MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Jeremy Parker

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Jeremy Parker. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Jeremy Parker. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Northern Lights May 10th, 2024

video upload by Jeremy Parker

"An incredible lightshow in my own backyard on May 10th, 2024! With the solar activity and possible aurora in the forecast, I thought I might see a little green in the distance, and it started that way, but then I was blown away. Original music featuring sounds of the Polybrute, Opsix and MiniKorg... Enjoy!"

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Keystep 37 + Moog Minitaur + Analog Rytm + Rhodes = DAWless Jam!

video upload by Jeremy Parker

"I just put together this cool little DAWless setup for coming up with tunes, jamming, and even practicing over changes. The Arturia Keystep 37 is the sequencer and controller for the Moog Minitaur, so the basslines can be held down, while I'm free to play on the Rhodes MKIII EK-10. The Elektron Analog Rytm MKII is the drum machine and provides clock to the KeyStep. Overall, this is a fun little rig, and a good way to come up with ideas and just have fun."

Friday, December 16, 2022

Minitaur + Minikorg + Polybrute + Analog Rytm = funk

video upload by Jeremy Parker

Monday, September 25, 2023

Nord Stage 4 + RK008 + Analog Rytm = DAWless powerhouse!

video upload by Jeremy Parker

"So I recently picked up a Nord Stage 4 as an upgrade to my Electro 2 from 16 years ago, as my main compact gigging keyboard. What I didn't realize was how powerful the multitimbrality could be when paired with a sequencer, like the Retrokits RK008, which I'm borrowing from my good friend "Cowboy" Ben Alman for our @TheEntireRobot gigs. I fairly quickly set up the sounds on the Nord and then played in some quick parts for an A and B section into the RK008. I'm reserving tracks 1 and 3 on the RK008 for my MiniKorg and Moog Minitaur, once I get the MIDI hooked up for those, so that will be next. I used 6 layers on the Nord, but technically I could have done 7 if I split up the organ into two separate manuals, etc. Anyway, this is a promising rig!"

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Minitaur + Minikorg + Polybrute + Analog Rytm = boogaloo

video upload by Jeremy Parker

"@JeremyParkerMusic presents a quick taste of my new Moog Minitaur MIDI bass pedal rig, joined by the Minikorg 700fs and Arturia Polybrute. This time I'm playing an original, 'Boogie Igloo', which is a boogaloo I normally play on organ. I'm borrowing the Elektron Analog Rytm MKII from my good friend @cowboybenalman who I join regularly on his Twitch stream:

Check out all my original music here:"

Friday, October 21, 2022

MiniKorg + OPSIX = funk

video upload by Jeremy Parker

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Synths galore, getting ready for some live gigs!

video upload by Jeremy Parker

"@JeremyParkerMusic presents a quick taste of my new Moog Minitaur MIDI bass pedal rig, joined by the Minikorg 700fs, Arturia Polybrute, Arturia Keystep 37, and Elektron Analog Rytm MKII. This time I'm getting ready for some upcoming gigs with my good friend @cowboybenalman, who I join regularly on his Twitch stream: . I am testing the Soundcraft Ui24R to be our main mixing rig that we will use to both multi-track record and live stream the gig. I have another group that I'm playing with, using almost the same setup. The next gigs are below:

Check out all my original music here:"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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