MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Sonoio

Showing posts sorted by date for query Sonoio. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Sonoio. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

SuONOIO + Octotrack

YouTube via thedeepelement | February 12, 2011 |


Sunday, January 23, 2011


flickr By Noise Transmissions
(click for more)

"This is my SuONOIO, in a custom enclosure I made from a steel project box. I drilled holes, cut out a notch for the headphone jack in the back, and made a stencil of the logo, staying with the original color scheme.

The SuONOIO is a portable synthesizer inspired by SONOIO's music, custom created by The Harvestman (Scott Jaeger). SONOIO is the new project of Alessandro Cortini (Modwheelmood, Blindoldfreak, former keyboardist of Nine Inch Nails)."

Friday, November 12, 2010

SuONOIO Modular synth made by Sonoio and Harvestman

via this auction
"Straight from their site:
A portable synthesizer inspired by SONOIO's music, custom created by The Harvestman

* Alessandro Cortini and Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman) have collaborated to create a fully functional, highly featured and fun synthesizer called the SuONOIO. The SuONOIO utilizes sounds found on the SONOIO album and allows you to reshape them into new sounds, rhythms, textures and drones!
* The SuONOIO is highly portable thanks to its battery powered operation and built-in speaker. In addition to the immediate feedback of the built-in speaker, SuONOIO features a 1/4" output that makes it easy to be integrated with your favorite pedals, processors, amplifiers and more. Multiple SuONOIOs can be patched together if you decide to become a shut in or a professional concert SuONOIO-ist.
* Main Features:
2 Sample Players with access to Sample Banks and Pitch Control, 16 Point Patchable System For Routing Simple to Complex Signal Chains, Internal Delay Effect, 6 Knobs for Ultimate Tweaking Pleasure, Mini Patch Cords, 1/4" Output, Integrated Speaker, Battery Operated, Multiple SuONOIO Compatibility

Only 200 were made.
Check out the site dedicated to it:"

Sunday, November 07, 2010


YouTube via kidtronic | November 06, 2010

"Alessandro Cortini who played Buchla in NIN and Scott The Harvestman maker of interesting synth modules in Seattle joined forces to make a modular patchable 2x16 sample playback machine out of alessandro's new album and released 200 of these crazy machines into the world. Here's my experience with one."
Click the SuONOIO label below for more, and don't miss the Halloween post!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

I hope it's a good one. The following is a short video I made with the SuONOIO.

YouTube via matrixsynth | October 31, 2010


Single oscillator on the SuONOIO. No external processing. Sample-A set to rhythmic loop with no mods set. Delay A added followed by Crystal effect which gives the delay feedback an octave-up effect - it's the shimmer sound. Reverse mod and Distortion effects then added. The over saturation and distortion is on purpose. Unfortunately the bass wasn't fully captured, and it's a bit noisy. It sounds better/fuller in the studio. Anyway... Enjoy the rhythmic distorted subtleties. I love this thing.

Happy Halloween folks!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SuONOIO Modular Synth Unboxing

Some unboxing pics of my SuONOIO. Be sure to click each for the super sized shot. I can't wait to dig into it. This isn't a simple noise maker. It's much, much more. For those new to the SuONOIO, it's a joint venture between Alessandro Cortini of SONOIO and previously NIN, and Scott Jaeger of the Harvestman, who's digital eurorack modules are renowned in the modular synth community as being the best of the best.

If you look at the label under each knob, from left to right, you will see FREQ-A, MIX, FREQ-B, SAMPLE-A, SAMPLE-B, MOD AMT and MOD FREQ (see below for more pics). Essentially you have two sample sets from Alessandro Cortini's SONOIO album to manipulate, but, don't think of this as a sample/loop player. This is much more powerful. This is a textural drone synth with modulation capabilities that make it surprisingly flexible and sound very, very good. Side note: the built in speakers do NOT do it justice. Fortunaltly a 1/4" out is built into the unit. Head phones don't do it justice. Plug it into your studio system and you are treated to an incredibly unique and powerful sounding synth.

The SAMPLE-A knob lets you select the SAMPLE for what is effectively oscillator A, and SAMPLE-B for oscillator B. You can adjust the frequency of each with the corresponding FREQ knobs, and you can adjust the MIX between the two with the MIX knob. There is a volume knob and an on/off toggle switch.

Where the magic really comes in is with these little cables and the red jumper caps provided just under and to the side of each FREQ knob. If you look at the knobs again, you will see little empty jumper connections next to each. Each individual jumper corresponds to a different effect. Connect the jumper and the effect is enabled. Some, like distortion, are active immediately, others come in with the MOD AMT knob. You can use the cables to route the RND effect described below, or use them as a more flexible way to "pop/touch" effects in and out for real time performance. You can even patch between multiple SuONOIOs (see RND below).

The Sample Effects are as follows x 2 (one for each sample/osc):
DISTORTION 01 - a loud, powerful distortion effect.
DISTORTION 02 - a more subtle "bitcrushing" distortion.
CROSS-MOD - The audio output of the other channel controls the pitch. Use the MOD-AMT knob to adjust depth.
BACKWARDS - Reverses the playback of the channel.
LFO -> WINDOW - Your gateway to endless, bizarre rhythm effects.
RND - These two pins generate random on/off signals. The rate of change can be controlled with the MOD-FREQ knob. To use them, use one of the mini-cables to connect a RND pin to your desired jumper location, on the TOP row of pins per jumper.

Additional individual effects :
DELAY A - Enables Delay effect for channel A. MOD-AMT controls delay send/feedback, and MOD-FREQ controls the wet/dry mix.
CRYSTAL - Gives the delay feedback an octave-up effect.
SHORT 01 - Shortens the delay time.
SHORT 02 - Shortens the delay time by a different amount. Use both SHORT jumpers with high feedback for a flanger effect.
DELAY B - Enables Delay effect for Channel B.
FREEZE - Freezes the value of the MOD-AMT and MOD-FREQ controls only for the delay effect (so you can change the LFO settings while keeping the same delay sound).
SWAP - The knob position of the MOD-AMT and MOD-FREQ controls (as applied to the delay) is mirror-imaged: a 0% setting becomes 100%, and so on.
RESERVED - This jumper doesn't do anything right now, but will do exciting things in the future.

Monday, October 25, 2010

SuONOIO Overview

YouTube via thedeepelement | October 24, 2010

" [NSFW pics there]
A semi-modular synthesizer created by Alessandro Cortini of Sonoio and Scott Jaeger of Harvestman."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

SuONOIO Arrived Today.

SuONOIO Arrived Today. from Garth Cummings on Vimeo.

"As the title says, my SuONOIO just arrived today. This is actually my second time playing around with it, I didn't record the first time.
But yeah.
It's pretty awesome."

SuONOIO Demo Part 1 of 2

YouTube via AnalogSavior | October 23, 2010

"An in depth look at the SuONOIO synthesizer, designed by Alessandro Cortini, and The Harvestman. I go over all the features and explain how the synth works."

SuONOIO Demo Part 2 of 2

Saturday, October 23, 2010

SuONOIO - First little experiment.

SuONOIO - First little experiment. from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

"A portable synthesizer inspired by SONOIO's music, custom created by The Harvestman. Just messing around for a few minutes tonight getting some interesting tones.

Alessandro Cortini​​"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"from prototype to final version..."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alessandro Cortini's SONOIO Released - Buchla Goodness

Alessandro Cortini's SONOIO is now available on If you haven't previously checked out the four promo tracks on site, do it now. What you will be listening to was all written on the Buchla 200 and 200e. All tracks primarily feature the Buchla with Jomox Xbase 09 for some of the drums. The full release features nine tracks. The following are the tracks and the synths used for each. Note tracks 1, 3, and 6 are 100% Buchla 200, and track 9 is 100% 200e.

1 Just me - 200
2 Suck up everything - 200, Ultrabeat, 200e
3 Not worth remembering - 200
4 Silence - 200, 200e
5 Heartbeat - 200, Jomox, Bass (electric), Reaktor Weedwacker ensemble
6 Hold on - let go - 200
7 Memory loss - Sepakerphone, NI Massive, Buchla 200e
8 Houdini - 200e , NI Massive
9 Happy - 200e

This is a great album on first listen and only gets better over time. The fact that it's primarily all Buchla only makes it better, as not only can you appreciate the tracks from a musical perspective, but you can really focus in on some of what the Buchla is capable of. This is essentially all Buchla in a modern rock recording. Buchla Rock and Roll (you might remember that one from Alessandro's NIN days. It's also worth noting Alessandro Cortini recently perfomed with Don Buchla at the San Fransisco Electronic Music Festival (SFEMF). SONOIO has been added to the Synth CDs post.

Available on you will also find the SuONOIO, available with a digital download of the album for $159.99. Note the extra "u". The SuONOIO is hardware. What does it mean and what exactly is it? From the site:

"SuONOIO (italian , suono io = i make sound)
# Alessandro Cortini and Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman) have collaborated to create a fully functional, highly featured and fun synthesizer called the SuONOIO. The SuONOIO utilizes sounds found on the SONOIO album and allows you to reshape them into new sounds, rhythms, textures and drones!
# The SuONOIO is highly portable thanks to its battery powered operation and built-in speaker. In addition to the immediate feedback of the built-in speaker, SuONOIO features a 1/4" output that makes it easy to be integrated with your favorite pedals, processors, amplifiers and more. Multiple SuONOIOs can be patched together if you decide to become a shut in or a professional concert SuONOIO-ist."

The following are a couple of teaser videos featuring an original Buchla 200.

sonoio1 from Alessandro Cortini on Vimeo.

sonoio2 from Alessandro Cortini on Vimeo.

A.... Buchla

A.... Buchla from matrix on Vimeo.

More info here. Video by Alessandro Cortini of SONOIO.

Friday, September 10, 2010

SuONOIO ready for production

via @harvestman

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 size.

via Facebook

"Joshua Jackson ...thats the schematics for the actual synth.From the far right,its the battery,internal speaker,and an on/off switch...Be excited!!!"

"Sonoio ...Just a quick shot of a paper print out of the board with the 1/4 inch out,speaker and battery holder on top of it. Assembling it as we speak. More photos/videos soon!"

See the SuONOIO label below for more.

Friday, August 06, 2010

SuONOIO - Citizen Mori and Big Black Delta

SuONOIO - Citizen Mori clip from Alessandro Cortini on Vimeo.

"Citizen Mori stopped by Scott's place to take a few shots and play around with the SuONOIO's what he came up with."

Jon from Big Black Delta and the SuONOIO prototype from Alessandro Cortini on Vimeo.

"Jon from Big Black Delta and the SuONOIO prototype"

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A Day in the Life of Alessandro Cortini

YouTube via thedeepelement | August 03, 2010

" Alessandro sent a couple gigs of video and had me make sense of it. We worked on the Sonoio teasers and this is what remained. Follow the link for the interview."

Monday, August 02, 2010

suonoio 3

YouTube via blindoldfreak | August 02, 2010

"another quick clip from the SuONOIO protoype.
more info & blog :"

Also added to this post where you'll find parts 1 and 2. Joint project between the Harvestman and SUNOIO. See the SuONIOIO label below.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

SuONOIO 1st sound.

YouTube via blindoldfreak | July 31, 2010

"A quick random video from the 1st minute with the prototype. for more info."

SuONOIO 2nd sound.

"A rather droney and noisy patch."

suonoio 3

blindoldfreak | August 02, 2010

"another quick clip from the SuONOIO protoype.
more info & blog :"

Friday, July 30, 2010

SuOnoio Synthesizer

"# SuONOIO (italian , suono io = i make sound)
# Alessandro Cortini and Scott Jaeger (The Harvestman) have collaborated to create a fully functional, highly featured and fun synthesizer called the SuONOIO. The SuONOIO utilizes sounds found on the SONOIO album and allows you to reshape them into new sounds, rhythms, textures and drones!
# The SuONOIO is highly portable thanks to its battery powered operation and built-in speaker. In addition to the immediate feedback of the built-in speaker, SuONOIO features a 1/4" output that makes it easy to be integrated with your favorite pedals, processors, amplifiers and more. Multiple SuONOIOs can be patched together if you decide to become a shut in or a professional concert SuONOIO-ist.
# Main Features:
2 Sample Players with access to Sample Banks and Pitch Control, 16 Point Patchable System For Routing Simple to Complex Signal Chains, Internal Delay Effect, 6 Knobs for Ultimate Tweaking Pleasure, Mini Patch Cords, 1/4" Output, Integrated Speaker, Battery Operated, Multiple SuONOIO Compatibility"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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