Thursday, January 07, 2010

Wave Armony

YouTube via MaxMusicOne
"The Bells of Wave in a years 80 electro song style with M.Moog on linear Bass and % of RD50 in Arpegiator and Final Solo End.
SIAE 2009 (C)opyright"

Synthesizer work with my Roland V-Synth, Minimoog & Synton Syrinx

YouTube via Synthiefrau
"Hi Folks, I had an idea with a presetsound of my Roland V-Synth. I hope, you enjoy it. Synthesizers are the best instruments of the world."

Guitar Hero controlling Ableton & KORG MS2000

YouTube via zealtv
"AXIS enables an xbox usb guitar hero controller to output midi to control of ableton or any other software or hardware that eats midi.

free to download now!

it has two modes - play and control.

in control mode the buttons, whammy and 3 tilt sensors send out midi messages. this is intended for interfacing with software.

in play mode any musical scale can be superimposed over a guitar hero scale built on the first four buttons. the up pick can be offset to allow rapid playing of fifths or whatnot. the orange button acts as a modifier key allowing change of key and offset on the fly. the D-pad changes scale and the back and start keys change volume (velocity). the three tilt sensors and whammy send out MIDI CCs to control what ever. the tilt sensors on this guitar are particularly awesome, they sit on three different axes and you can make the guitar really expressive.

there's a little HUD you can sit on top of what ever you're controlling to monitor mode, key, volume, offset and scale.

i'm sorting out some documentation and then i'll release it as a stand alone mac app. if a max-head out there want's to help me port it over to windows that'd be ace. mac and windows interpret the guitar controller differently. once finished, i'll release the source so people can modify it for other system's guitars too. I went for an xbox guitar because it's usb and the tilt sensors and whammy work which is a problem for ps2 guitars/adapters.

thanks for watching. if you dig, hit that chunky subscribe button up there ;D"

Max/MSP Live Coding

YouTube via edopaulus
"A realtime performance of creating a Max-patch, starting from zero.

The Rules:

- You have 6 minutes to build a Max-patch and do a performance with it.
- Start with an empty patch.
- Only use the standard objects that are part of Max/MSP/Jitter.
- Don't use externals, pre-build external datafiles, help files, or anything of that kind.

This short performance was created for a Max Live Coding contest. The participant receiving the loudest applause from the audience would win. This video was created after the actual performance in front of the audience.

HQ video + more info:"


YouTube via ReneMicout. via CDM who has a good post up on hexagonal based sequencers.
"Démonstration de l'Exagofon © René Micout 2008-2009 / 1ère partie"

Fractal Trailer HD

YouTube via cipherprimestudios.

via CDM who has a great article up on hexagonal sequencers. For the most part, the focus of my posts are the individual bits presented a bit like appetizers for you to consume, appreciate, critique or other. That said, I'll put the Exagofon sequencer post up next.
"A fierce intersection of fractal gameplay, dynamic audio, and kaleidoscopic visuals, Fractal is the new musical puzzle experience from Cipher Prime. Combo, chain, and cascade your way through a pulsing technicolor dreamscape that reacts to your every move.

Find out more at"

matrix1000 to synthacon vcf with renee schmitz's adsr

YouTube via squeakyfromme69
"finally racked this sh*t up! check it out. short jam. non-unison mode, unison mode..."

ROLAND JUNO-60 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

serial #344822

ARP 2600 - Accutronics Reverberation Unit

via this auction

inside an ARP 2600

note the accutronics reverb

Sold For: check back

Rendezvous - Studio Session 11 (Keyboard)

YouTube via OfficialRendezvous. follow-up to this post. via
"Hagai is playing on his Korg MS-10 and recording melody licks on The Murf, a disco style track from Rendezvous' upcoming instrumental electro-pop debut album.

Rendezvous themselves are a two piece band consisting of Itai Simon and Hagai Izenberg. their work can be easily cataloged as instrumental and experimental, bringing together both retro sounds and ideas to this electronic contemporary world.

Highly appreciated mixer and producer Dave Bascombe (Depeche Mode, Tears For Fears) is now mixing Rendezvous' debut album in London."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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