Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1st Brazil Synth Meet Video by Arthur Joly

CIRCUITO ELETRÔNICO - Encontro brasileiro de síntese analógica from arthur joly on Vimeo.

Googlish translation of the following further below.

Blips, knobs, sweeps, drones! A música eletrônica vive seus dias de glória com o avanço da tecnologia, que vem democratizando e realizando uma verdadeira inclusão cultural, arregimentando uma nova classe de artistas que contam com um arsenal digital sem precedentes, ferramentas de criação e composição hoje disponíveis até para os smartphones mais convencionais. Mas quando foi que tudo isso começou? Como e quando surgiu essa forma tão particular de expressão musical? Pois é, muitos desse
s novos artistas fatalmente desconhecem que a música eletrônica contou com o esforço de grandes personagens, heróis que escreveram uma história de dedicação, empenho e criatividade, mentes brilhantes que deixaram um legado através de suas incríveis máquinas sonoras, e tudo isso muito antes da

mad sonic science

mad sonic science from todd barton on Vimeo.

realtime slicing and dicing via Buchla 222e.
for better audio go to:

mad sonic science sunday by bartonmusic
The 272e radio module provides the vocals.

Vintage 1980s Synthesizer

This one in via Earthnik:

"This morning I woke up and realized I own a synth the likes of which only a few dozen people in the world may have ever seen. I believe this is one of only two that still exist and no 2 are alike. No solder here ... all wire-wrapped boards.

Full patch panel • assignable joystick • 3 oscillators • capable of frequency and amplitude modulation • two wave forms — controls such as: a sample and hold (of sorts) • symmetry • rotation direction • 3 dimensional rotation • DC offset • and the famous FCE effect.

What is it you ask?

It's a Laser Light Show synthesizer, circa early 1980's. It's made to bounce oscillators and waveforms off one another to create those psychedelic, spirographic and dense spiral designs ... the kind gear heads saw while listening to the synths of Pink Floyd while stoned at a Laseruim show. The FCE effect you ask? It was on all equipment this company made. It stood for Floyd's Cool Effect. Each time it was a pot hooked up to nothing ... either a space holder, a place for future expansion or just a conversation piece." Note this is not a video synthesizer itself, but rather a synth "for driving galvanometers with mirrors on them for Laser Light Shows."

Moog Voyager Sound Scape

YouTube Published on Aug 21, 2012 by ANTsynth

"Ambient piece using using my Moog. All processing was done in Absynth and Reaktor."

benge park

YouTube Published on Aug 21, 2012 by zackdagoba

"the moog modular in action, synced up to the boss tr55. see for more"

PAIA vintage modular analog diy synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

"This Paia is a giant homebrew system in a custom case. All the jacks are standard banana (not Paia pin) and 1/4" jacks. It uses an external power supply. Unfortunately, I cannot get the thing to power on, so the synth is being sold strictly as-is.
Module build manuals and other assorted Paia manuals are included, along with a box of 1/4" and banana cables.

Modules include:

4780 Sequencer
8780 DA
Envelope Follower
Ring Modulator
4 Channel Mixer
6x VCO
2x LPF
Custom Attenuator/Processor
2x Envelope
Bandpass Filter
2x VCA

ROLAND TR-808 SN 114270

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via this auction

Roland TR-808 demo - SN 041719

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
YouTube Published on Aug 21, 2012 by Dan McCurry

"Just a little demo of my Roland TR-808 which is for sale on ebay. I flipped through different programmed patterns on this unit, fiddled with the knobs, etc just to show that things are working well. Note: I hit the "fill" button a few times and nothing happened because I had selected an empty bank that didn't have a fill set in it."

via this auction

NoodleBar preformances Mono-Poly and FalafelBiels

YouTube Published on Aug 21, 2012 by Dennis Verschoor

"2 preformances from the 1st Noodlebar event at BAR, West-Kruiskade 63a.
First preformance is by Mono-Poly and after it Falafelbiels.
Sorry about the bad video, but at least the audio is kinda ok"

Magellan for iPad Tutorial 2: MIDI Basics

YouTube Published on Aug 21, 2012 by YonacSoftware

"In this tutorial, we show you how to control Magellan with your external MIDI controller, including connecting your iPad to the controller, adjusting Synth 1 & 2 channels, and more!

Visit for more info."

Magellan - Yonac Inc.
iPads on eBay

Added to Part 1 here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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