Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Ally Box: Resurrection - Circuit Bent Contraption - HD

YouTube via carpeteria
"The uber-popular* Ally Box has been resurrected after a long, sad downtime on the shelf. It crashed over two years ago, and after a few attempts at fixing/revamping it, here she is, back amongst the living circuit bent contraptions, and noisier than before. Enjoy her madness in full HD, and visit her often. She misses you as much as you miss her. *Uber-popularity totally subjective."

Machinedrum Bugbrand modular session part2

YouTube via darenager
"Just having fun with the Bugbrand modular being process through the Machinedrum, the Flame Clockwork is clocking the Bugbrand CTL-1 which is playing the weevil. Nothing too serious just experimentation and fun to funky noises ;) Same settings and beat as yesterdays jam"

Waldorf Pulse

YouTube via mummstylesound

"Synthesizer demo Waldorf Pulse, monophonic three oscillators analog rack synthesizer with MIDI made in Germany."

Emu Emulator II Track Demo - Library & User Samples.

YouTube via JMPSynth
"My last track demo of the EMU Emulator II Sampler. All sounds are either library or user samples, recorded into Cubase using only the Emulator II with some outboard reverb and delay effects. This one has a fair amount of Depeche Mode influence :)."

Admin: How to Get a Full Feed

For those of you that only view the site via RSS readers, see the bottom update in this post.

Is It Still Winter

via Russ:
"I have been fixing a friend's Polysix for some time now, in my spare time. (see LINK) It had fallen victim to a leaking memory battery, and also had quite a few non functioning keys.

The other weekend, I finally got all the keys working, so I decided to make up a quick track to test it out.

At the same time, I had also just put the finishing touches on my prototype "Freq Havoc", a little drone/FX synth circuit I designed, so I decided to add that to the track, too. I'm in the process of putting together a video describing the Freq Havoc.

And of course, I can't help but add my Andromeda to any track I do, so it's in there too.

Is it Still Winter (MP3) (new link if that does not work)

Track details:
Drone / squidgy FX: Freq Havoc
Bass arp : Polysix
Lead synth line: Polysix
Vibrato-y filter sweep: Polysix
CS-80-like pad: Alesis Andromeda
Glittery-like tinkly sound: Alesis Andromeda.

All hand-crafted patches except the "Sea Ess Eighty" preset on A6.

Multi-tracked in Cubase Studio 4.5, with some reverb and EQ. Stereo ping-pong delay on the Freq Havoc."

Arduino based monome clone

YouTube via zapallalla. "Running debug program"

Vintage Moog Micromoog 2090 Synthesizer

via this auction

Musikmesse: More Info on the New Radikal Technologies Accelerator Keboard Synthesizer

Follow-up to this post. This one in via Mr. Array of Oceans Orbit, and posted by gurulogic on the Elektron-Users forum. (BTW, the Frankfurt Musikmesse is almost here. For those not familiar with it, think of it as NAMM in Europe. It is huge and runs from March 24 - 27. You'll be able find all synth related news tied to the event via the Musikmesse label here. I also added the link to the top header links on the far right. If there's a synth it goes up.)

Don't miss the bit on the motion sensor/accelerator in red below. A synth that you are encouraged to hit? :)

On the New Radikal Technologies Accelerator:
"Accelerator is coming! During the last three months we spent all our time into a complete new product. We are proud to present our first keyboard synthesizer. The brand new "Accelerator" combines key features from the Spectralis Hybrid engine and combines them with new developed digital filters. The digital filters can be set to 12dB and 24dB and work in Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Notch configurations. The Accelerator sports two of these filters per voice and will have eight voice polyphony in the standard configuration but can be upgraded to even more voices with an additional DSP expansion board. Each voice has 3 oscillators with our very special time linearity modulation (TLM), Phase modulation, oscillator synchronisation and sweeping waveforms. The oscillators can be mixed independently into the two filters.
The keyboard has 61 weighted keys, aftertouch and of course velocity. The synthesizer has a built in step sequencer for notes and parameter automation. Two built in FX and an Arpeggiator are rounding up our package. And yes - it's a real Radikal. So it comes with some LFOs and envelopes more than other synths and to get most out of all the nice features the Accelerator has a modulation matrix. Also the modulation depths are Radikal as usual.

Beside all these key features we are very happy to announce, that our new baby comes with something very special - a motion sensor. The keyboard can control multiple parameters just by movements. If you lit the keyboard up on one side, you can control the oscillator pitch or the filter frequency as an example. It's a very cool feature for stunning live performances. If you are already interested into our new offering you should spend some time in a body building studio

The Accelerator also has external inputs that are fed into additional stereo filters. Just hook up your Spectralis to the keyboard and control the pattern selection with the masterkeyboard functions of the Accelerator.

The basic configuration of the Accelerator can create two different sounds at a time. The DSP expansion allows for Multimode with up to 8 independent parts and sounds.

At the Musikmesse we will present not just a dummy but a full working beast with a very warm and rhich sound. I am looking forward to see you there.

Visit us at hall 5.1, boothnumber C47. You may wonder about the booth number as it is the same like Moog. EMC, the german distribution for Radikal and Moog does a shared booth."

Note the Radikal Technologies website also has this teaser up:

"Musikmesse 2010 - Frankfurt am Main
Always wondered about the "studio-in-a-box" concept?"

12 bent Pikachu Orchestra + 1

20100313@la.mama part1

YouTube via Kaseo
第1回 不思議のヒットパレード





camera by ISHIDUKA (Yonemoto Electroacoustic Laboratory)"

20100313@la.mama part2

Pikatron in the studio

ROKK'N RoooooooooooooLL !!!

Also see Pikatron w/UglyFace

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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