Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Happy #707day jam with TR-8(707 kit), LIVEN XFM

video upload by Freaky Tweaky

Dreadbox KINEMATIC + Moog DFAM

video upload by Dreadbox

"Orfeas uses the KINEMATIC Compressor / Envelope Filter, to manipulate the Moog DFAM. The sound versatility is endless...

Dreadbox KINEMATIC is a VCA based Compressor and an Envelope Filter effect pedal suitable for fretted instruments and synthesizers, with eurorack compatibility."

Korg Volca Nubass & Roland RE501 Chorus Echo

video upload by 3rdStoreyChemist

Roland Jupiter-8 Potential Scam Alert

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

It appears the images in this listing (posted here), are from 2013. The seller has a 2nd listing for a Jupiter-8 as well (posted here). If you placed a bid on either be super careful. Always follow eBay's and Paypal's rules for their buyer protection.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Moog Matriarch: The Tenth Passing - coming back around

video upload by MIDERA

"Tonight I sat in my studio, making patches on my Yamaha AN1x (and getting a bit bored of the tedium of trying to make patches). I decided to switch on the Matriarch and just mess around with it. If there's one thing I love about the Matriarch, it's the strange types of arps and sequences you can come up with the independent oscillators that can independently be switched to different octaves. It's just so easy to come up with interesting sequences with it. The ratchet feature is also one that cannot be ignored - really, more sequencers need a 'ratchet' feature. The only other sequencer with this feature that I own is the Toraiz Squid.

Anyway, this is long over-due. I had originally planned to record 10 videos of the Matriarch by itself, but stopped for some reason after the 9th (on October 6th, 2020). Why I stopped then, I don't really know. Ah, yes, I remember. The Prophet 5/10 reissue came out around then and I started wondering what I should part with to make room (hint: I parted with nothing).

Anyway, Eventide Blackhole VST was used for reverb."

Matriarch & MIDERA

MYSTIC FREQUENCIES - Spectrum Synth Test 5

video upload by Mystic Frequencies

This appears to be a ROLI based setup.

"A new test of our upcoming Spectrum Synthesizer. This is Test #5.
Now 6 octaves and 1 manual at the moment, we are still waiting for more parts to arrive. This will eventually be 2 manuals of 6 octaves each and each manual will have a set of expression pads as you see above the keys."

video upload by Mystic Frequencies

"A new test of our upcoming Spectrum Synthesizer.
Only 4 octaves and 1 manual at the moment, we are still waiting for more parts to arrive. This will eventually be 2 manuals or 6 octaves each and each manual will have a set of expression pads as you see above the keys.
Audio in this cup from Roli Studio Player running on a 2013 Mac Pro."

Yamaha CP25 + Audio Damage ENSO looper.

video upload by Joseph McGinty

"Just having a little improv with the Yamaha CP25 and the Audio Damage ENSO looper. It's a bit loose and sloppy, but I was holding the camera with my left hand and trying to demonstrate the different sounds available.

The CP25 was originally sold back in 1981, and is fully electronic, not electro-mechanical, like a Rhodes or a Wurlitzer. Still, you can get pretty close to a Rhodes or a Wurli, and you can also get some cool clavinet, harpsichord, organ and vibe sounds.

Drums are a simple loop from the AudioThing SR-88, an inexpensive drum machine plug-in. Recorded straight into my phone camera.


MOOG MODULAR IIIP + SEQUENCER COMPLEMENT B - Handmade Miniature 1/6 scale.

video upload by Ronaldo Lopes Teixeira ROLT

Update: video re-uploaded.

EMW Modular Synthesizer Jam

video upload by EMW Synthesizers

"The true analog sound from our modular system.

Metrika Balcazar Live

video upload by Pepe Mogt

"Metrika + Balcazar Live
Una sesión de música electrónica en La Rumorosa

Para ver sesiones de otros artistas entra a este link

Film by Pepe Mogt

in collaboration with Born In México"

And one with a vintage Oberheim SEM w/ custom expander.

Pepe Mogt + Ramón Amezcua Live

video upload by Pepe Mogt

"We take our machines to a remote place in Punta Brava(Baja California) to jam with our music.

A production of the label and Booking BORN IN MEXICO and Casa-Club.

Video Director Pepe Mogt
Production by Marco Arce

Camera 1 Carlos Leyva
Camera 2 Don Trini
Drone 1 Carlos Leyva
Drone 2 César Fernández

Music By
Pepe Mogt+Ramón Amezcua fro Nortec Collective"

Couple of screen grabs from the video. Resolution limited by the video. Note the Oberheim SEM w/ custom DIY expander.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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