Wednesday, January 24, 2007

SDIYcut Minimoog

Too many shots in the previous post to add these two, so I decided to go with another post. These pulled via this auction.

via Peter Forrest


YouTube via somnml. Title link takes you to Bleep Labs, makers of thingamagoop.

Previous thingamagoop posts
Thingamagoops on SoNiCbRaT


Synthesizer Do It Yourself Cut Outs.

"Cut-outs ?
These "cut-outs" are faithful counterparts paperboard kits of some mythical synthezisers which make me dream since ages * (I'm almost vintage too !). Today four models are available and others are in hand **. I'm still dreaming..."

Title link takes you there. via Peter Forrest.

Update: There is and SDIYcut Minimoog up for auction.

Update: Also check out mini-synths on Music Thing (links to Music Thing are at the bottom of the post). There are some really good ones including YMO, Rick Wakemen, GI Joe, Barbie, and Mr. Waldorf.

Roland Jupiter-8 Demo

According to this thread, title link takes you to a 7.09M mp3 of a track featuring nothing but the Roland Jupiter-8. mirrored here

Virus TI OS 2.0 Demos

Title link takes you to a couple of demos on

Little Boy Blue Deluxe

"Little Boy Blue is a compact modular synthesizer, designed for live performance. This powerful instrument combines voltage-controlled synthesizer modules and no-input mixing capabilities with the simplicity of an effects pedal.

The first edition of Little Boy Blue consisted of six units, 4 standard and 2 deluxe."

Title link takes you there.

via KONEY.

Studio Electronics Omega 8 Demos

Smith Toppleton posted some Omega 8 demos on this VSE thread along with the following:

"I recorded about 20 minutes of Omega pads, strings, basses, fx, and other sounds, with plenty of cross modulation and arpeggios. I didn't use any external effects or processing so everything you hear is straight from the synth. My keyboard playing isn't the best, but hopefully it's enough to get a general idea of the character and sound of the Omega. This is a 4-voice model with the standard OB SEM and Moog filters."

I asked him if it would be ok to put up a post here for others to check out and he gave the thumbs up. Here are the links:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I also mirrored them here for when the links are gone.

MIKADO Analog Sequencing System

Prototype analog sequencer project on the Techno Toys site. Title link takes you to more info including a sample, details for each module and an image of the hardware in the flesh.

"Mikado is a configurable analog sequencing system, optimized for controlling a small (2-4 voice) analog modular synthesizer.

Mikado was designed to meet the need for a flexible, non-traditional hardware sequencer. A primary design goal was to include several modules for creating and manipulating rhythms using dividers, logic, and manual input. Flexible voltage sequencing, quantizing, signal routing, and manual inputs were other necessities.

Mikado is a "semi-modular" sequencer ala the Fenix or Serge systems, rather than discrete modules as other systems are. This is in keeping with the goal of controlling a small system, and reflects the designer's needs. Mikado could also serve as the heart of a larger sequencer system by adding modules from other manufacturers. In the present design, banana jacks are used for patching, though other types of jacks could be used by changing the front panel drilling accordingly.

Mikado's module complement and front panel were designed and specified by Jim Johnson. Electronic design and PC board layout are by Jim Patchell. PC boards for this project will be made available, and a customizable front panel is also available. It should be noted that, while the remaining material on this page describes the sequencer's specified configuration, the circuit and PC boards will have some additional capabilities, such as extra LED drivers, some additional sequencer modes, etc.

Mikado's module complement is as follows:

* 1 Master Clock
* 2 8x2 Sequencers
* 2 Quantizers
* 1 Pattern Generator
* 1 Transposer
* 2 Analog Switches
* 1 Sequential Switch
* 2 2-input Logic Gates
* 1 4-input Logic Gate
* 3 Logic Inverters
* 1 Type D flip-flip
* 1 One-shot
* 1 Binary Divider
* 1 Prime Divider
* 1 Divide-by-N
* 2 Gate Switches
* 2 Gate/Trigger Buttons
* 3 Toggle Switches"

Via Exsurdo in the comments of this post.

Metasonix Scrutum Smasher and Wretch Video on Sonic State

Title link takes you to the full set of NAMM 2007 videos on Sonic State. Scroll and you will find the scrotum.

BTW, the artwork on the TM-7 might look familiar. It's from none other than Dave, creator of The Packrat.

As usual, the Wretch sounds like it's about to burst and ooze bubbly tar out of the vacuum tubes. Raunchy, raunchy synth.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I was looking at this auction for a Korg PS3100 wood case and noticed it was from Analogics. I did a quick search here and no post, so here it is.

"Analogics has been involved in analog synth repair and refurbishing since 1990. We also sell analog synths. I have added a custom woodworking page for the furniture, clocks, and jewelry boxes I build for customers. It's a passion of mine. Take a look around. If you have a question or can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to email Analogics or give me a call at Analogics."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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