Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bugbrand & Blacet percussion mess about

YouTube via darenager
"Just having a play around with my new Bugbrand CTL1 and PRC2 used with a Blacet VCO and a test oscillator.

The CTL1 is controlling the PRC2, pitch of each oscillator, I'm using a LFO to clock it, in the start of the clip the pressure common output from the CTL is controlling the LFO speed and the gate output is stopping and starting the LFO."

B5 Atari Fuzz Console

YouTube via eddie23a
"Stepped tone generator (Atari Punk Console), 5 step 4017 sequencer, 2 stage fuzz and power amp."

Metasonix TM-1 SE Ring Modulator / POINT LOMA / NORTEC

YouTube via bostich1
"Point Loma (bostich) jamming.

Metasonix TM-1 SE Vacuum-Tube Waveshaper and Ring Modulator

Truly Beautiful Disaster w/ drum loop

YouTube via devieverfx.
iPhone app is iSequence:

Free software scope/spectrum analyzer

via Adam S

"I just finished this application which was an assignment for a course I'm taking in audio programming. While not directly synth-related, I think it's a pretty good substitute for a real scope. In fact, my modular was the main testing tool and I made sure to make the scope-mode trigger on positive zero-crossing so as to capture waveform contours. I hope some synth enthusiasts find this useful and will provide me some feedback."

Download (OSX)
Info/source code

Klee software sequencer - preview

YouTube via dnigrin

"A quick demo of the upcoming Klee software sequencer, by Defective Records Software. The software is generating MIDI signals that are routed to Ableton Live, that has two software synths loaded up on two different MIDI channels. More information about this upcoming software is available on, in this thread: . More information, including free demo, will be available soon at"

Modular Sequencer Rack

via John L Rice

"Top row: Q960

Bottom row from left to right:
Moon Modular 1U blank panel Q130
STG Sea Devils VCF
Moon Modular 2U blank panel Q125 Q962
Moon Modular M553
Rack is a 10” deep 10U EWI Tourcase from

Vent panels are Middle Atlantic VT series

Custom logo panel from Front Panel Express"

Homemade Synthesizers 4

YouTube via organfairy. See this post for all videos in this series.
"In this - my fourth - video with homemade synthesizers the rhytm is done on a little hand played drum synthesizer. The heavily phased keyboard is made out of the keyboards from an old Elka organ and the keyboard used for the melody is made out of a keyboard from a horrible CRB Eletronica organ."

Oberheim SEM vintage analogue synth

via this auction

Roland RS-505 Paraphonic String Synthesizer

YouTube via abertronic. Previously posted.

Abertronix on Ebay

via this auction

"Roland RS 505 , the ultimate analogue string synthesizer. Separate bass , synth section and of course strings give you a much wider palette of sound from which to create some wonderfully thick and rich classic analog sounds and very big bass sound! Comes with the fantastic sounding roland ensemble effect (stereo output) based on roland's dimension D chorus rack. External input enables you to plug in any instrument and use this great effect."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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