Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Another reason to get a Nintendo DS. Title link takes you there.

Sun Ra Interview

An interesting and sometimes humorous interview of Su Ra and his synths (only 2.2M mp3). Some details below posted by elmacaco on AH. BTW, elmacaco is looking for the real scoop behind what happened to Sun Ra's Minimoog Model B prototype. Rumors have it that it was destroyed in a pawn shop fire but then interviews mention it went missing. If you know, please post in the comments.

"Hi everyone,

Well I've been getting kinda deep into Sun Ra since watching Space is the
Place, and have gotten my hands on a few recorded interviews. THis one in
particular is titled "Sun Ra Speaking at Oct. 1971 Rehearsal" and the link
below takes you to where you can download the mp3.

He starts off talking about an analog sequencer, with the lights chasing,
and how you can change the speed, etc. Then he talks about a synth you play
by touching a copper strip instead of keys, and how he couldn't play it
because his skin resistance was different, that he had to wet his fingers to
be able to play it. He says this was produced "around here" and I have
references to Sun Ra rehearsing in Oakland in 1971, So that could place
"Around here" in Buchla or serge range geographicly, but it seems a bit
early for serge. Anyone know anything about this encounter? Perhaps
someone who knows him can ask Don if he knows something about it? I

He also talks about the people at Moog calling him to have him return the
prototype, swap it for a new one, or pay for it :D. He says something about
a lawsuit or something, but he may be building the mystique around the Model
B, since he is talking to his band, and saying that no one has the one he
has, that they just made it for him when he went by there one sunday.

Sorry for all the detail, but the link only lasts a week, so it makes some
good archive info.

I've combed the archives here and in other places, and there doesn't seem to
be a lot of good information on Sun Ra and his instruments. The best I can
piece together about the Fate of the Model B is that it was destroyed in a
pawn shop fire, but in other Sun Ra interviews I see him mention that it
went missing. If anyone knows the real scoop, or just has some more
mythology, please share it.

Even general Sun Ra anecdotes are welcome, as he was a really interesting
guy, but particularly synth related stuff, as there isn't enough of that,
and it's on topic ;')"


Gnostic Rocket Live in Toronto

Update2: Via Doktor Future in the comments:
"Here are some pics of a recent Ambient Ping performance up on this page:

(near the bottom)."

Update via Gnostic Rocket in the comments:

"Hey Matrix,

Thanks for the link. There has been a bit of a change to the events planned for next Tuesday.

I will not be performing musically, but will however be featured as one of three "human canvases" who will be painted throughout the planned musical performance."

Note the following is no longer current (see above). Just saving this for posterity.
Gnostic Rocket/Phil Ogison will be performing live Tuesday, March 28th at Ambient Ping (at the Hacienda Night Club) in Toronto Canada.

"The event is part of Ambient Ping, a weekly experimental/ambient music event held at Toronto's Hacienda club (located at 794 Bathurst Street in Toronto - on the northwest corner of Bloor and Bathurst). We will be onstage at around 9:45pm.

I'm thinking about a more atmospheric, and less rhythmically driven set for this show. Will definitely bring the Springboard Dub, Casio CZ1000, Theremin, circuit bent Speak and Math by fastmatt, and probably my lap steel guitar and my Korg X911 guitar synth."

Title link takes you there. Sounds cool. Wish I was near Toronto.

Voltage Controlled

Joshua Greenberg just started Voltage Controlled. His first post is a salute to Music Thing, Create Digital Music, Matrixsynth, and all the others. Definitely honored to be on that list. His first content post is on an auction for a Synthi 100. Title link takes you there. I'm subbed and look forward to see what else comes. I also added Voltage Controlled to my blog roll on the right. Thanks Joshua!

New Buchla 200e Shot

Title link takes you to the full shot on VSE.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Moog is Most Definitely a Keyboard

Title link takes you to Moog clue #3.

"Taking Shape: Time to Put it Together!

Thanks to everyone for providing superb guesses and creating the most interesting mock-up designs, especially the Sailboat with the cool Moog Voyager Mast. Absolutely brilliant!

Thanks for fueling the overall enjoyment of launching Moog's exciting new product! We still have one more week until the full unveiling at Musik Messe where it will all come together.

We strive to provide everything you have come to expect from Moog while keeping you pleasantly surprised. We will see you in Frankfurt."

drvt - New Flickr Shot

flickr by softestthing. Cool shot.

Electrocomp EML 400/401 Sequencer

Warm shot of the EML 400/401.

Title link takes you to some more along with an Akai MPC1000, both of which are for sale; which means the link will probably go down when sold, so grab them now if you want them.

Lars' Livingroom - New Flickr Shot

flickr by geirarne. If you click through the title link you can mouse over the instruments to see what they are. There's a mini under that plastic. : )

Yaaaa! - New Flickr Shot

flikcr by scraz. Shot of The New Pornographers, one of my favorite Indie Bands.


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