Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Mob of Emus + Beads + Chord Machine Ambient / Plaits Maths Ensemble Oscillator

video upload by Wac- Lounge

"Thank you for watching!
Here is the simple patch notes, a list of the gear and more information.

Grain delay voices = Mob of Emus (sine wave) processed by Beads sequenced by Chord Machine2
Chord voices = Mob of Emus (sine wave×4) sequenced by Chord Machine2 program controlled by MATHS modulation from A-145-4LFOs
Arpeggio voice = Qu-bit Chord sequenced by Chord Machine2(triggered by MATHS)
Synth pad = Ensemble Oscillator modulation & sequenced by Disting(clocked LFO attenuated by MATHS) triggered by Steppy
Strings-like voice = Rings with modulation from Disting(clocked LFO) sequenced by 2hp Arp filtered by A-120 VCF1(modulation from A-140ADSR triggered by Marbles)
Lead square wave voice = Plaits with modulation from Mob of Emus & A-145-4LFOs sequenced by Marbles(CV)
Chord & random percussive voice = Nebulae sequenced by MATHS
Master clock = MATHS (divided by Steppy)"

Digital Dreams - The PPG Wave Story

video upload by Johnny Morgan

"A documentary short on the history behind the legendary PPG Wave synthesizers from the 80's."

Update: Also see "On location in Hamburg with Wolfgang 'PPG' Palm"

You can find additional synth documentaries by Johnny Morgan here.

MODULAR SUPER UTILTY (and a full voice) - After Later Audio QARV

video upload by Patchwerks Seattle

"In this video Nick Bigelow shares with us the new quad envelope generator and VCA by After Later Audio: QARV. Demo includes overview, ideas, and practical uses for the module.

QARV - Quad Attack, Release, & VCA

Four channels of function generator, oscillator, slew limiter, envelope, and VCAs. This module brings the ultimate in flexibility as it can be used as a standalone synth voice, a massive amount of modulation, or a four channel envelope generator w/ mixer. We believe this makes QARV a great first module and a great addition to the largest of systems.

Learn more about the After Later Audio QARV here:
Demo by: Nick Bigelow
Video by: Matthew Piecora"

QARV - Quad Attack, Release, & VCA

Four channels of function generator, oscillator, slew limiter, envelope, and VCAs. This module brings the ultimate in flexibility as it can be used as a standalone synth voice, a massive amount of modulation, or a four channel envelope generator w/ mixer. We believe this makes QARV a great first module and a great addition to the largest of systems.

All four channels have the following features:

Uni-polar oscillator mode
Attack and release time control via potentiometer and via input jack
Shape control that controls shape for both attack and release
Output attenuverter
VCAs that normal to each subsequent channel (CH1 -> CH2, etc.). So you can get a mix of all four channels out of the CH4 VCA output (unless you patch a VCA output from an earlier channel)
Channels 1 & 4

Voltage source (CH1 - 5V & CH4 - 10V)
CH1 & CH4 can be switched between IN (slew mode) and TRIG (envelope) mode
RISE and FALL gates. You can use our G&T module to turn these gates into triggers.
Channels 2 & 3:

Bi-polar oscillator mode
Dedicated IN and TRIG jacks (helpful for adding offset to a triggered ENV)
BOTH input jack to simplify patching both the attack and release (also inverts the input to give more standard pitch tracking of higher voltage equals higher pitch)

MAKING WAVES: A Look At The Sequential Take 5

video upload by analogcases

"SUSTAIN Case For The Sequential Take 5:

In this episode of MAKING WAVES, Lealani takes a look at the Sequential Take 5. The Take 5 is a compact and powerful 5-voice poly synth. It combines the warmth and punch of two analog, voltage-controlled oscillators and a Prophet-5 Rev4 analog filter with an array of digital effects and a host of modulation capabilities. The result is a classic, warm, organic- sounding subtractive synth with a modern voice. ⁣

If you're traveling with your Take 5, make sure it's protected in our sleek and durable SUSTAIN case. We also offer cases for other keyboards, too."

Sequential PROPHET REV2 - 128 AMBIENT PATCHES (part 1)(patches 64-to-35)

video upload by Alba Ecstasy

128 #ambient #patches for Sequential #ProphetREV2.
128 patches as individuals, splits or stacks in 64 programs (each program has 2 layers (patches) πŸ‘‰ 64 programs x 2 layers = 128 patches) containing pads, sequence & arpeggiator type sounds, vintage and ambient sounds, etc! All patches contains sequences.
The compatibility with the Prophet-08 (REV1) was not tested.

❤️, ae

The Cinematic NDLR: Prophet REV2 / PEAK / WAVESTATE

video upload by Alba Ecstasy

"πŸ‘‰Prophet REV2 patches πŸ‘‰

This is the third time trying to use the Conductive Labs #NDLR in a track that I could publish or improve, after a few tweaks to get it a little.

I thought it would be inconvenient for me to use such a device as the NDLRm only using its arpeggiators on my synths, since I'm used to program my sequences by my own and playing them in sync, manually.

Is it good for my #Cinematic projects? For sure!
It easily allows me to start such a track that can be worked and improved lately in my DAW.

Is it good for Berlin School? Well... since I'm just discovering it, I have to find a way to integrate it with my sequencers and my workflow.
The major contribution is that brings the chord progression (that I'm not using too much in my tracks), and starting from here, I'll have to sync the NDLR to the internal sequencers of my synths.

But in the #ambient world, the NDLR is a must!

Is it easy to use the NDLR?
I haven't yet read the user manual.
I have printed it and abandoned because the NDLR is very intuitive as long as you already worked with synths and sequencers.
Do you need music theory? Not so much if you're only using the NDLR.
That's why it should be, imho, a must in every beginner's studio.

Is this track too long and incomplete? Yes!
But I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!

Sections and their instruments:
Pad: Korg Wavestate
Drone & Motif 2: Prophet REV 2 (REV 2 is by-timbral and I use it on two distinctive MIDI channels)
Motif 1: Novation PEAK

❤️, ae"

Strymon Timeline Sound Demo (no talking) with Novation Circuit Tracks

video upload by Bonedo Synthesizers

Patch from Scratch: The Singular Timbral Oscillator?

video upload by MAKEN0ISE

"Let's see how much drama and variety we can wrest from a single modulated STO!

Intro soundtrack by Giuseppe Cordaro with a Black & Gold Shared System!"

The best AE MODULAR Sound Demo yet ... #TTNM


"Seriously, this is the best AE Modular synthesizer no-talking sound demo yet!

Listen at:
Click on each track's "info" button for liner notes and a setup picture.

All sounds are made with AE Modular systems, with only sequencing, editing/arranging and non-dominant FX allowed. So this modular synth music compilation will give anyone a great insight on how an AE Modular system can be used in an actual music making/studio context.

Check out the AE Modular forums for lots of fun discussion and information too:

I love to hear from you and talk about synths and stuff, so always feel welcome to post a comment or send me an e-mail to: ➤"


KORG Opsix Update 2.0.1

via KORG

Software version v2.0.1 has been released for Opsix. The latest update brings numerous enhancements to usability and functionality.

Updates, enhancement and fixes

Improved the usability of the DATA ENTRY knobs for EFFECT operators.

Pressing the plus and minus OP SELECT buttons at the same time will now select operator 1.

When Global > SYS > USB Network is set to NCM, then reset via Factory Reset > Global or Reset > All, display now correctly reflects the internal value.

Fixed an issue with importing programs from a DX7 via system exclusive messages when a program after 470 is selected. All programs after 501 will now be deleted when performing Factory Reset > All.

Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when Unison Voices is set to 5 or 7 voices.

Fixed LFO tempo precision when receiving MIDI clock with a lot of jitters.

The currently sounding voice now reflects the random waveform when it is selected.

Fixed a crash caused by running Update via USB while Time Machine is running on a Mac.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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