Tuesday, June 27, 2006

la pâte à son

This is pretty cool.

"Drag instruments, switches, and transporter pipes from the conveyor belt to the checkerboard above to make music. Rotate the pieces. Choose a melody. Change pitch, tempo and volume to fine-tune your composition."

Title link takes you there. Requires Flash. Via Scott Metzger.

The Yamaha VP1

16 voice polyphonic physical modelling synth. I knew about the VL1 and VL7, but not this. Wow. Click here for a VP1 site with specifications and samples. Check out DVDBorn for more.

Update via Javeline the comments: "The link above is dead, but I have a LOT of information and demos of the VP1 on my website"

Monday, June 26, 2006

Patch Memory - New Flickr Shot

flickr by unrest. Note the Buchla and Oakley labels. Anyone know who makes the Burst Generator?

Update via the comments: "The Burst Generator is a Ken Stone module."

Moogfest 2006 Pics

Title link takes you there. Also make sure to track back to for more synth goodness.

electronic devices digital interface (EdDi)

Glitch Station - 2 * 25 dtype inputs
midi in - midi thru
16 midi to switch interface
light organ interface - 3 photo cell link
3 momentary push switches
3 hold switches
5 variable resistors
eddi is used to interface electronic devices such as kids toys - cheap keyboards - video signals - mechanical devices - anything that switches
shown linked to casio sk1

via GetLoFi.

The EDP WASP Special

Carbon111 got himself an EDP Wasp. Title link takes you to a page he put up with more info and shots. Also posted on Synthwire.


Commodore 64 SID in a rack. Title link takes you there. Via gerald.

"A uCApps midibox SID, built in a 3U frac-rack modular synth panel. All the power of the midibox SID, with 6 routable analog CV inputs, two gate outputs, and 8 analog CV outputs. Since the midibox OS is open source, you can write your own apps for it, and turn it into a CV I/O beast!"

Inside an Oberheim SEM

Title link takes you to the post on Orac. He's looking for Rev B schematics so if you have or know where to get them, post a comment.

"The color-coded Molex connectors which route signals to and from the SEM have wonderful, gemlike hues. In the second shot the new electrolytic cap is evident (the big blue can)."

Kraftwerk Vocoder

via this auction

Update: scan of the eBay auction sale added below.

"The mother of all transistorized vocoders, prototype of early 70´s custom built for german electronic duo of that period: documented by back cover photo of KW's album "Ralf & Florian" and in some part in the artwork on inside sleeve.

The device was used for two studio productions, title "Ananas Symphonie" including synthetic vocals and rhythm track in conjunction with lapsteel guitar and rhythm machine , as well for "Kristallo" with rhythm machine and EMS-Synth.

Later used to sound the KW's intro for "Autobahn"

The vocoder contains 12 analysis and synthesis filter channels, 2 compressors for speech or carrier signal and excitation signal inputs, voiced /unvoiced detector and switch board for filter-matrix.

It was conceived , built and constructed by electronic engineers in the area of Physikalisch-Technische BundesAnstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Dipl.Ing P.Leunig and Dipl.Ing. K.Obermayer.

Later the well known german music studio engineering and supplier company R.Barth K.G.,Hamburg, Germany, boiled down the know-how gained from this project into so called MUSICODER which was produced in small quantities."


Oldstyle Evolver

Title link takes you to a 4.22M mp3 of the Poly Evolver by Stefan Trippler.

"I listened to the great CD collection "Synthesizer von Gestern" again, lend
some chords and structure from Ralf Weber and tried to make a track in a
similar style with Poly Evolver sounds.

Here is the result:

Oldstyle Evolver

Some softer sounds again. I won't ever be able to produce a reasonable
mixing quality, but anyway, I think it is good enough to get an impression
of the Evolver sound character. Btw I didn't try to imitate the sounds from
the original track too close, would habe been too much work, if possible at

All sounds from the Poly Evolver, PSP Easy Verb, some delays and compressors
from Cubase"

Via AH.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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