Sunday, May 17, 2009


via this auction

Din 34 Live Ambient Composition

YouTube via kipptumor
"All of the MIDI gadgets plus the modular system were pre-"programmed' and I merely faded/mixed the various elements in. Din 34 is the first piece in the Din series that was created this way. the other 33 (that's right - I've got a lot of time to kill) were all created track by track using Acid Music Studio. I had to chop a portion out towards the end so that it would fit on youtube here. The gadgets used were: EMU MoPhat & Xtreme Lead Rack synths, Roland V Synth XT Rack, Future Retro Revolution sequencer/monosynth, Korg Electribe, Studio 44 cabinet with analog sequencer, Novation Supernova Rack synth, Alesis Micron, & Dave Smith Evolver. The filtered cigarette is a fine blend of Drum tobacco, Gambler (mostly for filler), and some vanilla pipe tobacco that I roll while I watch PBS and the news."

AudioMulch 2.0 - SouthPole Basics

YouTube via AudioMulch
"From Preview of the soon-to-be-released version 2.0 of AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio. This short screencast demonstrates the simplest function of the SouthPole contraption as a resonant low-pass filter. Just as applicable to AudioMulch 1.0."

NI Maschine vs. Kore 2 Tech Jam

YouTube via SuicideServer
"As the title already says - this is Native Instruments Maschine battling with my new Kore2 System. Maschine and Kore2 are hosted in Abletons Live 8 and also i have a Kore 2 Instance which contains D16´s Phoscyon. Everything as always performed live. Shoutz go to RRKS69 (you gonna love 3:00 ;) Bananepoep, Oedla, Dr. Walker and Jammin Unit (Cem you rule)"

[Noodle]Mono-Poly - Buch Rogers

YouTube via waveshaper
"Self playing modular patch with Verboss 258, Wiard Wogglebugs, Wiard Borg, Wiard Noisering, Gated Comporator, Clock Diver, 2 VCA's and some cables to connect the modules."


YouTube via djwidow420

square wave acid

YouTube via synthdood
"A little live freestyle Acid for you. Roland TR-606, TR-707, MC-202, SH-1, CSQ-100, x0xb0x. 5 19 09"

Lainhart Performance at CitySkies09

via Richard Lainhart

"Friends: for your listening pleasure, here's a link to MP3s of my performance and the music from my workshop at City Skies 2009 on Saturday May 9 at Kavarna in Decatur, Georgia (along with many of the other sets from the three-day festival). The music is all performed live with Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum, with no prerecorded tracks. The evening performance is about an hour, and consists of structured improvisations and compositions that provide the soundtracks to six of my digital films which were projected in the space. The first part of the workshop performance is a free improvisation, and the second is the world premiere of my transcription of Olivier Messiaen's "Oraison", written in 1937 for six Ondes Martenot. I hope you enjoy it."

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Roland SH09 analog synthesizer

via this auction

"modded sh09... this instrument has been stripped of paint and allowed to develop surface rust, has been relabeled with a label maker, and the slider holes glow with a red backlight. it looks badass on stage. most of the sliders were replaced several years ago, a couple were not and feel stickier than the new ones. the switches all feel old and crusty but still all work.

the stick part of the pitch stick is snapped off but it still works fine. the envelope generator is capable of clangorous fm type sounds because if you have both the sustain and decay set to a low amount it starts to retrigger variably.. its a neat effect. i dont know if its a malfunction or a mod, but i like it."

YouTube via sawwaveanalog

Cwejman S1 MK2 Semi Modular Analog Synthesizer

via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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