MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for MIDERA

Showing posts sorted by date for query MIDERA. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query MIDERA. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Dave Smith Instruments Pro-2 first impression and walkthrough

video upload by MIDERA

"NOTE: Ugh, well, as you can see the video quality is horrible. I just figured out why - OBS had used a very small resolution. I guess this will just have to do because this was my first impression. Sorry!

I hope you enjoy the video anyway.

No external FX were used."

Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave dreamy soundscape - A search for tomorrow's sun

video upload by MIDERA

"Yesterday I had made my first impression video and stumbled through the 3rd wave. It was quite interesting the different tones I could pull out of it - and I knew it would be fun to make a soundscape with it. Actually, yesterday I pulled it out TO make a soundscape, but remembered my friend wanted me to do a 'first impression' video first. So I decided to do that video and then today do this video.

I'm glad I did it that way, because I was able to familiarize myself with the unit before I made the soundscape. I even learned things after I messed around with it that helped me today.

Well - you know, I think it sounds really nice. Unfortunately the FX themselves began to clip. I didn't realize that would happen. My apologies for that.

No external FX used."

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave first impression and walkthrough

video upload by MIDERA

"A few notes: I think it's clear that the OS version on this unit is not current. I'll figure out what it is later and post it, but looking at the website it appears that it now has poly unison - something I wasn't able to use in the video. I'm also hoping it fixes whatever happened with 'Make Waves' where it crashed twice. I read up on it later and this is for recording incoming sounds to 'make waves' and was arming the input. However, I do think it should allow me to exit, so I hope other owners can chime in and say whether that's been 'fixed' (if there is indeed something off with what happened to me).

Again, please realize I basically spent zero effort looking into this before playing it. Think of this as your friend testing this out in the most likely way that you might do so yourself before using it.

Also note - that because I didn't spend any money on it (this is borrowed) it's very easy for me to be dismissive of certain features. If I pine after something for months and then get it, I usually feel like I can 'trick myself' into believing it's the most amazing thing in the world. Although - that's possibly not entirely accurate, because when I got the Prophet 10, I kind of hated it for how much I spent. I have grown to love that thing as a top 5 synth I've ever used... but when I don't put any money into it, I can see myself saying 'Well, cool, but what's the point?' And that sort of thing could give it a negative spin on something, especially when the only thing I know about it is that it's like a modern PPG.

I'm now sitting here wondering if I could have held the source and destination, LFO, and other buttons and twisted the controls to 'connect' things easier - that would be nice, but something that didn't occur to me during this first video.

No external FX used. I chose not to in this video because, well, it has FX."

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Radikal Technologies Accelerator soundscape - In time the webs entangle us

video upload by MIDERA

"I was hoping to showcase how similar the Accelerator can sound to the Deckard's Dream - but I didn't get anywhere near that and just went off doing something else. I guess I should have set it up better. There's something very 'hi fi' about how both of them sound, but I admit the PWM on the DDRM sounds a little 'better' (because they're really just different). I haven't used the Accelerator in a while either, I think I just need to reacquaint myself with it. That's probably what I need to do.

No external FX used."

Monday, June 03, 2024

Access Virus kb soundscape - The memories that haunt us

video upload by MIDERA

"Three quarters of the way through filming I heard my camera snap shut. I knew something had happened. I thought "maybe it just hadn't restarted recording. No - I realized later that I accidentally did not start it. Eventually it plays and you'll see me playing along. But before that - you will have to just enjoy a looped small video of it alongside some videos of a winter storm I filmed from 2023.

Today I put back the old keybed in my Virus kb. There are two TP/8s keybeds apparently. Some that are from 2005 and earlier, and those that are made afterwards. The person who I sold my Virus kb to in 2020 was willing to swap keybeds with me on my new one (that I bought and was disappointed it had a different keybed, but then I sold it, and eventually bought it back). It's been about 4 years - but now this keybed needs some work (some keys are no longer velocity sensitive, some keys didn't work at all - although I fixed the non-working keys before this video was made).

I really don't know what it is about the Virus B I like so much. When I play it next to the TI, they sound identical, but then again, I feel like there really might be something there, something different that I just can't pick up when I compare them.

Well - they are similar enough. I'm still a little tempted to pull all these keys off and put them on my Accelerator, which has a similar keybed (TP/8SK), but it is a little different. Then I could sell the Virus kb. But, I am not sure I can sell this synth yet.

Sorry about the audio clipping. I hadn't realized until too late that it was absolutely way too loud into the mixer.

No external FX used."

Friday, May 31, 2024

Black Corporation Deckard's Dream soundscape - Where electric dreams escape imagination

video upload by MIDERA

"The Black Corporation Deckard's Dream. Sometimes, you may hear something cut in and out. That is MIX I, which, for whatever reason (one that evades me) I cannot figure out the source of this issue. I think it happens twice, so my apologies for that.

This was really the first time I played with this. You should understand that this is not really a simple synthesizer to figure out. I know it is based on the CS-80, but whoever designed that had some interesting ideas about how to name and how to make sliders function (sometimes down is up?). I don't know how to feel about that.

The sound from this thing is quite interesting - but I'll let you judge for yourself on what you think of it.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

DSI Prophet 12 soundscape II - We go on because there is no other way

video upload by MIDERA

"Another take at the Prophet 12. Had to reupload because I found that the video/audio were off. Whoops -_-

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Modor NF-1 soundscape II - The indefinable soul

video upload by MIDERA

"Yesterday, I was drawn to the Modor. Today... more of the same. I had come up with some patches that weren't played here, but eventually I recorded it... I'm finding some really cool things you can do with the looping envelopes. It's very useful when you use a different envelope to modulate the decay of a looped envelope. Anyway, here's soundscape II.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Modor NF-1 soundscape - The bell tolls call us home

video upload by MIDERA

"Here's the Modor NF-1 after I've had a chance to work my way around it. I really don't like the first 20 minutes of this, but I started working my way into a new patch at about half-way through. I'll try to mark the spot, but basically, I suddenly found myself in a new territory of sound. I didn't realize just how well the NF-1 could do organic sounds and seem like it's got physical modeling.

Hope you enjoy. Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb, all other FX were generated within the Modor.

Patch 1 00:00
Patch 2 20:00"

Monday, May 27, 2024

Making some patches with the Access Virus TI

video upload by MIDERA

"Just thought I'd make a video going through some patch-design focus on the Virus TI. I realized after recording that my camera was slowly shifting so eventually you will lose sight of the top row of parameters. Sorry about that.

Next time I'll try to do a soundscape with the Virus or MODOR NF-1.

No external FX used."

Roland System 8 soundscape - when next we meet

video upload by MIDERA

"I think for two nights I tried to get my Jupiter 6 to replicate a patch from my JX-3P. It couldn't be done. It got 'close' but it was always lacking something. Finally I got too frustrated and put away the Jupiter 6 and got out the System 8. To my surprise, it was a perfect match. I shouldn't be too surprised because I was using the JX-3P plug out, but I don't find it's a perfect match usually. Well, this patch was perfect... of course, what you're hearing isn't the patch I was working on. I was just going through and really liked this patch I'd made on the System 8. Realizing I just have a lot of fun playing this synth I decided to make this soundscape and record it.

I also listed my JX-3P for sale. I know the System 8 is a digital recreation, but I have, for the past 3 or more years, had more enjoyment out of the System 8 than the JX-3P, and I kind of think that's what matters.

No external FX used."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dave Smith Prophet 12 soundscape - The way is broken

video upload by MIDERA

"Onto my next synth for soundscapes series. The Prophet 12. Not really a synth I've thought about selling - or rather, I do think about selling it, but it's such a cool looking synth and does do a lot of interesting things. Of which, I probably did about 5-10%. That's the interesting thing about the Jupiter 6, you can kind of go anywhere within a few movements. On the Prophet 12 or Poly Evolver, you kind of need to think it through more.

Still - the Prophet 12 is one of the best laid out synths. I guess I'm still not sold on its sound.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Dave Smith Poly Evolver soundscape - And all that we could see was gone

video upload by MIDERA

"Following my other recent videos, trying to just take my synths on a journey and see where they take me. I've most enjoyed the Jupiter 6 and JD-800, surprisingly so. I thought - the next synth should be the Poly Evolver. I figured this was a good one to test because 1) it's so unique and 2) it is somewhat similar to the UDO Super 6 minus two voices, like a Super 4. They both are 'binaural' in a sense, with two oscillators per side. I think the Poly Evolver isn't likely as fluid as the UDO to edit though, given that you edit the oscillators so independently on the Poly Evolver. Also, you can't double the voice count when throwing the synth into monoaural or however you'd call it on the PEK.

What I've noticed for myself is that... I seem to get the same sounds out of the PEK every time I play it. That's for sure on me, but it just gets this 'sound' that is hard to describe, but maybe it's just its 'character'.

Well, I was left feeling a little underwhelmed by this exploration. Yes - I'm still trying to sell gear to grab a Super 6 to see what it can do for me.

Note: My camera wasn't recording the first 10 minutes. I didn't realize this till later, so I took that audio and threw it at the end of the video and put some placeholder footage there. My apologies.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb"

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Roland JD-800 soundscape - A journey into the sun

video upload by MIDERA

"Ok - so the plan. The plan is to sell the Roland Jupiter 6 to get the Super Gemini. Well, wait, so I played the JP6 and realized that - wow, it's pretty unique and awesome. Ok, scratch that. New plan. The plan is to sell the JD-800 and pick up a Super 6. Yeah - that's the plan. Wait...

The JD-800 can go places literally no other synthesizer can go. The JD-990? Yeah, that can go there and further, but I don't think it can go there at the same speed. It's like using your hands to press on the gas pedal of a Turbo-charged car,. Sure, it's got the power behind it, but it lacks the thing that makes it enjoyable.

So now I'm left with... well, who knows. A mess. Like usual. But you know - it's a fun mess compared to what I dealt with last year."

Monday, May 20, 2024

Roland Jupiter 6 soundscape - Descent into a timbre of darkness

video upload by MIDERA

"This was a journey... There were many moments when I thought 'How is this occurring?' I would then try to manipulate something to determine how it happened. To be clear, I recorded this thinking 'I will be deciding tonight whether I keep or sell this infernal machine.' I honestly can't believe the breadth of the sounds I got out of it. My typical go-to comment about the Jupiter 6 is this: 'The Prophet 10 sounds the same, but better.' And unfortunately, that's just not true. The Prophet 10 just sounds like a warm soft blanket that always sounds good. The Jupiter 6 sounds like a cold wet towel, and you know what? Sometimes in a blazing hot summer day, that wet towel probably feels good. Plus, you're really not supposed to leave home without a towel, generally speaking.

I did notice some clipping. I couldn't tell at what point it was occurring because the Jupiter was set kind of quiet, but I'm guessing it was a mix of the filter resonance with some other bass-ridden sounds. I honestly can't be sure. You'll have to just accept that it happened and move on.

This video was so long that my camera gave up recording. It must have just gotten too tired, or bored. Or too tired because it was too bored.

Where does this leave me? Well, for now, looking elsewhere for instruments to part with (Futuresonus Parva and Ensoniq EPS are the first to go).

Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb."

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Modor NF-1 demo from scratch

video upload by MIDERA

"Recently got an NF-1. Here's just some noodling starting from scratch. Since I'm a bit new to this, I found myself accidentally doing things I didn't mean to do (like almost loading an INIT patch again). So pay no mind to most of what I do..."

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Yamaha RS7000 as a pseudo-vintage lo-fi sampler synthesizer (sampling the Prophet 10)

video upload by MIDERA

"One thing I love about the Ensoniq EPS and Mirage is how lo-fi they can sound when you sample them at low sample rates (in the case of the Mirage, when you increase the amount of sample time, which I believe lowers the sample rate). It sounds so dirty.

Well - I think the RS7000 can do that too. You can sample it with a sample rate of 5 khz. You also have lo-fi effects (Master FX and regular FX)... and this is what you get (or rather, what I got).

Honestly, I was playing it against the EPS and I enjoyed using the RS more and thought it sounded just as good. What it does lack is synthesized loops and crossfading between two samples... which is a bit of a pity.

Sample came from Sequential Prophet 10
Added Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Crossfading oscillators | Ensoniq EPS ambient soundscape

video upload by MIDERA

"I posted my Ensoniq EPS for sale yesterday. And then a friend wanted it and I suddenly became Bilbo Baggins with the ring with Gandalf and my inner voice said 'It's mine I tell you! Its my own... My precious...'

Sigh, I have TWELVE synthesizers that are 49-61 keys sideways in my studio. That feels terrible. I should sell something, but everything has magic - I find it difficult. My friend understood (and I'm not saying I won't sell it still)... but I'm still annoyed with myself. I thought this would be the easy one to part with.

It wasn't.

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb."

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Yamaha RS7000 and Nord Drum 2 IDM

video upload by MIDERA

"I don't even know where to begin. The horrible video quality (I know what I did wrong), the boring music, the clipping... I guess the list could go on. But you know, if I didn't just post it, I never would. There's nothing special here, so don't stick around for too long.

RS7000 sequencing, pads, piano, drums.
Nord Drum 2 drums."

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tomorrow comes too soon | IDM music

video upload by MIDERA

"I've been really pining after my old Nord Drum 2. I can't believe how much the prices have gone up over the last few years. I bought mine for $650 and it had all this extra stuff. Sold it for the same in 2019... now, they go for over $1000. I really just want to get it back, sigh. I don't know whether I will or not because that's just a lot of money. Been trying to see if my Tempest or Machinedrum can pull off the same sounds, but there was something weirdly organic in that Nord Drum 2 that I can't quite seem to get out of these. The Monomachine was actually much closer, but it can't exactly pull off that sound either.

I dunno. I know I don't need this stuff, and my studio already feels overwhelmed with gear. Well... who knows. It's a simple problem, which I'm glad of, after everything last year. I'll take it as a good problem to have and be thankful about it.

Gear used:
Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Sequential Prophet 10
Dave Smith Instruments Tempest
Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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