Friday, January 15, 2021

Virtual Music Introduces Polivoks Filter for the Waldorf Pulse

Virtual Music

Waldorf Pulse + Polivoks Filter – Filter Comparison

via Virtual Music

"The Polivoks Multimode Filter integrated in the Pulse - a Synthesizer on Steroid!

The filter of the Russian Polivoks synthesizer is legendary for its powerful and mangy sound. Nothing in the world is that fat! The new Virtual Music Polivoks Filter Upgrade is an adequate replica. It is a small circuit board, designed for installation in the Waldorf Pulse.

Polivoks + Pulse = A powerful team!
The distinctive aesthetics of the Polivoks filter under the control of a powerful modulation matrix make sonic dreams come true. With relatively little effort, this Filter Upgrade transforms the Pulse into a fantastic sounding analog monster that even outshines some famous vintage synthesizers.

All features of the Polivoks Filter Upgrade
Vintage sound an analogue warmth for Waldorf Pulse / Pulse Plus
Authentic fat Polivoks sound Polivoks Filter Upgrade - Board
Multimode filter with low pass and band pass characteristics
Optional filter modulation by Oscillator 3
The orignal Pulse filter still remains
All filters can be selected quickly via the panel
Seamless integration into the Pulse sound generation
Kit for self-installation - optional installation by Virtual Music
Installation without any optical change of the Pulse
The filter's audio path is built in the style of the 80s
Handmade boutique ware built in small batch in Vienna
A very powerful Sound

The Polivoks Filter Upgrade sounds like the legendary original. The sound is creamy and powerfully mangy. Higher oscillator levels produce juicy saturation effects. With stronger resonances, the filter begins to scream passionately."

Waldorf's Kyra Gets an Update

via Waldorf

"Kyra Firmware ver 1.78 changes (compared to 1.74 )
- Fixed the incorrect play and MIDI transmission of Arpeggiator notes at very high note pitches.
- Fixed a problem where Arpeggiator notes could be left hanging on external MIDI devices. - Fixed incorrect display of some ModMat source names.
- Fixed a problem where LFOs in antiphase or quadrature phase started at a random phase.
- Added new Range parameter to LFO2 and LFO2 to allow rates up to 51.2Hz. Standard Range provides the existing rate range of 0.1Hz to 12.8Hz in 0.1Hz steps. Extended Range provides an extended rate ranging from 0.4Hz to 51.2Hz in 0.4Hz steps.
- Added the ability to adjust the phase of LFO1 and LFO2 in the range 0 to 180 degrees. The LFO must be in Polyphonic mode for this to have any effect. You can use the LFO Shape knob in Shift Mode to adjust the phase.
-Added the ability to adjust velocity scaling in the range 0 (no scaling, all notes played play at maximum level) to 127 (full velocity scaling). You can use the Amp EG Decay knob in Shift Mode to adjust the scaling.
-Added Latch Mode for the Arpeggiator. In Latch Mode, notes will play continuously until a new chord is played or the Arpeggiator is stopped. The existing mode using the sustain pedal can be selected by setting the Latch Mode to Sustain Pedal. There's a shortcut to start the Arpeggiator in Latch Mode by selecting Shift + Arp Enable.
-Reduced the default Dual Detune amount from 64 to 20 for Patches created using Init Patch.
- Removed the "Bass Delay" feature as it no longer served any purpose.
Kyra Firmware ver 1.74 changes (compared to 1.72 )
-Fixed a problem where the reverb damping on Part 2 could affect the reverb on Parts 3-8. -Fixed a problem that could cause very occasional clicks when the Phaser is used. -Corrected L and R being swapped over on audio outputs (analog and USB).
-Added a fast way to create an Init Patch by simply pressing Shift and Exit together."


Woody Piano Shack

"Everything you ever wanted to know about the HAMMOND ORGAN LESLIE ROTARY SPEAKER! Demo and review of the rotary simulator on the YAMAHA YC61 YC73 YC88 STAGE KEYBOARD. Testing and playing the GG AUDIO BLUE3 VST PLUGIN, emulating the legendary HAMMOND B3 and LESLIE in a software plugin for your DAW.

A very special guest will give us a tour of a real original LESLIE 122 ROTARY SPEAKER and play a few tunes for us on his vintage HAMMOND B3 organ."

► WEBSITE - additional links there.

Mannequins Three Sisters 1/2: Formant & Crossover Filter Modes

Learning Modular

"This first of two movies explains what’s going on behind the panel in this versatile filter module, and explores the different ways you can use it in a conventional one audio in/one audio out patch. The second movie (below) explores using its multiple inputs and outputs.

00:00 introduction
00:28 topology explained
01:01 use as a triple bandpass Formant filter
03:28 keyboard tracking
04:27 resonance and self-oscillation
05:14 crossover mode explained
06:09 use as a multi-mode filter
06:49 focus on the Centre band in Crossover mode
08:16 switching from sawtooth to square wave input
09:23 pinging for percussive sounds
10:52 notch rejection (“wet/dry” or “anti-filter” mixing)
13:36 signal level management
15:51 intro to the second movie"

Mannequins Three Sisters 2/2: Spectral Mixing & Pseudo-Stereo Applications (Eurorack Expansion)
Learning Modular

"This second of two movies on the Three Sisters focuses on ways to use its multiple inputs and outputs, including tricks and spectral mixing and creating a pseudo-stereo image from a mono input.

00:00 introduction & initial patch explanation
00:45 exploring multiple input sources
03:40 spectral mixing
06:15 multiple outputs introduction
07:46 pseudo-stereo in Crossover mode
09:51 pseudo-stereo in Formant mode
11:03 summary"

Arturia Microfreak x Noise Engineering

Noise Engineering

"Arturia makes a very cool little keyboard called the MicroFreak. As of today, you can get three Noise Engineering oscillators for it! They are available as a free download for your MicroFreak here:

What do they do, though? Learn more at our blog post:"

alien lick

zack dagoba

"Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100 Buchla 100!"

Isla Instruments S2400 Video User Manual - Part 7: Live Looping & Sampling

Part 7: Live Looping & Sampling added here.

Uglysound Noise Demo: NLC GENiE


"Matt tests out his newly-built NLC GENiE with a noise demo.

From the NLC site: "GEneralized Nonlinear Extrapolator This module is made of 3 neuron circuits and a difference rectifier. (... )Just like a set of synaptically connected neurons, this module is noisy and unruly. It is never going to learn anything it lives in and for the moment."

More information about this design (as well as PCBs, panels, and complete modules) is available from Nonlinearcircuits here:

PCBs, panels, and complete kits are available from synthCube here:

As always, thank you for supporting independent artists and businesses. They make the world a far more interesting place!"

Threetom Modular 1 year anniversary PCB party pack + Wiretaps back in stock Inbox

via Threetom Modular

"Threetom’s 1 year anniversary is coming up. Time for a PCB party! Get all my PCBs at a special price for a limited time. Go check it out in my shop"


"Wiretaps are now back in stock! Rev up your jump drive and jump to the Threetom shop…

Mr. Worf, Warp 9 to the Threetom shop!"

Crumar Bit99 w TAUNTEK Upgrade SN 00819

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Crumar Bit99
With TAUNTEK mod installed (it enables CC midi)
Serviced recently
in PERFECT conditions
100% working"


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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