscillators, 0df Filters, Pitch Shifter
The true sound of analog Vocoders, and much more

Pricing TBA.
ETA December 17th 2014"

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Xils4 Preset Tour 1

Published on Jun 13, 2014

"This video is showing some of the unique presets including in the XILS 4"

Friday, May 23, 2014

SCD live - Studio 83 - recorded 23-05-2014

Published on May 23, 2014 Boele Gerkes·13 videos

"Arturia Minibrute analog synthesizer - Novation Bass Station 2 analog synthesizer - Moog Voyager XL analog synthesizer - Arturia Spark Drum plugin - Strymon Timeline and Big Sky Delay/Reverb pedals - Ableton Live DAW.
The Spark drum track goes through FXpansion Maul plugin (distortion). Reverb and delay plugins used in Ableton Live: Valhalla Room and XILS-lab Le Masque Delay.
Master compressor plugin: Arts Acoustic CL1."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Xils Lab VCS4 VST EMS synth plugin In Maschine 2

Published on May 22, 2014 Flux302 of·195 videos

Note the VCS4 actually looked like this and this.

"Checking out the wild new Plug in from Xils Lab. The XILS 4 emulates a prototype that was never released, the EMS VCS4, based on two integrated, interlinked and interacting VCS 3 ( Synthi) cores. We also coupled them with the famous 256 analog polysequencer"

Monday, May 19, 2014

XILS-lab breathes virtual life into prototyped EMS VCS4 analogue matrix modular monster

"'XILS 4: a life-changing tool... absolutely 100 percent indispensable modular heaven!'

- Anthony J. Resta (record producer and multi-instrumentalist)

GRENOBLE, FRANCE: music software company XILS-lab is proud to announce availability of XILS 4 — an authentic software emulation of the legendary VCS4, a ‘dual VCS3’ analogue matrix modular synthesizer prototyped by EMS back in 1969, but never commercially released — as of May 19...

EMS (Electronic Music Studios), a British company founded by the pioneering Peter Zinovieff, made musical history in 1969 with its introduction of the VCS3, the first portable synthesizer commercially available anywhere in the world. Its innovative modular matrix-based patchboard dispensed with the telephone exchange-like cabling of other (much larger) modular systems in favour of making connections with (removable) coloured pins, so it could be comfortably housed in a small wooden (solid afrormosia) cabinet.

Needless to say, the (hi)story of the EMS VCS3 is well documented, with XILS-lab later playing its part in resurrecting its still-sought-after sound with its cost-conscious and award-winning XILS 3 software emulation for Mac (OS X 10.4 and above) and PC (Windows 7, Vista, and XP) proving popular with both first-time buyers beginning a wonderfully in-depth journey into the wonderful world of modular synthesis and also seasoned synth explorers, including renowned sound designer Richard Devine and original VCS3 aficionado Tim Blake (Hawkwind), and even Peter Zinovieff himself, who commented kindly: “A great step forward!”

Not so well documented, though, is the stuff of legend: the 1969-vintage VCS4 was EMS designer David Cockerell’s so-called ‘Live Performance Module’, comprising two VCS3s sat side by side, together with a five-octave keyboard, a mixer, and a signal-processing unit, all housed in a single wooden cabinet. Only one prototype was ever produced, its ear-opening sounds lost in the sands of time... until now, that is!

By being based on two intricate and interacting VCS3 (‘Synthi’) cores — following in the fanciful footsteps of its one-off analogue ancestor to a tee, XILS-lab’s XILS 4 favourably emulates EMS’ VCS4. Indeed, those two cores can be set to work side by side or operate in serial (with one feeding the other). Each and every module on one side can be used to modulate or feed anything on the other side with stunning sound possibilities plus weird and wonderful effects readily available in abundance as a direct result. That said, XILS 4 shows its true 21st Century colours by also allowing amount settings to be individually applied to each patch ‘pin’. Providing patchboard power par excellence to an already special soft synth shows that there is clearly so much more to XILS 4 than solely emulating vintage hardware — rare as the vintage hardware in question clearly is. Little wonder, then, that XILS 4 is billed by its creator as being the Ultimate Analog Matrix Modular Synthesizer!

XILS-lab has sought to take things severals steps further still by coupling those cores with the SEQUENCER 256 module, inspired by EMS’ trailblazing Synthi Sequencer 256 namesake. Needless to say, this three-layer sequencer with analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue converters to enable digital processing of control voltages to drive multiple analogue synthesizers or multiple parameters with storage of up to 256 ‘events’ was well ahead of its time when released in 1971. Here in the virtual world, XILS-lab has well and truly transported it to the present day with three independent layers, slew rates, and recording modes, together with added abilities like sequencer layers acting as modulation sources in a dedicated SEQ MATRIX — matchless, even by today’s most sophisticated DAW standards!

So is that all? No, not at all! Adding a second ‘pin matrix’, two additional envelopes, an LFO, comprehensive SAMPLE AND HOLD module, and VOLTAGE PROCESSOR, plus several new input modules — including GATE, ENVELOPE FOLLOWER, and PITCH TRACKER — means that there are hundreds of additional connections available to the discerning synthesist set on exploring XILS 4 to the full as a superlative soft synth or as a powerful effects processor plug-in in its own right. The fact that there are over 1,140 possible connections per patch makes for a literal lifetime of programming possibilities that will surely far outlast the host computer concerned, though those in need of a helping hand have easy access to almost 700 professionally-programmed presets from world-renowned sound designers, including the complete XILS 3 factory library and over 350 presets specifically designed for XILS 4. A selection of tutorial-style patches are also available to help users seeking to take their first tentative steps towards scaling the heady heights of this mountainous modular monster of a soft synth!

Simply put, with a whole host of modules and associated far-reaching functionality — for starters, 12 aliasing-free oscillators, grouped in six pairs with wave-shaping and hard sync — yesteryear’s impossibilities have become today’s possibilities with XILS 4... a great step forward, indeed! A giant leap for modular synthesis software, some might say.

XILS 4 is available to purchase as an eLicenser or iLok copy-protected virtual instrument and effects plug-in for an introductory discounted price of €149.00 EUR (rising to €179.00 EUR on June 17, 2014) from the XILS-lab web store here: (Note that this time-limited offer also includes the XILISTICS sound bank with 160-plus presets worth €25.00 EUR, plus a free USB-eLicenser copy-protection dongle!)

XILS 3 owners can upgrade to XILS 4 for an introductory price of €29.00 EUR (rising to €49.00 EUR on June 17, 2014). XILS 4 can be directly downloaded as a 32- and 64-bit-compatible virtual instrument and effects plug-in for Mac (AAX, AU, RTAS, VST) and Windows (AAX, RTAS, VST) from here:

Check out several informative XILS 4 tutorial videos here:"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Explore XILS 4 Analog Matrix Modular Synthesizer

Published on May 14, 2014 Leon van Bokhorst·28 videos

"Xils Lab Analog Matrix Modular Synthesizer, which is based on a EMS VCS3 architecture, got a major upgrade today... XILS 4. It's a double XILS 3 on steriods and much more.

Let's fool around with some of the new presets."

Monday, May 05, 2014

"Hide & Seq" - (EMS VCS3 & SEQ 256 Emulator) Xils 3

Published on May 4, 2014 Strange UFO Music·43 videos

"Theme music from an Intergalactic game show of hide and seek! New episode with contestants from Earth coming up soon! ;)

All sounds created from the latest version of Xils Lab's EMS Emulator, XILS 3.

In this work, the EMS SEQ 256 is triggering all the pulses through the VCS3, while I'm modulating timbres in real time via midi.

Shown are many screen shots of modules and matrixes included.
I'm not usually into softsynths, but this one is particularly special!"

Sunday, May 04, 2014

XILS 4 is coming soon ....

Published on May 4, 2014 xilslab·45 videos

"XILS 4 : audio demo 100% made from this Ultimate Modular Analog Synthesizer
Coming soon .."

Friday, April 25, 2014

these ways [pop]

Published on Apr 25, 2014 Trooper Starship·22 videos

"used gear:
Roland Aira TR-8, TB-3, Leipzig-S, BassStation 2, PolyKB, RMX-500, BigSky, Echolution 2, Cubase Artist 7.52"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

XILS 4 Teaser

Published on Apr 19, 2014 xilslab·44 videos

"Soon released here is the first apparition"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

XILS 3 v2.0 Preset Tour 2

Published on Apr 15, 2014 xilslab·43 videos

"A new Preset tour of the XILS 3 : Bass, Pads, Sequences, leads, soundscapes, ...."

Monday, April 14, 2014

XILS 3 v2.0 Preset Tour 1

Published on Apr 13, 2014 xilslab·42 videos

"A short overview of the XILS 3 v2.0 factory presets"

Monday, April 07, 2014

XILS 3 v2.0 used as an Effect

Published on Apr 7, 2014 xilslab·41 videos

"The XILS 3 v2.0 is not only a powerful synthesizer, it can also be used as a endless effect processor. Inserted in an audio track, you process it with any of the internal modules (filter, VCA, effects) or can use the audio input as audio rate modulators. Possibilities are endless ..."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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