Monday, December 22, 2008

Flight of harmony December newsletter

"Sorry for the lack of updates, but here’s what is going on right now:

· Plague Bearer single modules are now available at Analogue Haven in euro and frac formats.

· The joystick group buy has met the minimum quantity. Collection should be finished by tomorrow (Dec. 22), anyone that wants to join in, send me an email before then. Joystick images here: jstick2.jpg, jstickunderside1.jpg


Linn LM-1 Drum Machine

via this auction

"Linn LM-1 drum machine, serial # 365. These are relatively rare, as only approximately 500+ were ever built. This model was the first commercially-available EPROM-based digital drum machine with 8-bit sampled sounds. Designed by Roger Linn in the late 1970’s, this drum machine holds a place in history, basically laying the foundation for sample-based sounds within popular music. The concept and execution was so popular that it spawned a large number of imitators by Oberheim, Prophet, EMU, Alesis, Kawai, Korg, Roland, et al.

Muff's Modules & More - The Wiki!

Muff started a modular Wiki. You can find it here.

Creeping Electro Death 2009 Remix

YouTube via SuicideServer
"Time for my own first video instead of that crappy finger cam. Hope you enjoy it. Shoutz go out to Dr. Walker, flaaps, RRKS, ren.eg8, Oedla, Acid Allstarz and all my friendz. Keep those beatz comin ;)"

MC-808 Kung Fu

"Another Hypnotic Techno Jam on my beloved Roland Gear. This time just with the MC-808."
See the thumbnails at the end of the video for more.

Gate Switch Demo

YouTube via bluelantern320. follow-up to this post.

little 3

YouTube via comemelinhos. Just for the laugh of it... : )

HAL 9000's voice played 200 times slower - Photosounder

YouTube via Photosounder
We first load into Photosounder a sound of HAL 9000's voice, which is turned into an image, and we first play it back into a sound at its original rate. Then the Time resolution knob is turned down a notch and the image-sound is played about 3 times slower, without any change in pitch.

Then the Time resolution is turned down some more until the playback rate for the image-sound is 200 times slower than the original, and a strange and eerie soundscape emerges from the man's extremely slowed down voice."

Listening to Music Upside-Down

"In this video, we first load a sound into Photosounder, which is converted into an image. We first listen to that image by turning it back into a sound, then, by pressing buttons 180° and FLIP, we flip it vertically, as to make the image appear upside-down, and we turn that upside-down image into a sound, an 'upside-down' version of the original sound.

What it does is invert the notes of the tune, which creates a different sounding tune, but it also inverts the overtones, so the instruments also sound different. This effect is unique to Photosounder, which is the only program out there that treats sounds and music entirely as images.

Music from the South Park episode, Gnomes."

More info on Photosounder
"Photosounder is a one-of-a-kind image-sound editing program. It is unique in that it opens images and sounds indiscriminately, treats and processes them as images, and synthesizes them as sounds. Sounds, once turned into images, can be powerfully modified to achieve effects and results that couldn't be obtained in any other way, while images of all sorts reveal the infinite kinds of otherworldly sounds they contain. Ultimately, knowing how sounds look and how images sound, you'll be able to create images that sound like what you want to hear, or like what you couldn't imagine to hear."

Studio Shots by Gattobus

Studio BW
Studio 22-12-2008
(click each for the full size shot)

flickr by gattobus
(click for more)

[UTAU] preparation [重音テト]

YouTube via nwp8861
"This song is copied from The music is made by REAPER using VST(free or demo version) and UTAU. The movie part is made by processing, NiVE, Windows Movie Maker and so on. UTAU is a free vocal synthesizer which can sing a song in Japanese. The singer name in this track, is Teto Kasane (重音テト). You can download mp3, RPP, and some source files from"

fork() music;

"I finished up this track after I watched videos of WIRE at YouTube and listened early albums of them everyday of this week. You can downloaded mp3 from"
Yamaha DD55

WITH MIDI - Video Updates

Two new videos added to this post.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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