Thursday, March 06, 2014

Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard Black Synthesizer

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Moog Memorymoog Synthesizer SN 2324

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Filter Noise Demos on Eurorack via ipassenger

Filter Noise - Synthesis Technology - E440 Playing a Pattern

Published on Mar 6, 2014 ipassenger·21 videos

"3 LFOs from the Fourmulator, sample and hold on the PGH MOD Toolbox work together to create a repeating pattern. 4ms VCAM controls range of melody. Melody drives 1v/Oct in on E440 which is being pinged by one of the lfos to create triggered tones. Multilfilter joins in by FM'ing E440 and then starts copying the melody, whilst also filtering a feedback loop from the E440 Progressively descends into bad noise.

Bit of reverb from the Eventide H3000."

Toppobrillo - Multifilter - Self Modulation and Feedback

Weinglas - Back from Athens

Published on Mar 6, 2014 Wein Glas·31 videos

"Back from the Modular Synthesis Workshop in Athens!

Thanks to my Greek friends from "Game of Life" and to the wonderful //fiocs for an amazing time in the beautiful city of Athens. It was a great pleasure!

Here is a Buchla Easel patch from the Athens workshop! Buchla Bongos Weinglas style! Enjoy!"

hipster step dub acid noise core all in one

Published on Mar 6, 2014 DrOctave1·283 videos

"all buchla sounds just some dubstep bagpipes noise and high hats slower faster Aye dee dee"

Soulsby Synthesizers on MATRIXSYNTH CLASSIFIEDS!

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I'm happy to announce that Soulsby Synthesizers is now on MATRIXSYNTH CLASSIFIEDS! You'll find their new Atmegatron synth listed for sale here. Click through for details.

Modular Synth Basics #07: Blind Panels

Published on Mar 6, 2014 The Tuesday Night Machines·89 videos

Don't miss the end from what's coming next.

"What do you do with holes in your modular synth case? Blind Panels! Subscribe for more videos:

My Eurorack System:"

Moog Music Announces Synthesizer Residency At Rough Trade NYC During The Month of March

First posted here on Tuesday, additional details on the event are now in:

"The Installation Opens Tonight March 5 With Sound Experiments By Brooklyn Artists Curated By Tom Tom Magazine

In celebration of Bob Moog's spirit of innovation and creative experimentation, Moog opens a Synthesizer Residency inside of Rough Trade NYC at 64 N 9th Street in Brooklyn for the month of March. The installation is open to the public starting tonight, March 5th, at 8PM with a series of sound experiments from Brooklyn-based artists curated by Tom Tom Magazine [8:00 – 11:00PM].

The installation is free and open to the public. Tonight's opening features sound experiments by:

Lauren Flax :: CREEP
Suzi Analogue :: Suzi Analogue
Maria Chavez :: Maria Chavez
Léah Lazonick :: Léah Lazonick
Shiori Takenoshita :: WILD ARROWS
Gabriela Jimeno :: Balancer
Chloe Saavedra :: Chaos Chaos
FonLin Nyeu :: Dragons of Zynth
Alanna Nuala :: MOON
Heidi Garton :: Fisty
Ava Mendoza :: Ava Mendoza Trio

For 25 days in March, Rough Trade NY is housing the world's largest modern Moog installation as a mile-marker on the road to Moogfest, and Moog invites all artists in the area to stop by and utilize the space for experimentation and discovery. The residency serves as a physical manifestation of the intersection of music, art and technology, and it is meant to be used as an artist's resource. Although it is free to the public, this is no museum exhibit- visitors are encouraged to interact, engage and experiment with the analog electronics. All are welcome to craft sound as well as bring a recording device to sample the instruments.

All instruments in the installation were hand built in Asheville, NC at the Moog factory. Throughout the installation, Moog employees will be on hand at Rough Trade NY to assist artist's with the gear.

The installation includes a producers station, drone towers, 10 voice polyphonic analog synth, 6 voice Minimoog drum synth, and over 50 analog effects boxes.

Future sound experiments will take place throughout the duration of the installation, including an appearance by Kiran Gandhi of M.I.A. on March 20th and another by Anna Barie of These Are Powers on a date TBA.

One free ticket to Moogfest, the innovative festival taking place in Asheville NC April 23-27, will be given away every day of the installation.

The residency is open to the public from 11am-11pm daily from tonight until March 29th."

Simple Percussive Sound with Doepfer modules

Published on Mar 6, 2014 Analogue Zone Showroom / Hangszer·24 videos

"Analogue Zone Modular Synth Store presents: Simple Percussive Sound with Doepfer modules

Clock Source

a) A-147 VC LFO (square out)
b) The 1st, 3rd and 4th rows of the A-143-2 Quad ADSR are triggering each other with their respective EOR (end of range) outputs and gate inputs

1) "Kick Drum"

Audio source:
Doepfer A-122 (Oberheim Type Curtis Chip Low Pass)
Modulation source:
A-143-2 Quad ADSR (1st and 2nd row's output changing the kick's pitch and volume decay in the first two roles)

2) "Hihat / Snare"

Audio source:
Doepfer A-118 Noise Coloured Noise Output
Modulation Source:
A-143-2 Quad ADSR (3rd row's output changing the decay of its volume)

3) "Tom"

Audio source:
Doepfer A-143-9 Quadrature LFO/VCO (in high range)
Modulation source:
A-143-2 Quad ADSR (4th row's output multipled via Tiptop Audio Stack Cable, changing the decay of the tom's pitch and its volume)

Audio mixer:
A-135-1 Quad VCA / Mixer

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Livewire Chaos Computer & Circuit Abbey Intermix

Published on Mar 6, 2014 bigcitymusic·307 videos

"The Circuit Abbey Intermix module has been interlinked to the Chaos Computer.
Intermix CV Out to 'FM' input on Mutable Instruments Braids to scan through wavetables while in Meta mode.
Intermix CV output 'MIN LEFT' is modulating the Braids 'TIMBRE'.
Intermix CV output 'MAX RIGHT' is being routed to Braids 'COLOR'."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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